Monday, December 11, 2023

Cop28, Israel, and a NDE to watch!

Dear Saints,
As I was pondering and praying about what to post today to encourage you all, I felt very led to provide links to 3 videos that I watched recently.  I wanted to do a post on the 3 raptures, but I had the grandkids over and didn't have time to gather all the Scriptures. However, if you take the time to listen to and watch these videos, I guarantee you they will bless and encourage you.
The first one is JD Farag's Bible Prophecy Update from yesterday. Some of you may have already seen it, but he goes over much of what I've been reporting. He talks at length about the COP28 meeting that is finishing tomorrow. He also talks about Israel and how the leadership there is Evil and how they are taking the charge both with the vaccine but also at the COP28.  He provides links and I truly believe if you hang in there with him, you'll realize how close we are to leaving.  The first 20 minutes are worship. 

The following two videos are from a man who in his 20s and as a young Christian died of a heart attack and was taken to heaven.  I cannot tell you how fascinating his description is, not really of heaven so much as of Jesus and all the emotions that went along with this encounter.  I believe that you will be overwhelmed with the love of our Savior as much as I was when watching this!  We need to be reminded of how much we are loved during such hard times. The 2nd video is this same man's description of what happened when he returned.  If you have a few hours this week (and I know it's a busy time of year), I encourage you to watch all three of these videos. And always remember Jesus loves you so very much! 
Have a Lovely Week, Saints, and don't forget to take a moment to spend with Jesus and be thankful for everything He has blessed you with!


  1. Thank you MaryLu, I will watch during the week. Enjoy the Grandkiddies. How old ?
    Blessings in abundance for the week ahead in the name of our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ .

    1. Grandkids are 5, 7, 8 and 9. My loves! Thank you. Have a blessed week!

  2. I watched the update from JD Farag, which I usually do anyway, but along with his prophetic teachings I was really captivated by his passionate sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ at the end of his update. I pray that all who preach would share the gospel like this every time.

    1. JD is so good. Glad you enjoyed it, Ron. The Death experience is awesome too. Yes, JD always gives the Gospel... because that's what this is all about. Blessings!

  3. I watched JD as he preached, as I usually do. I love JD and his wife, and I pray for her healing of breast cancer, as JD requested. The NDE was extraordinary and helpful to me, as he described the love that he felt when arriving in front of Jesus. I need that kind of love in my life, as I have never, and I mean never, felt that kind of love from anyone ever, or any kind of love at all. I have been alone most of my life, even as a child, as my mother in particular, never wanted another child and told me so on a regular basis how she tried to "get rid of me." She never really cared for me growing up and made it quite well known that I was not wanted. Do you have any idea what that does to a child, or a grown up, actually? I felt worthless. Unworthy of anyone loving me, ever. That reflected itself in my lifestyle, which was always searching for love, but in the wrong way and at the wrong times, which caused me much grief and troubles in my life. It was not until much later in life that I realized that I was being protected supernaturally by Jesus, for some odd reason. He kept me from quite a bit of harm, aka a three-time threat of being shot or killed by someone who did not want me around anymore. Jesus loved me and He DID want me around...although I am still not sure as to why, but I am sure that He will make that clear to me in the near future. He protected me, provided for me, and kept me from harm's way thereafter, and I grew to love Him more and more for His protection and provision. Now I praise Him daily for what He provides for me, as that is what He deserves, and much more. I cannot wait to meet Him in Heaven and to thank Him in person for all that He has done for me...seen and unseen. Maranatha, Jesus!!!

    1. I'm glad I posted the NDE, Kathy. I believe it was meant for you. I loved the part where he said that Jesus would have died the same horrid death if we were the only ones He could save. Wow. That really struck me. I had a rough childhood too and felt unworthy most of my life, so I can understand your feelings. However, sounds like you had an even worse beginning with your mom. My mom loved me but she just wasn't there for me most of the time. Of course I had no father either so I did what you did. I searched for love in all the wrong places. Yet all through that, as I look back, I see the Lord watching over me and protecting me as He did you! When you realize how much He loves you, it erases all those fears and insecurities! Jesus wants you around because you are invaluably precious! And don't let anyone or the enemy tell you otherwise.! Have a lovely Christmas, Kathy!

  4. Hope you are enjoying some well deserved time off Precious Sister. Loved JD Farag and joined his page. Love the way he keeps end times simple terms. And no lightening or thunder in the back ground.
    Christ's peace be upon you MaryLu

    1. He's really good with end times. He slants towards OSAS sometimes, but otherwise I know he's the real deal. Thank you, Joe, for being a faithful friend this past year!
