Dear Wise Virgins, Most Precious to God,
Last week in prayer after a discouraging week, I asked the Lord (more like begged Him) to at least tell me the year of the rapture. I feel like if I just have a year in mind, I can handle all the evil of the world and all the attacks coming my way. I always know when I hear from the Lord. He responds with something I would have never thought of and wasn't even thinking of. He said "Remember John the Baptist in Prison." And I began to think about that passage where John was in prison and he asked his disciples to go ask Jesus if He was truly the Messiah or should they wait for another. Remember this is the man who wore camel's hair and ate locust and honey in the wilderness all his life, who had an amazing call to proclaim the birth and life of Jesus, who preached repentance and baptized people in the Jordan, who saw the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus as he baptized Him! This is the man whom Jesus said was the greatest man in the Kingdom of God before the age of Grace. Think about all the great men in the Old Testament: Moses, Abraham, David, Elisha, Daniel.... and John the Baptist was greater then them. But after months in prison, even John was human, and he began to doubt. And I must admit that after years of waiting for the Lord to return, I've had my doubts too! Are we even in the End times? Is the Rapture real?
What did Jesus tell John's disciples? I'm paraphrasing here, but He basically said... Tell John what you see, the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised, and the Gospel is preached to the poor. Jesus was quoting Old Testament prophecies concerning HIM. These were real signs that He was the Messiah!
So, the Lord was telling me. "Look around. What do you see?"
My answer: I see
- World War 3 About to break out
- Israel and Iran about to go to War in the Gog-Magog war
- Worldwide famine and food shortages
- Worldwide Economic collapse
- Strange signs in the Sky. UFOS, Balloons, lasers, sunbursts etc
- Rising New World Order : UN, WEF
- Worldwide pandemics
- Increase in Quakes and storms
- Christian persecution at an all time high
- Digital Money arriving this year
- Digital ID Systems being put into place
- Extreme violence on the streets
- Blatant LBGTQ Immorality pushed everywhere
- Great Falling away in the Church
- False Prophets
- Great Deception Everywhere: Government, Media, Medicine, Church
- Transhumanism is here
- Character of mankind is worse than ever. Lovers of Self!
- Information overload
- Rapid transportation
- Blatant in your face Satanism
When I was done, I felt the Lord smiling.
I had answered my question. All the signs are pointing to the imminent return of Jesus to snatch His true Children. In fact, based on everything we've been through the past 3 years, I'm surprised He hasn't come already.
So, be encouraged. We may not know the year, month, or day, but we know our God and we trust our Savoir. In the meantime, just do as He leads you to do. For me, I have some family I need to talk to.
Regarding the News. We are all set for WW3 to start soon. See articles below. Other than that, this WHO treaty has reared its ugly head again. In trying to find out when this thing may be signed, I was amazed at the lying media and all their "Fact Checkers" who denied that the treaty gives away American Sovereignty when just the opposite is true. Things will accelerate rapidly after and if this thing gets signed. I believe our Congress hopes to fight it though.. so time will tell. Frankly, I don't trust anyone in Government anymore. A friend sent me an article on JFK and I truly believe he was our last decent President who actually cared about the USA over his own personal desires. And they killed him.
But we belong to a greater Kingdom. The Kingdom of God and our citizenship is in heaven! Keep your eyes on things above and one the only ONE who knows the truth because He is truth!
Possible End Times Deceptions
I know this upsets some of you and some don't believe these things could be bad. I value your opinions and I certainly do not mean to cause contention in the Bride of Christ. But I am compelled in my spirit to post some articles on these movies and revivals that may shed some light. I'm not there at Asbury and I haven't watched the movies mentioned so in truth, I don't know for sure. But I do have the Holy Spirit inside of me and He seems to be nudging me to steer clear of these things and to warn others. Remember we are in the Last Days before Jesus returns. There is NO mention in Scripture of a Great Revival, rather a Great Apostasy. in addition the first thing Jesus warned us about in the Olivet Discourse was Deception.
In case you're wondering, I'll add this here too
I encourage you to read this post on the Exhort and Contend Facebook Page about Jonathan Roumie (the guy who plays Jesus in the Chosen and is the star of the new Jesus Revolution movie) And/Or watch this You Tube video of him being interviewed in his own words. We live in dangerous times. We must have discernment. They are trying to combine Christianity with Catholicism and Mormonism and they don't mix. Catholics and Mormons worship a different Jesus! We cannot compromise with the world! Listen to Roumie's words. I'm not saying some people aren't touched by The Chosen or led closer to Jesus by the Jesus Revolution movie. I'm saying we have to be careful Which Jesus?? Of course God can use anything to bring people to Him. Just be careful!!
East Palestine - This will affect the entire country. Pray for these people!
A Tacoma woman who refuses treatment for tuberculosis will be arrested today for forced treatment (we have no rights anymore)
The V and V
Signs of the Sky
Earth Groaning
How beautiful that God answered your question. Do you think it will be weeks or still years? I've been occupying but I'm getting tired. Actually I'm already exhausted. I feel like so many people are pulling me in so many different directions and want my help for things.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree with you about all of the fanfare for this movie. Something is off. From what I know about the main character in real life was that he died from Aids and struggled with homosexuality. I can't believe that the movie will be true with the facts.
DeleteIf I were to guess based on Scripture and on the signs around us (this is just my opinion) I don't believe we have years. I would say less than a year. If we end up in 2024, that has to be the last year we are here. There are so many prophecies about that year! So, hang in there, Katy. I know how you feel, believe me. You are not alone. The bride is getting exhausted.
DeleteYes. He is coming soon. But let’s not be weary of doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart Gal 6:9. Let’s continue to run the race and bring as many as we can with us. Let’s persevere and encourage one another!! Love u MaryLu keep speaking and writing the truth. Appreciate all the work you do to inform us!!
ReplyDeleteIt’s Jody Robertson not anonymous lol
DeleteAgreed, Jody!! We keep pressing forward, no matter how narrow the path becomes. And we keep encouraging each other.... even if it's only online! We stick together and arm in arm keep doing what the Lord asks of us. I have no face to face friends who get what's going on.. only you alll here on my blog and a few others. Blessings!
DeleteSo where do I start ? how bout, faithful Sister you are a Pearl ! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd how about the first line at the intro " We are the only generation to see everything Jesus said" ! Wow, what a realization that was ! Now that is the great awakening. That WE will see all that the prophets of old right up to the prophet John who wrote Revelation, we will see all fulfilled !!!
The answer God gave you blessed me, so thanks for writing that down for us. I will accept that answer the Lord has given you "just look around" ! And thought, as much of an Angel as I think you are MaryLu, I have to revert to the script in Matt 24, not even the Angels in heaven, nor the Son know the EXACT HOUR, but only the Father knows . I'll steal a line from Paul in this, His grace is sufficient for us to know His return is very soon, and I will attach a favorite quote " God is never late but He is very last minute". I believe that the Lord trusts you with a date Sister. But even if He gave it to you I think He would require you to keep His secret from the many anti christ preachers who would exploit it.
I agree about JFK,. I think of him as kind of a David type. Though he had many sins ( as we all do) I think he had visions of good. Now many wont agree, but I also liked Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Carter I hear is in his last days.
I stole the pic at the end about what the devil looks like ! Gonna post that.
Keep the faith and keep watch, and I'll see you soon !
Blessings Joe! Amen! His Grace is more than enough! He will see us through to the end! And yes, God does seem to be VERY LAST MINUTE! LOL
DeleteOh I meant to add; Some of these Christian movie's are legit, but many can be deceiving, sometimes ever so slight that those who do not know the word can be easily deceived.!
ReplyDeleteOh Sister I can so relate to how you are feeling too. I keep wondering if we are g oing to Rupture instead of Rapture, seeing all this unfolding... Very similar to the labor pains before the birth. Such extreme intensity everywhere. I'm seeing the same things. It's become so overwhelming and that's why your words resonate with my spirit too. Very tired of it, so surrounded by the world's influence of evil. Yet Hup 2 Onward Christian Soldiers we are in the battle until we go home with Jesus. Every day I see the Lord still working with me and through me, so I'm still in the race. And how do we feel that last stretch? Like our legs will collapse and we won't make it. Pretty much describes how I feel. End of the Labor. Information overload for sure! Too many headlines and talking heads with deception running rampant on top of everything else we see. 😢 We just keep marching with the Holy Spirit in us and someday soon, prayerfully our King Jesus will be calling us home. Prayers and hugs dear Sister. Soon... 🕊️🔜⬆️🆙✝️🎺👑
ReplyDeleteRupture instead of Rapture. You made me laugh, Sis! We are definitely in a battle and the Lord is our Warrior King. He will not leave us behind enemy lines! Blessings!
DeleteGood word Marylu! Thank you so much for sharing it! Yes, God wants us to see the signs and keep the faith no matter what! Our suffering is but for a little while and not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to come! Come Lord Jesus!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Anna!! Nothing compares with what the Lord had prepared for those who love Him!
DeleteHi MaryLu. I know this is off the subject, but I have to ask anyway... Recently you posted a blog post stating some blogs that you follow. I opened it, but neglected to write them down, and now when I want to see them again, I cannot find it. Can you please post again who it is that you follow, so that I may at least look at them and perhaps follow too?? Thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteLove this article so much!! I tried sharing about the bug ingredients in our food, but I was "mocked" by my own "where are you getting all this stuff from!" and waving his hand like I was some kind of "conspiracy theorist" about all of it!! I had been sending him your posts every week until I found out that he was actually deleting them without reading them. and then he got mad at ME when I told him he had his head in the sand, saying I was "putting him down, like he was stupid or something." I am so tired of trying to get others to see things clearly and being mocked for it. My heart suffers when it is my own family thinking I am a "nut case!" I am sure you know what I mean.
Don't give up on us MaryLu... Most of us here need you!! Thanks. Kathy.
Kathy, were they blogs or Youtubbers? I can certainly give you a list of both. Let me gather them.
DeleteI'm so very sorry about your son.He needs to check ingredient lists on some foods. I've actually seen crickets listed! I know exactly how you feel. My children and my own husband mock me all the time. I'm the family conspiracy theorist and religious end times nut. It's heartbreaking. I get it. Just stop sending your son things. I've stopped doing that here. Just pray. Our prayers are very powerful!
Hi again. Yes, it was bloggers that you stated. It was a short list of about two or three. But you can send me the list of both to if you prefer.
ReplyDeleteI have stopped sending anything to my sons. Its just wasted time and energy. I do still pray for them though. Im not sure if there is enough time left for them to “wise up”, but I pray so. Blessings.
That is Kathy Pitts Smith above, not anonymous. Sorry.
DeleteHmm.. I think you might mean news sites because I only follow one blog. Anyway, here's a short list. ,, , , , Let me now if this is what you're looking for.
DeleteYes...these will do very well. Thank you so much for taking the time. I appreciate it!! Have a great day. Can't wait to see your next posting!!