Monday, April 3, 2023

Warning!! Are you believing a False Doctrine?

I can honestly say, I've never seen the level of Deception in the Church as I see right now. The way the enemy has infiltrated our churches is beyond clever.... evil and clever, but then why are we surprised? He's way smarter than we are, he's been studying mankind for thousands of years, and he knows all of our weaknesses better than we do. Yet when half the Christians in America don't even believe in him, well, what can I say? He has already won those people over. 

Our enemy has been interjecting false theology into the church for thousands of years. He probably thought he'd won when he started the Catholic church and transferred the worship of idols and demons to the worship of Jesus, Mary, and the Saints. Same idols, same demons, just different names. He probably thought he'd won when he got the saints out of the home where they could use their God-given gifts to participate in the meeting for the edification of their brothers and sisters, and he made them sit in a congregational sanctuary where they were spectators and not participators. He thought he'd won when he made the pastors and priests worshiped and idolized and elevated above the common Christian so that they became vain and prideful. And don't get me started on the Pope. 

But thanks to Martin Luther and others, the Protestant Reformation began and the Word of God was printed and regular people discovered what it said and began to worship God as they should. How this must have incensed our enemy!  But he only changed tactics. He made the State control the church and it became once again corrupt to its core. Yet, along the way, there have always been a remnant of God's true believers!

One of the most egregious false doctrines introduced into the church early on was that there is no rapture and most of the End times prophecies had already been fulfilled. Hence, very few pastors and very few churches even discuss eschatology and never talk about the rapture. This has done the saints and the church much harm over the years and in particular now when God's people need to know what's happening and to look to our glorious Blessed Hope!

I encourage you to watch this short video on how much damage has been done to the church through the removal of the Rapture and End times theology! 

But our enemy wasn't done. He kept people in sanctuaries, made church more of a social club, something good, respectable people did on Sunday as part of good society. He took away hell and brimstone preaching and made it more about living a good life here on earth and being kind to your fellow man. Good things, yes, but not enough to make disciples out of people, which was Jesus's last command to us before he left. Our enemy kept people's attention on earth and worldly things instead of heavenly. How many people who attended church their entire lives ended up in hell at the end? Why? Because they didn't really know Jesus at all. 

Then he introduced one of the most dangerous theologies of all, that of eternal security which says once you "believe" and "receive" Jesus, you are saved and CANNOT lose that salvation. So, all I have to do is say a prayer, say the magic words, and I got my ticket to heaven punched? There is no need for repentance at all. Jesus forgives all my sins, past, present, and future. So many believe this in the church today, so they continue to lead sinful lives, thinking all along that they are saved. I personally believe the "Sinners Prayer" is just a part of this lie. People rely on a prayer they said at church one year to save them. When in reality, only a day by day relationship with Jesus will save them. They don't know or love Jesus or they would want to stop sinning. You cannot have the Holy Spirit living in you and keep sinning continually. Either He was never there, or He finally just left. I've done a multitude of posts on this one. How many people will end up in hell because their pastor told them they can't lose their salvation so they went on and lived a sinful life?  
Then in our modern age, we have the introduction of the Gay lifestyle, the acceptance of Gay marriage, abortion, and the transgenders into the congregation, all abominations before God. 
Clever how the enemy uses one of God's most wonderful attributes... His Love, as a means to introduce all sorts of wickedness in the church. Yes, God is love and He loves His creation, but He is also judge and He has a standard by which He will judge us. There is a hell, and contrary to what the Pope says, it exists and many many people will end up there. Very few actually make it to heaven, by Jesus's own Words.
There are probably a dozen or so more false theologies at work today in the Protestant church, but here are some recent ones that I feel are very very dangerous.  

Liberal  False theologies of the Protestant Church
  • NAR- central spirit of the world. This is not only in the USA but covers the globe. New Apostolic Reformation
  • Hyper spiritualism/ Hyper emotionalism - this is an idol worship of feelings, chills, and emotional responses to "worship" music and signs and wonders. People run to and fro, seeking the next great revelation from God, the next great miracle, but they neglect their actual day by day relationship with Jesus
  • Preterism - all prophesies in the Bible have already been fulfilled.
  • Amillenialsm - no millenial reign of Christ
  • PostMillenialism - Christ returns AFTER a millennial age in which the church will rule the world and most people will be saved. There is no rapture and most prophecies were fulfilled in 70 AD  Post millenialism problems
  • Dominionism - connected to postmillenialism in that the church will dominate all areas of culture and government before the return of Christ. (see below)
  • Catholic Intregalism -  Catholic integralists have entered into a nontraditional ecumenical alliance with Protestant reconstructionists who share "the same desire for religious influence in the political sphere. Catholic integralists, along with their Protestant counterparts, wish to achieve the goal of establishing a "theocratic type of state."
  • Kingdom now -Kingdom Now theology is influenced by the Latter Rain movement, and critics have connected it to the New Apostolic Reformation, "Spiritual Warfare Christianity," and Fivefold ministry thinking.
  • Universalism - All paths lead to Heaven. All religions and all paths. No one goes to hell.  This is what Billy Graham believed!
  • Christian Nationalism - tightly connected with NAR and Kingdom Now, Christian Nationalists focus on current world governments and politics, spending their time and energy getting certain people elected, protesting, voting, signing proposals, doing spiritual warfare against the evil in the government. It is a melding of Christianity with politics, which is not Biblical. Yes, we pray for our leaders, we pay our taxes, and we vote. But we are only ambassadors here and God's Kingdom is not of this world!
NAR  A restoration of the Apostolic ministry of the early church with Apostles who govern the church and receive extra-Biblical information and can preform miracles, signs and wonders. 
I don't know where to even start with this one. For one thing, everyone in the body of Christ is given giftings, according to the Bible. No one person is supposed to govern the church. If someone is walking in the Holy Spirit and preaching the Gospel, signs and wonders already follow him or her as well as receiving prophetic words from the Lord. However every word must align with Scripture. There is no new EXTRA-Biblical information. 

Seven Mountains Dominionism, also known as the Seven Mountains Mandate or 7MM, has become a more prevalent manifestation of Kingdom Now theology since the early 2010s. Bill Bright, Loren Cunningham, and Francis Schaeffer are often credited as having been given the same divine vision that revealed the Seven Mountain Mandate in 1975. The mandate proposes that there are seven "mountains" that Christians must control to establish a global Christian theocracy and prepare the world for Jesus' return. The seven "mountains" are government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business
Jesus made it plain that His Kingdom was not of this world. Until He sets His feet on the Mount of Olives, His Kingdom is spiritual in nature and not physical. Jesus also made it plain when He was here that he had little interest in politics or even religion, or any of the "Seven" Mountains. His only interest was to save the Lost. And that's the commission that He passed on to us. Jesus also made the statement that when He does return, will He find any Faith? (Luk18:8) That hardly sounds like a time when the church took over the world. In addition, it is pure heresy and hubris to assume that we are able to do such a thing, that we are the ones who will set up God's Kingdom here.
Christ Consciousness - if your pastor or any "Christian" you know is speaking about Christ consciousness, RUN the other way. This is strickly NEW AGE demonic spiritualism Check out this website.  The "Christ" they are worshiping is the AntiChrist, though many may not know it.  

Contemplative prayer Beware. While I'm a huge advocate for prayer and spending time with the Lord, this seems a lot like new age meditation. In addition I do not see anything like it in the Scriptures. We are never told to empty our minds, do special breathing, chant or repeat things, nor even to get a vision or word in our mind and focus on it. I took part in one of these sessions years ago when I was still attending church and it was very odd.  Just be careful 

Ecumenism  also spelled oecumenism, is the concept and principle that Christians who belong to different Christian denominations should work together to develop closer relationships among their churches and promote Christian unity. The adjective ecumenical is thus applied to any interdenominational initiative that encourages greater cooperation and union among Christian denominations and churches. Sounds good, doesn't it?  But how about when cults like Mormonism and Catholicism are considered "Christian" and are added to the group? Both are Satanic cults at their core.  Mormonism is the highest form of occultism disguised as Christianity. Should be align with them? What about Islam? Islam has a Jesus too, but their Jesus isn't our Jesus. They deny that God has a Son. Actually, their god, Lucifer, doesn't have a son, so they are right in that. There is a HUGE push for the Christian church to combine with these other "religions" because we all worship the same God. The problem is NO WE DON'T.  And once we align with them, we may find ourselves worshiping the wrong god.  

Spirit Mapping - Apparently it's a new type of spiritual warfare where you go around your neighborhood or city and the Holy Spirit tells you what type of demons or principalities are in control over certain sections. Then you can go to battle. This is not found in the Bible at all. We are to confront demons when they attack us and cast them out of people when the person requests help.

All of the above are at the root of Great Deception and lead to the counterfeit reign of Christ. The Great Awakening they speak of is the Great Deception, the other side of the Great Reset...the two-headed snake!  Many many people who now claim to believe in Jesus will be completely and utterly deceived. Since they do not believe in a rapture or a Tribulation, they will be striving to create God's Kingdom here on Earth as they look for Jesus to return. When the skies split and a man claiming to be Jesus appears and he does many miracles and brings Peace to the world, they will believe he is the real Jesus. They will follow him with all their hearts and do whatever he asks, even take a chip or mark under their skin to prove their allegiance. Why not? They either believe the events in Revelation already happened or were allegorical. The worst part is, most of the modern day pastors will tell them this is Jesus and open their doors wide for people to get the "Mark"!

This is the most insidious, deceptive, conniving lie the enemy will ever perpetrate on "believers"!  He doesn't care about the non-believers. He already has them, but with this deception, he will be able to lure hundreds of thousands of believers to hell. 



  1. Marylu perfect timing for this message. The beast is rising and the people need to take heed and turn away now. God bless you for standing in the gap and keeping us informed. Pam

    1. Bless you, Pam!! So much deception these days! Overwhelming

  2. Sister, 💕 thank you for such a strong teaching of Truth. I couldn't agree more, as I feel the same way. Sadly the Church buildings have strayed so far from the simple message of Jesus. Disciples is what we need, not entertainment! Or expensive buildings! The true Church is not in a building, but those all over the Earth, filled with the Holy Spirit and obedient to God's Word. I honestly believe God has had to move His Church out of these corrupted buildings because of the hour we are in, so we won't be deceived. The devil can get to the buildings and gatherings real easy, but those filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we are dispersed to plant seeds for the Kingdom with less influence from falling pastors. We need to pray daily for the Holy Spirit to guide us and fill us with God's Truth and discernment. See ya soon Sis 💕🙏❤️

    1. Amen! And thank you, Cillie!! What a great Wedding party we will have soon in heaven!

  3. How very coincidental that you published this today. I was recently commenting on a FB page and mentioned the rapture. Someone replied back that there was no rapture. He also said that there was no "wrath of God" and that the Tribulation was not the wrath of was completely different. When I asked what the difference was or how the Tribulation was different from the wrath of God, he never replied. I was hoping that he would have answered, as I wanted his views on the difference. Still waiting for a response. It saddens me just to how many people have been deceived by this, as you mentioned all above.

    Keep keeping us informed. Knowledge of what is going around in this world helps keep us on that path. Thank you again, MaryLu for all of your information!! Bless you.

    1. Yes, I would bet this person is one of those who believe everything in Revelation happened in 70AD or close afterward during the time when Christians were persecuted under Rome. I would love to know what he thinks the Tribulation is... but my goodness, it's quite clear in Scripture. Anyway. This is more prevalent than you think and is a very very dangerous viewpoint that may very well lead to people worshiping the AC. Blessings, Kathy!

  4. Dear Sister in Christ, You dont know how much this letter means to me. Everything you have said here, I have been seeing, realizing all this for about 3 years now. You putting it all together hear give me strength and encouragement that I am on the right path ! I see it all around and as I call it out, it is getting harder to bare all the criticism, especially from my family and close friends ! And my family keeps heading deeper and deeper into these lies ! So much to say ( I will keep it short though).
    But lets start with the scripture you start off with; 2 Tim 4:3 for the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine,. Instead to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear !
    The Lord put this scripture on my heart yesterday morning and it is sitting on a sticky note on my desk. I almost fell off my chair when I read it ! :)
    I was saved in the 80's, though I fell for Jesus at 6 years old while praying in a little grove between the school and church I went to. ( yes Catholic !)
    At the time I was saved, 33, this old Pastor guy dropped everything he was doing, hopped on his motorcycle and rushed over to Baptize me in the lake behind the house my wife grew up at. Hallelujah!!!
    In those day's there were many home churches, and small corner churches. So I joined a Pentecostal Church for about 25 years. Where the old Pastor and I became life long freinds. Miss that guy, especially in these day ! Left their when his son took over. Wound up in a Evangelical/Charismatic church. It all sounded wonderful at first. But then my spiritual ears would prk up when I started to hear things that just werent right. Thank you Holy Spirit.
    Many of these things you mention, OSAS, "I get angry when I hear people praying God's will over people" ? , " I dont even know if I believe in the Rapture" and the list goes on, the universal god, we are god's, the list goes on. And did I mention Prosperity Gospel. All so suttle at first. Now this pastor is a very intelligent man. He can quote every chapter and verse, and he speaks wonderfully. But just because you can quote the bible doesnt mean you know God's word..
    I ran outa there. Problem was my family didnt follow me. And now they are good friends with the
    pastor and go every Sunday, yet when I was there they only came once or twice a month.
    You probably know you cant argue with someone who always thinks your wrong to begin with !
    Well MaryLu, my bad for leading them there. But now my job is to stay in prayer to get them out !
    Grateful for your diligence and encouragement MaryLu. May you always walk in the fire of His Holy Spirit and may our Warrior King keep your quiver full with His fiery darts.

    1. Yes! You said : you can't argue with someone who always thinks you're wrong" That is where I'm at. My family thinks I'm just a conspiracy theorist and a over the top religious zealot. But I'm sorry to hear of your family. Yes, all you can do is pray for them to see the light and take any opportunity the Lord gives you to speak truth to them. People need to read the Bibles for themselves!!!! I can't stress that enough.. but so few do. They rely on pastors and Bible teachers... But the Lord warned us! I'll keep my quiver full! You too, Joe!! Blessings!

  5. You don't know much about the early Christian Church. In those formative first 1000 years of Christian history the great doctrines, the fundamentals had been hammered out by the Catholics in councils,and synods and by the Church Fathers who wrote and taught and preached. The early Church showed that Scripture and Sacred Tradition taught by the Church's magisterium was the model of authority for the early Christians. When there was One Faith, Christianity swept the world like wildfire. All the pagan groups were converted to Christ: Slavs, Irish, Gauls, Saxons, Nordic races, Japanese, Indians of South America, Africans, the list is endless.

    1. Dominic, my brother. I've missed you. You remind me to keep praying for you. God Bless you!! And I mean that. May the Lord Jesus fill you with His Wisdom and His Spirit.

  6. You have a great ministry. I get more information from you than anyone else. I want to refer you to Dr. Marshall Taylor who was an Anglican pastor who was converted to the Catholic Church. He has a best selling book called Infiltration. The plot to destroy the Church from within. He also has a weekly podcast talking about current events. You will be blessed.
