Monday, June 26, 2023

How do you know you're saved?

  I made a video for You tube and thought I'd share it here as well. 

If you think this would help anyone you know... please share.  Time is short!! 


  1. That’s great! ( BevH)

  2. Sooo many people need to see this. Thank you. May they understand.

  3. Thank you, Ladies! Let's pray God sends the right people to listen to it!

  4. Well, it surely will not be my granddaughter. She extracted a post I had placed on my FB page and posted it in messenger, which stated Christ is hated because sin is loved, and included a picture of the pride movement, and commented, "and you wonder why I don't talk to you...". we had not spoken to each other for 8 months by messenger or any other means when we had disagreed about me being a Christian and her being...whatever...a non-Christian. I had decided it was toxic for us to communicate any more and just left it alone, although I never blocked her or unfollowed her, which left her open to view my FB page at any time. Well, with this new comment from her, and with the original post concerning sin and the hatred of Christ not being directed towards anyone in particular, I asked her what any of it had to do with her. She commented back, "what does anyone's sexuality have to do with you?" Well, an intense discussion followed and I tried once more to encourage her to look to Jesus for Salvation. What she basically ended up saying was that if I opened my mind more, and accepted homosexuality and abortion, I would be able to have a more meaningful relationship with my granddaughters. I told her that if I had to choose between Jesus and having a relationship with her, I would choose Jesus every time over her. She said some rather hurtful things to me, and then blocked me on FB, which is fine with me! I do not need someone of the world giving me an ultimatum of choosing sin over Christ. I did nothing or said nothing for her to attack me that way, but there again, it is a sign of the end times, I suppose. I would love to send her this video, but I know that it would be rejected as well as myself, again. I will continue to love her and pray for her soul, and I told her that, but at this point, I do not see any kind of a relationship with her, which is very sad. This is my life now. sigh.

    1. I'm so sorry, Kathy. I completely understand where you're at. My own son disowned me not long ago for my political and religious beliefs. Jesus told us that some of our enemies would be members of our own household. It's so sad. I'm sorry as I know this is painful for you. You spoke truth and life to her and you chose Jesus over family.. which is HUGE in the eyes of God. Just keep praying for your granddaughters and your entire family. God saves families!! And He is mighty to save!! She will eventually come around and see the truth and turn to Jesus. Unfortunately for many of our family members, it will be during the Tribulation. You are not alone, Kathy. I've heard from many believers suffering the same from their family. I will lift you and your granddaughter in prayer!
