Friday, October 6, 2023

Do You Want Truth or Your Ears Tickled?

Dear Holy Remnant of the Most High,

I say remnant because there really are so few of us left. By us, I mean people who truly love the Lord and follow Him with all our hearts. I mean people who understand the signs of the times and are watching and waiting with anticipation for Jesus's soon return!   I've lost over a thousand subscribers to this newsletter. I don't care. I'm not sending this out for money or fame or "likes" or "subs". I send this out to warn the church not to be deceived in these last days and to encourage the Bride of how close we are to going home!  But the loss of subs tells me a great deal about most "Christians". Most don't want to hear truth. They want their ears tickled and they love this world more than the Lord.  It breaks my heart as it must break the Lord's. (I realize some may unsub because they are busy or for other reasons, so I'm not saying people who have unsubed me are not saved) 
Regardless, I will continue until the Lord says stop.  This past week there was a lot of hype about the Emergency Alert.  I took it all with a grain of salt. Yes, I reported it to you, but only for your information. I seriously doubted that people would turn into zombies. I do believe, however, that this was some kind of test by our government.. and not for a good purpose. Some have reported spikes in radiation coming from their phones during the alert.  I don't know. I shut my off. All I can say is please check out the articles below about how they can use 5G to affect the Graphene carbon tubes in people's bodies who took the vaccine. At some point, and I believe it will be during the Tribulation, they will turn this system on, which is why they are pushing to get their mRNA vaccine inside every living person. See below for more details.
Russia did have their nuclear emergency drill last week.  You can find articles on that below. Just the fact that they are having a special nuclear war drill says that they must believe that a nuclear war in the near future is inevitable.  We know from Scripture and the Apostle John's descriptions that a nuclear change will happen. 
I would be remiss if I didn't at least mention the Saudi peace deal currently in the works. Honestly, I've not investigated it very much, but many are saying this could most likely be the covenant in Daniel 9 that the AC strengthens. Therefore a version of it must be in place at that time. So, we keep our eye on it. I hear one of the conditions is dividing the land of Israel which will only anger God Almighty.
3rd Temple
Perhaps you've heard of the Red Heifers that are now being cared for in Jerusalem. Apparently, the heifers must be at least 2-3 years old before they can be sacrificed and they must be without any blemish at all.  I'm bringing this up because it has a great deal to do with when the 3rd temple will be built in Jerusalem. This 3rd temple should not be something we Christians celebrate because it will be the Antichrist's temple and any sacrifices made by the Jewish people will be blasphemous because Jesus already paid the ultimate sacrifice once and for all. 

Why are the RED HEIFERS so important?  Notice how earth will become a graveyard during the tribulation and death and corpses will become commonplace (Rev 6:8 1/4 of humanity, Rev 9:18 additional 1/3 of humanity)

The Red Heifers will be used to create the ashes required by Jewish law to purify those who have been in contact with a dead body. This purification is needed in order to allow the priests (kohanim) to carry out their work in the coming 3rd Temple.

The OT explains how the heifer is will be burnt 🔥 and its ashes mixed into sanctified water.

This status does not have much of a practical effect TODAY, BUT these services ARE REQUIRED before being able to serve again. So making the creation of such ashes is a NECESSARY REQUIREMENT needed to reestablish the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.

The 3RD TEMPLE is said to be announced on the Passover weekend April 23-24, 2024 (42424) and is ALSO the anticipated Red Heifer Prophecy fulfillment of sacrifice and burnt ashes so the Temple can be therefore be built.
They Will Vaccinate you One Way or Another
World Economic Forum signals the next global catastrophe they have planned for us… since they “failed to vaccinate the whole world” and since Climate Change isn’t exactly catching on.

They’re going to do something to our water supply. They can’t help but brag about their plan to attack the water supply, and then they go on to explain why this one is going to work (because it effects everyone).

When they tell you what they’re going to do, you need to believe them. 
See Video below

If you can't see the video above, here's another place to view it. This is the same video as above  And here's  another copy
I also learned from JD Farag's recent Bible Prophecy update that the Global powers have the technology to spray the vaccine on us from drones. We already know they are putting it in our meat and now spraying it on our vegetables. You can check out those articles below linked under The V and V.  I realize this is scary stuff so I hesitated to report on it, but I feel the Lord wants His people informed. Why are they doing this? Why are they so insistent that everyone get infested with their mRNA poison? It's because within that poison there is technology in the form of Graphene nano tubes that can assemble and then be used from outside 5-6G waves to control you, make you sick, or kill you. This is not just about tracking you, which that will do also. It's about complete and utter control.  I realize it sounds like Science Fiction and I sound like a crazy person, but do your own homework. Click on those articles below. They are telling us what they will do in their own words.  

Research Teslaphoresis.  They have the ability to direct a wave at Graphene Carbon Nano Tubes (injected into you from the vaccine and other sources)  to make them assemble into what could be called an electronic nervous system within your body. This is how they will control people during the Tribulation!  

I'm telling you all this so you can see how CLOSE we are to going home! Everything The Bible prophesied is coming true in droves. And it's getting worse and worse every week. Have you ever seen such lawlessness? So much immorality! You can't even turn on the TV anymore with kids in the room.  UFOS, CBDCs, Apostasy, Persecution, the WHO taking over globally.  It's all happening and happening fast. 
The main thing you need to take away from all this is that Jesus is coming soon! No one really knows when, but we are told we will sense the season of His return for we walk in the light and not in the dark. Also, the Lord doesn't want us living in fear. Ask Him to protect you and your family from the mRNA poison they are putting in our air, food, and water!  He will!  Remember those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, abide under the shadow of the Almighty!  Do you dwell in the Lord's secret place? What does that mean? It means you have a relationship with Jesus. You spend time with Him. You worship and obey Him as best you can. He is number one in your life. If that's true, then He promises to protect you and your loved ones!  Hold Him to it!  
And get out there and tell others about Him. Pray like you never have before. Fast as the Spirit leads. Pray in the Spirit. Be ready to drop everything and do what the Lord asks in a moment's notice.  And get those Left-Behind letters and supplies ready for those in your family who won't make it.  
The Lord knows how to rescue the godly out of temptations and trials, and how to keep the ungodly under chastisement until the day of judgment and doom, 2 Peter 2:9  

And Now the News

The Great Deception/Signs in the Sky
The V and V
Covid vaccine binary weapons system: Good article, important info. couple that with this video I watched recently and it's highly possible that they have the technology to bio-hack a human being (who has enough of the vaccine in them with boosters) to make you do things you don't want to do. I know it sounds Sci-Fi... but it's true. 

Rumors of War
 The Beast System
I encourage you to come to my blog and listen to what this WEF monster has to say. Incredible. 

Famine/Economic Collapse

Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation



  1. I’m so thankful that you continue to post and aren’t discouraged by the loss of subscribers! I look forward to the encouragement every Monday and Friday. Maranatha!

    1. Thanks! No discouragement here. How can I be when I know the Lord wants me to keep writing this. I serve at the pleasure of the King!


  3. Wow. That Harari guy is gross. Wont he be surprised in that day.

    1. He's straight out of the pit of hell... and yes, he'll be quite shocked standing before Jesus.

  4. I awoke this morning to news of Hamas attack on Israel and Israeli hostages being taken to Gaza. What say you about this type of thing?? I thought for sure the Lord would intervene. Maranatha, dear Lord. Come quickly. !!!

    1. Just heard this... haven't looked into it yet. This could be a prelude to the all out war of Gog-Magog when Russia and Turkey get involved. If so, let's keep our eyes on this and pray. When Russia/Turkey/Iran and a few others lead a major attack, God will intervene! And we can get ready to leave!

  5. Blessings to you - Jesus to return soon~!

  6. Greetings Warrior Sister of El Shaddai ! This is right on point MaryLu. I am so blessed and thank God for leading me to you for I could find no agreement of solace or good instruction with most Christians I know. All out living their best lives here. And yes, wont they be surprised. I'll send you a song about that.
    I was on the "prophetic team" in the last church I attended until the pastor started putting out emails with instructions on how we should prophecy only good and edifying words. I told him I would just step down rather than speak anything other than what God told me to speak. After he made several attempts to convince me to speak his way, I told him he was as Ahab who had 400 hundred prophets who would speak only good thing to him and Jehoshaphat brought him a true prophet, Ahab slapped him !!! Todays reading in Isaiah 30:9 these are a rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to the Lords instructions. They say to the seers, see no more visions, and to the prophets, give us no more visions of what is right. Tell us pleasant things, prophecy illusions. Leave this way get off this path and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel !
    MaryLu, almost 4 years ago, during covid we held church outside and I prophesied that the next great disaster would be the contamination of our water, world wide.
    The short video of that woman speaking about the water does not surprise me. Also not surprising is that she does not appear human to me ? She seems to be genetically altered, trans something ? Maybe AI ?
    Love the idea of the " left behind letters" hmm and supplies. What would we say in a letter like that ? I told ya so ? You wouldnt listen, now repent and believe in Jesus Christ ! This might be hard, but he who holds on to the end will receive eternal life in the Kingdom of God Almighty, our loving Father who will redeem you. As far as provisions go, I think the guy from " On point preparedness" has some good idea's.
    Yes that guy who speaks about AI is a monster. He is the spawn of Satan who also thought to take the place of the Most High. And so he will also perish along with him in eternal hell's fire.
    Peace in Christ MaryLu, as we wait for our King to return for us !

    1. Wow, Joe. You heard from God about them contaminating the water! That's amazing and yes, that lady didn't look human. Beware of AI on the internet trying to befriend you on social media. I had that happen a few days ago on FakeBook. As far as Left behind stuff, I have tons of instructions on what will happen.. Bible Studies, Sermons on CD, etc. I also left lots of supplies, Solar phone chargers, things that light candles without matches, how to grow your own food books, a water purifier.. stuff like that. But the main thing is my instructions on how to get saved. Blessings!

  7. Thank you Marylu for all the great information and now that Israel has been attacked God is not just going to sit idly by thing's are going to start happening faster and faster until the day we are called home. Pam

    1. I agree Pam. WW3 will start soon, and then we leave for the wedding! Can't wait
