Friday, October 27, 2023

The World is a Stage! Don't be Deceived

Remember Covid? Remember how the media and governments across the globe terrified everyone into believing that there was a life-threatening virus running rampant, and if you didn't get vaccinated, you were surely going to die? Remember that? Remember how businesses were forced to shut down and people lost their jobs if they didn't take the vaccine? Remember how we couldn't go anywhere in public without wearing the face diaper? Life changed that year. People's lives were changed for the worse and many people died, mostly from the vaccine. I've reported those deaths and endless proof of the poison in the vaccine here on my blog the past three years. So, if that information is new to you, you need to catch up. The whole thing was a global psyop with multiple goals: to destroy the economy, test their ability to control the population, install 5G death towers when we were locked up, kill as many people as they could, and inject nanobots into the rest. (to be used later) 

This should have woken many people up from their complacent life-is-good mentality. It should have alerted people to the fact that there are very evil people, in fact, Satan worshippers who run this planet. It should have forced people to dive into the Holy Bible to see how prophetic events are coming to pass and heed Jesus's urgent warning not to be deceived! It should have caused every Godly pastor in America and elsewhere to start preaching on End times and tell his flock to repent and get right with Jesus.  Sadly very few did. Some, in fact, pushed the vaccine!

Hence, the majority of Christians in the west never learned their lesson. Covid passed and life for them went back to semi-normal. They went back to work, sent their kids to school, fed their 401K, and went on vacations. 

The problem is, the Satanic Globalists weren't done. They can't be. Because the Bible tells us that they will conquer the entire world and run a world empire with their leader, the anti-Christ at the helm. So, we know this has to happen. God's Word NEVER returns to Him void. So, why is it so hard for Christians to realize that every major thing that happens in this world is orchestrated by these evil rulers for that end goal?  

Case in point, the war in Israel. Christians have been taught in churches that Israel is God's chosen people and we are to always side with them. They can do no wrong. If fact, didn't God say that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed? Actually, God only said that about Abraham's descendants. He did not say to bless the government or religious establishment of Israel or any country. When Jesus came on the scene, He wasn't at all interested in Israel's government or religious leaders or even Rome's government. He was only interested in the lost sheep of Israel.. the people, the actual descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We need to take a step back and ask ourselves what this current war in Israel is about. Remember nothing that happens happens by accident. Everything of any magnitude (as in things that impact the entire world), is all ORCHESTRATED, planned, and put into effect at the right time. We must remember the Globalists' goal of world dominance. Not only that, but Satan wants Israel for himself. He wants Jerusalem. He wants the temple sitting atop the temple mount. Why? Because he hates Jesus and wants to take His place.  Remember Anti-Christ means in place of, not against. Satan will present his leader as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah, the Muslim Mahdi, the New Age Being from another planet come to save the world, and the Christian Jesus. He will be ALL those things to all those groups. Hence all religions will become one under him. This is their plan. 
Here's some information on the Muslim Mahdi from one of their own sites 

The word Mahdi comes from the Arabic language and means ‘The Guided One’. Someone who will bring justice and peace during his leadership.
After all the hardship, struggle, corruption and injustice, a pious, righteous man will appear. Through his hands Allah will set right the affairs of this ummah.
As Nabi SAW mentioned in the hadith, Imam Mahdi will rule the Muslims for 7 years. During these years, there will be justice all around and there will no longer be any oppression and corruption. While he rules, the Ummah will enjoy many blessings; the Earth will bring forth its vegetation, the sky will send down rain and wealth will be given without measure.  
Notice the 7 years! Sound familiar? 
Notice also that Jesus is with him. More on that later. So, what about the Jewish Messiah? What do the rabbis say about him?
One of the principles of Jewish faith enumerated by Maimonides is that one day there will arise a dynamic Jewish leader, a direct descendant of the Davidic dynasty, who will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and gather Jews from all over the world and bring them back to the Land of Israel.

The Jews actually believe there are two messiahs, which I assume is their way to rationalize the two descriptions of Jesus in the Bible. One as the suffering servant and the other as the victor and ruler. Here's an article about that, if you're interested
Hence, when the AC shows up and rebuilds the temple, and he has a bloodline from David, it will be fairly easy to fool the Jews. If the AC claims to be divine, to have reached the highest level of "Christ consciousness" and that he is from another planet, the New Agers will be bowing at his feet. So, the AC has fooled the Muslins, the Jews, and the New Agers. But the Christians? He hates us most of all. The only way he can trick us into following him is by using our undivided loyalty to Israel. When a person is committed to a certain human or government or religion no matter what the facts are saying, then they become easy targets. (Just look at the Qtards and Trumpers today)
But how can he fool Christians? Won't we be gone by the time the AC comes on the scene? True followers of Jesus will be gone, yes. But many lukewarm, complacent, willful sinning Christians will remain to be tried and tested further before the Lord returns. Yes, this is in the Bible... I've posted about it many times.  These left behind "believers" didn't truly know Jesus nor were following Him. Nor did they know the Scriptures. Most were taught by charismatic, lukewarm Pastors, and dare I say, some pastors who are freemason infiltrators. These same pastors, under the influence of Satan, will further twist the Scriptures enough to convince their flock that the AntiChrist is actually Jesus returning to Earth at His second coming. Many will believe it. It's interesting to note that the Muslims believe that when their Mahdi returns, Jesus returns with him. I think that's why Jesus emphatically said:

“Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:26-27

Remember the AntiChrist will be a very likeable, charismatic, benevolent leader who will come upon the world's stage when all hope is lost, when war is raging, famine is everywhere, plagues are killing thousands, and people are desperate for a savior. He will "seem" like a true messiah. And if you are sold out on Israel. If Israel can do no wrong in your eyes. If you are excited about the third temple, you will be easily deceived by the Antichrist.

Having said that, I do believe and I've heard from several reliable sources that the IDF was told to stand down at 4:00 am on October 7th. The atrocities committed by Hamas were beyond horrific and absolutely inhumane and barbaric, but what if the government of Israel allowed it? For what reason? To start a war, a war that will eventually (and soon) lead to a world war.
Remember they play with light and dark. They create darkness so they can bring in the light. But it's a FALSE light. It is the light of Lucifer. Remember Albert Pike's plan for three world wars? I posted about this a Few Friday's Ago

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against
the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with
Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without
compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing
where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the
universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally
out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general
reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of
Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time

As I wrote about in my last book, When Angels Rejoice, there will be NO Atheists in the Tribulation. The battle lines will be drawn. People will believe there is a God, but they will think He is evil and a bully and that Lucifer is the kind, benevolent god. And they will have Scriptures to prove it!

When we realize their end goal, we need to take in all the news we hear with a grain of salt. In other words, don't believe most of it. Or rather, ask yourself, why did they do this, and why now? I can tell you why. We are very close to the start of the Tribulation, and they are chomping at the bit to usher in their New World Order and put Lucifer in charge. I honestly believe they think they will rule the world and defeat Jesus. I've even heard that they have put weapons in space to shoot Him down when He comes back. This is how deceived they are. If they thought they only had 7 years to rule and then be cast into the Lake of Fire, would they follow Satan? Probably not. But he has convinced them he will win. Maybe he's convinced himself. 
Quick note about the light and dark. There are certain leaders rising in the world who appear to be against the Globalists, against the wars, against the open borders, and for the "people".  They have many many followers. This is also a deception. No one gains power in this world unless they were hand-picked by the Globalists. These leaders provide hope for the masses, keeping them complacent for a time, but I also have no doubt that they will rise up and "seemingly" defeat the evil rulers of this world in a sort of false victory, when in reality they are just the opposite side of the NWO coin. Many will be deceived by this and follow them. One of these leaders will stand out and become the AntiChrist.  So if you're one of those people who believe the church will take over the world and the people will rise up and the white hats will win, ushering in a utopian time of peace and prosperity, you are in a very very dangerous place. Read your Bible. 

This is a great article about what I've spoken of above, if you're interested.
And also this short video from Mike Adams sums it up nicely. 
Please Watch this short Twitter clip from an ISRAELI.  Forgive the few bad words. 

I realize I'm risking losing followers by even mentioning anything negative about Israel. I love the real Jewish people and Scripture tells us that God will save a remnant of them. I'm not talking about them at all. But I'm risking my reputation and my book sales in order to warn you because the last thing I want is for anyone to be so deceived by these Satanic ploys to the point that either you don't get taken in the rapture or worse, you swear your allegiance to the false messiah.

Be on the side of God, not any government. Pray for the real Jewish people caught in the middle of this. Pray for them to come to know Jesus as their Messiah. Pray for the innocents on the other side, for them to come to know the Lord.. Pray for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. But stay out of the politics, the anger, the sides, the hatred of this war.  

In upcoming posts, I want to expose the wickedness found in the Talmud. If you don't know what the Talmud is, it is s the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and theology. It is NOT the Holy Scriptures, but it will help you understand the current religious ideas of the rabbis in modern Israel. 
I'm not posting any news this week. But I will tell you that World War 3 is coming. All the nations are lining up their chess pieces and issuing threats to each other. In my lifetime, I've never seen so much troop and weapon movement, nor so many threats. We are there, saints!. This war will commence soon and many nations will get involved. Read Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 14 and Isaiah 17. We live in a time of great Prophetic fulfillment!  As these things increase in ferocity, we will hear that trumpet blast from heaven with the voice of an archangel and Jesus, Himself, calling your name to "Come up Here"!  So, comfort one another with these words!

Get into the Ark! And get in right now! What is the Ark? It is the secret place of the Most High. It is a place where you are clinging to Jesus, loving Him, worshiping Him, and following Him. Get there fast!




  2. So well written, MaryLu, We must not look at the days' events. It's all smoke and mirrors. God gave me Matthew 10:16 today to remind me we are in the midst of wolves, so we must be shrewd. Don't fall for anything. But we also must maintain our salvation. We must stay innocent no matter what someone says or does. We can't give up our salvation for anything or anyone. And we must pray for the innocent people caught in the crosshairs of the evildoers.

    1. Amen, Katy! We must not let our guard down, especially now! These are trying times. Let's join Jesus in harvesting the lost while we are still here. :-)

  3. Hallelujah MaryLu,
    What a powerful word from the Lord. I always agree with and love your posts. And it seems these last few posts that the Lord has given you a double anointing on your mind, your heart and your pen Sister. I suppose as the Day draws nearer, so the anointing of the Watchmen pours out more and more !
    I agree, covid has changed everything, or should have ! Some woke up but most just went back to a new normal.
    Reading Jeremiah 18 this morning and was impressed with 7-12 7At any time I might announce that a nation or kingdom will be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed. 8But if that nation I warned turns from its evil, then I will relent of the disaster I had planned to bring.

    9And if at another time I announce that I will build up and establish a nation or kingdom, 10and if it does evil in My sight and does not listen to My voice, then I will relent of the good I had intended for it.

    11Now therefore, tell the men of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem that this is what the LORD says: ‘Behold, I am planning a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. Turn now, each of you, from your evil ways, and correct your ways and deeds.’

    12But they will reply, ‘It is hopeless. We will follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart.’ ”

    13Therefore this is what the LORD says: .......

    The Lord always warns and provides a way out, before He strikes !

    You mention " Christ consciousness". I hear this term, sometimes referred to as "the enlightenment " being spoken in the churches with increasing frequency. I think it is the light/darkness you refer to. They profess light but walk in darkness "bling guides".
    People calling themselves god's, thinking we are equal with Christ !!! Exactly why I left the church !

    Totally agree with the loyalty with Israel or any government or person will blind our eye's to the truth.

    Love the " but how can he fool Christians, wont we be gone by then" !!! Hallelujah Sister, thats right, we will !
    Listen, the script from Matt 24 " here He is or there He is, but dont go out". It was imprinted on my heart 4 or 5 years ago, though I feel I have always known it.
    I think many of us who "see things different" have somehow known things when we were knitted together in that secret place. We just had to go through some fires before we realized them.
    And I cherish every fire that led me to my Savior !
    Thanking God for you Sister, and praying every good and perfect gift from the Father of the heavenly lights to rain down on you !

    1. Hi Brother! God really does chose the foolish things of this word, doesn't He? I'm a nobody. A wife, mother, grandmother, x-computer engineer, and now a romance novelist. But for some reason, He has opened my eyes to the truth of what's going on.. at least a portion of it... and I pray every day that I don't say anything that is false. We are indeed the weirdos of society, who see things differently. But I'd rather be God's weirdo than a friend of the world. Thank you for your great encouragement! Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Ps; looking forward to the next post !
