Dear Greatly Beloved Saints,
The news is getting crazier and crazier. I'm hesitant to even mention some of the things that are going on. My intention is not to cause fear or distress or even depression, but to alert you to the soon return of Jesus. I want to instill in you a hope and a comfort that soon we will be with our Savoir and free from this evil world!
The Word of the Lord for you this week IS:
Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself—it tends only to evildoing. For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth. Psalm 37:7-9
I keep asking the Lord when He's coming to get us, and He keeps pointing to the signs all around me. I wish He's be more specific! At least tell me the year! But He knows best. Maybe He will tell me some day or maybe He just expects me (us) to learn to trust Him and His timing and to use this time to grow closer and closer to Him!
A couple of major things happened this week that the MSM missed or didn't talk about much.
Niger, Africa.
War has started in Niger, South Africa. Last week a Coup occurred in which the President was taken prisoner by his own guards.
Apparently the president was pro-France, but the people and the guards
hate France and would rather ally with Russia. The new "government"
ordered all french troops to leave. They did not. Now it seems the
French embassy has been attacked. Russian Wagner troops are already
there so if Macron sends more troops, he will be at war with Russia. A
big mess! Why the interest in Niger? France mines uranium from the
country to power their nuclear reactors. It's never about freedom and
always about money and power.
So now we have wars about to start in four different places, five if you count North Korea since Kim Jong Un is now making war preparations
What could go wrong?
Disease X
Interestingly enough, they are already talking about the next pandemic. They've named it Disease X and are ALREADY CREATING A VACCINE! (for something that isn't here?) and rehearsing for it's arrival. Incredible. Meanwhile people continue to suffer and die from the last vaccine.
Here's a video from Catherine Austin Fitts. Very Short, but proves their plan to completely control you through your Central Bank Digital Currency. Sorry, the newsletter service I pay for does not accept these type of videos. (or maybe I can't figure it out) So you'll have to view on my blog (I do not get money or anything else when you go to my blog!)
The Mark of the Beast
Another very short video here that puts all the pieces together about the purpose of the vaccine. Because I feel it's so important, I transcripted most of what was said below.
The mRNA vaccine does change DNA using CRISPR technology, inserting an artificial code
The recent Microsoft patent 060606, involves another implantable divice for the purposes of buying and selling which is mutually covered by ID2020. It's a Cryptocurrency system.
The Digital ID will include an Immunity Passport
to make sure every person complies with the One World Orders mandatory implementations.Gates and MIT currently developing the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination delivery system which is a tattoo for the hand that will include our indentification Mark and vaccination records.
It needs an enzyme called Luciferase in order to make it work. The trans-humanisst agent on every person's hand will glow ti the luminescence of the Light-bearer. A chip you cannot remove with a knife. Tracking system will alter your DNA and it's permanent
33 degree freemason and Occultist Manly P. Hall once wrote
"The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands."
I mean, seriously! You can't make this up. A patent number 666? An enzyme called Luciferase! And the church sleeps zzzzzzz
ALIENS and the Great Deception
The last major thing that seems to be happening this week is some sort of "alien" invasion in Peru. I kid you not. I cannot vouch for any of these news reports and of course, they've been debunked by the debunkers as not real. But it would seem to me that they are trying very hard to get us used to the idea that there are Aliens from other planets and they are already here. True or not? Who knows. But it does follow their plan for the Great Deception
Generation X
X - box
Planet X
Elon’s rockets - Space X
Twitter is now X
Tesla model X
New virus is named Disease X
What’s the deal with X ?
X - box
Planet X
Elon’s rockets - Space X
Twitter is now X
Tesla model X
New virus is named Disease X
What’s the deal with X ?
Four Minute video describing the WHO "treaty" that will destroy all freedoms in the world.
Check out this AI-Generated trailer for an upcoming movie about Nephilim. Think they are trying to tell us something?
Saints, all I can say is we are so so very close to going home! This is not the time to be slack in your walk with God. Jesus wants to hang out with you. That's His greatest desire. He knows you better than you know yourself and He loves you more than you realize. He knows your faults, weaknesses and failings and He loves you anyway and wants to enjoy time with you! If you do anything in these last minutes before the Rapture, spend time with the King! That's where all your strength, hope, joy, and protection will come from.
And Now the News!
Lebanon: Hezbollah is on general alert, all the group's fighters are deployed on the border with Israel and in the capital of Beirut are in combat readiness.
The Beast System
The V and V
NEW Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Heart-Related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering in 1 in 35 of healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital has signs of heart injury assoc. with booster dose.
— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) July 27, 2023
— TexasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) July 27, 2023
Swiss study finds that COVID vaccine heart injury up to 20 times more common than previously claimed
Earth Groaning/weather manipulation
Signs in the Sky
Pastor, wife and 3 year old son jailed in India on charges of luring innocent people to Christianity
It is getting exciting! I wake up with expectancy. He is coming. The worse the world gets, the more I look to the skies and smile. As Christians with our get out of wrath cards, we should be the happiest people on earth.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Patricia! I'm very excited. And yes, indeed.. we SHOULD be filled with such great joy and expectation!
DeleteI haven’t posted here in awhile as I have been through major health issues, my father’s death, and then my brother and aunt fighting me and stealing my inheritance, and now a move to another state. I started a job last week at a church because of the hours, and the proximity to home. That way I could be there for my son who is now attending public school. Well, after my first week at the “church”, I am more convinced than ever we must be at the end. Secular jobs treat people better, have less drama, and are better organized. Sad. I literally would just walk out, but my son is already attached to some folks, and I worry about even more change. But I was literally trying not to cry. I am waiting for God to give me a sign, but I have heard nothing yet.
ReplyDeleteOh Cheryl, I'm so very sorry for all your recent struggles! My heart broke for you just reading this comment. I hear from so many who are struggling with similar issues these days, which doesn't make your pain any less. Just know you are not alone. I am, however, both angry and sad at the state of this "church" you work for. It's a shame, a crying shame to see God's people living worse than the world. How disappointing for you to have to be a part of that. Perhaps God has placed you there to pray for them, to offer some wise words from above? I am lifting you up in prayer now and will put you on my daily prayer list. Hang in there, Cheryl, it will all be worth it when you see Jesus!
DeleteGreetings Worrior Sister of our Most High King,
ReplyDeleteStanding with you in prayer for Cheryl, not only for comfort and peace in the Spirit, but for patience, strength and courage in this life. Eph 6, and after you have done everything STAND !
I know first hand how cruel some churches can be. Some do more harm than good. But no matter our position we must keep the faith, as the world and even parts of the church become more evil.
Thank you MaryLu for the Psalm 37 message. Watching the wicked prosper can be a tough barrier to break through. Especially with all the "prosperity gospel" preaching out there ! Many are being deceived by this lie that we can have it all here and NOW. We have become a now generation. These white washed pastors use this "other gospel" to hide their sinful lust for money, your money ! But the Psalm says be still, trust in Him and be patient, 3 key things we all need to do now in these last times.
As far as the vaccine goes, I had a recent contact with a kind of estranged sister this week. Her 28 year old daughter, who is a "spiritual healer" has been diagnosed with several different diseases that could be hereditary, and I should be checked ! Hmm.
So this girl, my niece, and her brother who is gay, spent a summer in India and that area several years ago as part of a college tour experience. They came back with a Hooka ( basically a bong) and smoked weird incense in it, right at the table were we were all sitting ! My youngest daughter was pre teen at that time. So I was not happy about it. But over time we found out that this Hooka thing was far mor than just a pipe,. That the two had sold their souls to some kind of Hinduism. And because their hearts were broken over the gay status of their genius son, the both parents decided to adopt a extreme liberal stance, and this new spiritual belief. The parents and daughter opened up a spiritual healing place, Yoga, rock healing, herbal stuff, chanting etc. My frail little 62 year old sister would send me picture of herself standing on her head with her hands and feet together in some kind of prayer position ! Later she developed a hiatal hernia, and severe neck and shoulder issues. Her husband, ten years younger, wound up with a terrible immune condition, and was confined to the house with sterile precautionary measures. They couldn't have guests, and the rest of they family took extreme caution to sterilize when they came from outside. Basically, scared to death they would bring home germs. And she was angry with me because we had not received the vaccine !
Now I dont say all of this to mock them. I love them all, and pray daily for them. But I could no longer hang around with them because of the evil they do. And again Psalm 37 say's, dont worry about the wicked who prosper, for they will be cut off. It is very sad to watch what is happening to them and the fear that has taken them over. Both me and my other sister have brought the true gospel to them, but they get angry when we do. It is all up to God of course.
Blessing in Christ Sister
Brother, I'm so sorry for your niece and her brother and other family members. So many get caught up in these false religions. Everyone is looking for answers to life, but few find the true Source of Life! It's heartbreaking. Yet, as long as they have breath... there is hope. And they know the Gospel, so those seeds have been planted. My son has told me that I'm only a Christian because I'm afraid to die, but interestingly enough, he's the one terrified to die because when Covid came out, he wore a mask everywhere and wouldn't let me come over to visit my grandsons without one. And he got himself and them vaccinated. He lived in terror while I was at perfect peace! God Bless, Brother!
DeleteGreat update Sister ❤️ Everything moving at "warp" speed, labor so intense 🙏✝️🙏 It's hard to believe that God's Wrath is not about to be unleashed on this fallen World any moment now.😢 And oh my it must have been the gray aliens that took all those Bible believing pushers out of here. 😉 We are dwelling in the peace of God here, that surpasses all understanding. Thank You Jesus ❤️ Be seeing you soon Sister with all those who love the Lord more than this falling evil corruptible world. Can't wait, been having dreams where my Dad is in them, like I am on the other side with him somehow. Weird but encouraging. Keep up the good work Warrior Lady of the Cross. Soon🙏✝️✝️🙏An Eternal Sister in Christ, ❤️🙏❤️Cillie ❤️🙏❤️
ReplyDeleteAlways a joy to hear from you, Cillie! Glad to hear you and your hubby are standing strong and looking up!! So cool you've been having dreams of your Dad!!