Friday, August 25, 2023

Shots and Lockdowns: The Sequel

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is my heartfelt prayer (and the Lord's) that
the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,  far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. Ephesians 1:18-21 

The Lord wants you to know that your time here on Earth is very short, and what awaits you is beyond anything you could ever even imagine! But while you are here, He promises to never leave you. He has given you His Spirit, which comes with GREAT power and comfort!  The Lord wants you to know He is seated in Heavenly places ABOVE every power, every government, every rockstar, every idol, every movie star, every council, every meeting, every plan, every position, every title, every military, every defense, every wealthy person, all evil, all principalities, all demons, all dark forces, and the devil himself.

That means no matter what you face here, God has got you covered! So, please don't fear anything or anyone. 

Saints, it looks like another virus, lockdown, and vaccine is coming, starting this fall and extending into next year. They were so successful with the ruse the first time, so many people complied, and they were able to kill almost 7 million people, according to WHO, but I believe that number is much greater.  Unfortunately, that's not even close to their goal of depopulation down to 500 Million. I believe we are still around 8 Billion. So, here we go again. 

I've heard some people say that there's no way a majority of the population is going to fall for this again, but I can tell you, I already see people here in stores masking up. Yes, those of us who are awake, who did our homework into what was really happening, even if we first fell for it, we are onto them now. But I believe we are in the minority. 

Here's a list of articles you can peruse

18 minute video explains the coming covid lockdown

Keep your eyes open. The new vaccines are coming out next month in September for the FLU/COVID/RSV trifecta. 

Both Moderna and rival Pfizer have reported a drastic fall in sales of their shots and are now looking toward a fall vaccination campaign using updated shots targeting the XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant of the coronavirus, and with a significantly higher price than they had previously charged governments.
Also remember that back on June 7, 2023, the World Health Organization announced the take over of the “COVIDPASS”  from the EU/European Union's digital COVID pass (as it conveniently expired) for the basis of the NEW GLOBAL HEALTH CERTIFICATION SYSTEM.


The combined UN/World Health Organization’s Global Digital Health Certification Network could begin with the rollout of the new vaccines next month. Right after UN SDG meeting in NYC on the 18/19th. 

VERY INTERESTING that this Variant is named ERIS. Eris is the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord.   Check out this card in the Illuminati Playing card series

They are already ordering test kits. Look at this purchase order. It's all planned!


This is not meant to frighten you, but to prepare you. I don't believe we will be here much longer, but if we are here during this next lockdown, it's vitally important that you trust in Jesus for both you and your family! In order to do that, you must be close to Him and have that day by day relationship and stay in His Word and His promises.  Whatever you do, do not take the vaccine! No it will not be the Mark of the Beast, but it will most likely kill or maim you. Please. You should know that I've heard a prophecy from a very Godly man that said the rapture would occur during a 2nd lockdown.
Always REMEMBER Jesus is your Strong Tower. He is your Strength, your Hope, your Salvation, your Comfort, your Provision, your Healer. Cling to Him now more than ever. When you think about the early Church and how much the Saints suffered, it blows my mind. We are not enduring anything at that level, and the Lord promises to not give us any more than we can endure. Keep your eyes above for soon you will see your Lord in the clouds!!  Be encouraged and filled with Hope!  You cannot imagine the glories and wonders that are in store for us!  If you don't know if you're going in the rapture, click on "How to be saved" at the top of my blog. 

Also if you want to hear a pastor talk about the Maui Fires, I heartily suggest Pastor JD Farag's Bible Prophecy Update from last Sunday. 

You can see below the other news in this crazy world. North Korea is launching missiles, Israel is under constant attack, Russian Military group leader is killed in a plane crash, and astronomers are excitedly waiting to hear from aliens in outer space.   ALL these things lead me to believe Jesus is at the door!
The World is currently on FIRE!

The V and V

The Beast System
Please please watch this short video. (Please go to my blog if you're reading this on my newsletter. Seriously. You need to hear this.)

Big things coming. #BRICS is expected to launch a new currency or new method of settling international trade during the summit this week.

BRICS Pay is a joint venture between the five BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)

1️⃣ More than 100 financial institutions have joined the Ripple enterprise blockchain network, under RippleNet 

 Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation
Signs in the Sky/Great Deception



  1. Boy that video was really direct. Guess we know who those people worship. Time is very short and we really appreciate you still keeping us informed about the changes happening all around us. God Bless you Marylu. Pam

    1. Yes Exactly. That was the reason I posted it. So many Christians have their heads in the sand about what is really going on behind the scenes! Blessings to you Pam!! See you soon

  2. Wow that video 😢 The labor pains are so intense, it's all getting ready to pop! Praise God, His Holy Spirit dwells inside me. "He walks with me, He talks to me and tells me I am His own! " His peace lives inside me and surrounds me. We are all praying hard for His deliverance, to these things happening and coming to this world. Vengeance is mine says the Lord! Giving it all to Him and trusting His outcome. See ya anytime now Sister. Thank you for being the truthful Watchwomen and warrior for God. ❤️ Your messages are always affirmation that we are seeing the same things and heading in the same direction. 🙏🆙⬆️✝️May the Lord strengthen us all for the days to come. God's peace and love to you eternally, Cillie ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Blessings to you and yours, Cillie!! Keep watching and clinging to Jesus. I know you do!! See ya soon

  3. Greetings in Christ precious Sister,
    Amen to all the above comments, thank you for keeping us all in the loop with all the research and info you bring to our attention. I read many of the articles, but can never get through them all. I dont know how you do it Sister. But we know how really, it is by the power of the Lord ! :)
    You know, last month my family and I all had covid. At least that is what the tests show. I dont put much stock in the tests, but work required me to self test, and by that standard i tested positive. My wife tested 4 times. The first 3 negative, the last positive. I told her if you test enough times your bound to get a positive :). Well whatever it was, it was a 10 day hammer, yet we all survived and are well now. Praise God. None of us have received the shot.
    I drive a bus part time for a Senior Center bring people back and forth to hospitals and care centers. So work may require us to wear masks. As much as I hate them, I will comply. I dont mind trying to help keep from catching or spreading anything to vulnerable people. And dont want to bring that home to my family again. But I gotta draw the line on the vax !
    Just a note; in the pic at the top of the post " Rapture is Immanent " above an arrow. But the arrow points toward the path of multitudes, I think we need to turn that arrow to the right, the narrow path :).
    And that is interesting to me because I have seen this image of the lonely path on the right over and over lately in dreams and thought !
    Well MaryLu it will be interesting to see which side of the lockdown the church will stand !
    Keep the faith Sister, in Jesus name !

    1. I don't trust the tests either, Joe. In fact the creator of the tests said they weren't meant for this test... then he died "mysteriously". I will also wear a mask as required, but I will not take any shots. I know some people's jobs depend on it, and I can't tell anyone what to do because I'm not in that situation. All I can do is warn, and also encourage people to trust in the Lord. If He can rain down manna in the desert, He can feed us!
      I do believe the arrow pointing to the broad way is indicating that this is the way the culture and the church are pointing. Which is why I also believe the "church" will be in favor of the lockdowns and the shots. Come, Lord, Jesus!
