Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Eyes on Jesus!



  1. Hi Marylu,
    It has been a minute since I have been on here. I hope you are doing well
    My brother ended up passing away the day after his 65th birthday which was the day after Valentine's Day. I really believe that the poke speeded up his death.
    I was able to share the Gospel when I spoke at his memorial service. Sadly the 'reverend' that was there never mentioned the Lord. So I'm thankful God gave me the boldness to do so. I even had a lady come up to me and said that she was praying that someone would share the Gospel and thanked me for doing so. God gets all the glory!! There was about 300 people there. I pray that seeds were planted. I did get an eye roll from my sister in law.
    I miss my brother very much, to this day it seems surreal. He did tell me he believed Jesus died for his sins. Another one of his friends told me at the service that my brother knew Jesus as his Savior. With that said, I am confident I will see him soon in Heaven.
    With so much evil all around us, I do try to keep my focus on Jesus. He is our only hope. I pray to hear that trumpet sound soon!
    I hope you have a blessed Easter weekend!

    1. I remember you telling me that you had an opportunity to share Jesus with your brother before he died! God is so good. That along with his expressing his belief and that friend of his saying he knew Jesus, is very positive. Our Lord is so merciful. It really just takes one look or repentance in His direction. And God saves families! I believe that with all my heart. Soon, you will be reunited with your brother... it can't be much longer. HUGS!!
