Friday, May 24, 2024

Never Fear, He Won't Ever Let Go!

Dear Wonderfully Blessed, Loved, and Protected Saints!
Seems the rapid rush toward Tribulation didn't take a vacation while I did! I browsed through some news while I was gone, but didn't pay it much mind. I wanted to rest my soul a bit and enjoy my family. St. Augustine is a gorgeous city and I thoroughly enjoyed walking around the historic district and learning about the fascinating history. I toured a replica of a Spanish explorer and went through the amazing fort there too. I also enjoyed the original Jail. 

 Me, my sister, my niece's husband, and my niece.

Great times and good food. What amazes me is how "normal" everything seemed. People were just wandering around enjoying themselves. Restaurants were full, shops overflowed and everyone was walking around like the world isn't about the end. It's easy to get caught up in it all and wonder if I'm the one who is crazy. Yet I know what I know and the Holy Spirit within me confirms what I know. But there are days I just long to not know and to believe, as many of these people do, that all is well and everything will go on like it has for thousands of years. I'm sure you can relate
...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:3-7

We also know that the "Day of the Lord" or the Tribulation will come upon the world as a thief. In other words, there will be no major signs or huge events that warn those who don't know Jesus. When they are saying "Peace and Safety" then sudden destruction will come upon them.  
 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.  1 Thess 5:2-3

But those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit, we can see the signs and God's Spirit within us shows us how close we are. It breaks my heart for all these people (and for most of my family) who walk about in the darkness and have no idea the storm that is coming. 
Speaking of a storm: The Russians are conducting missile tests off the CA coast. What could go wrong? Also, as we speak China is surrounding Taiwan performing "drills". Arrest warrants have been issued by the International Criminal Court for Netanyahu and Gallant. Bird flu is on the rise (see below for their plans) along with the infamous WHO treaty that will rip us of all our rights (Yes, even in the US). Australia has passed and is implementing a Digital ID. This is huge and will be coming your way soon!  People continue to die suddenly from the vaxx. Nanobots have been found in the blood of both the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Banking systems are collapsing and powerful storms and quakes are striking the planet. That's just a few of the headlines. See below for more details and a ton more news on all these topics. 

All this bad news tells me that the Lord is coming soon! The more we see all these signs growing stronger and stronger and increasing more and more, the more we need to look up!  Many of you write me to say that you can't find a good church or even other like-minded Christians. I believe this is also a sign of the times. As long as the internet is up, we have each other online. We can meet here and encourage each other to hang in there, let others know they are not alone and are not crazy, and of course to pray for each other. 

The most important thing you need now (besides a deep love for Jesus) is discernment. Deception is rampant and no matter how smart we are, none of us are beyond being deceived. So pray daily for discernment and test every voice and every spirit that comes your way. The Word of the Lord is REST. Rest in Him. He has got YOU. He has got your family. Don't live in fear. Your time here is nearly done. 
There is SO much happening, I could fill a hundred blog posts. I know this one is long, but so much of the information is important. Take your time and just browse the headlines if that's all you can do.  
There is one video I urge you to watch. It's only 6 minutes and it's subtitled so you can understand. These are the same doctors from LA Quinta Columna who first warned about the Covid Vaccines.  Please listen to what they are saying.  I had to put this on my You tube channel, but I'm not sure they will keep this up.  If it is gone, I will try and put it on my website. It's that important. You'll see why
Another important video.. just 3 minutes below is about the Smart Dust in Chemtrails
The Next Pandemic
The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028   This government document lays out the "possible scenerio" of a major Pandemic occurring in 2025 and how best to react to it.  Interestingly enough, they did something very similar BEFORE Covid was released in 2020.  It is my opinion that this is not a possible scenario but part of their plan to release a new and more deadly virus (probably made by them) in 2025   This will eventually lead to the MOB in the form of a vaccine and another lockdown, enforced by UN soldiers within the US.  I hope I'm wrong.
Here is a video about the above document 

Open Borders
Apparently, it's not only the Chinese they are letting in, along with Jihadist, but sources say that UN troops are coming over our border and being set up all over the country. For what purpose? Martial law? Another lockdown? Food riots?  Maybe all of the above.
Death towers
My sister and I drove about 9 hours from Tennessee to St. Augustine, Florida and one thing I noticed was the large amount of what I would call "Death Towers".  We have many of them here in the big city, but I found it interesting to see so many basically out in the middle of nowhere. They were so tall and came about every 5 miles or so along the highways. I couldn't get a picture because we were moving so fast but here's some I found on the internet.  People will tell you (including most of my family) that they are 5-6 G receiving towers for internet and cell phone. Which they are, of course, but why so many? And why everywhere? It is my opinion they will use this as part of the Beast system to trace and track everyone and everything. In addition, it has been proven that these 5-6G signals are harmful to your health.

WW3 about to kick off? The following information comes from a reliable source. Steve Quayle
  •  The Doomsday planes in CONUS and Europe and Asia are all airborne
  • Silos just got sealed shut
  • The mountain and Omaha just got sealed
  • Denver is sealed shut (This is where government will operate if DC gets nuked)
  • Bombers are loaded and ready in CONUS, Diego, Garcia and Europe
  • Mike Johnson and Kamala Haris have the live football 
  • Info above received from Steve Quayle in this video
There is some debate on whether the rapture occurs during a time of brokered peace or when war breaks out. There are Scriptures which speak of each situation. However, it's interesting that Putin and Xi Jinping have met in an attempt to create a peace plan for Ukraine.  Is this a mere ploy? or will a peace plan occur, along with one for the Middle East as well?  And then the rapture? Only the Lord knows. We keep our eyes on these things, but mainly on the Lord!
What's up with the crash of the Iranian president's helicopter?  I've heard all sorts of stories. One that there was no bad weather. Also, there was no Mayday given and no emergency transponder found.  Could this be an assassination? Who knows. All I know is that it is very suspicious.  

 And now the rest of the news


Video below of London 2024. Think they haven't taken over?


Beast Empire and its lies. The MOTB


See the real truth about 15 Minute Cities short Video below

Economic Collapse/Famine

Plagues and vaccines

A little humor below
Earth Groaning
Hear below a whistleblower from Area 51 

Signs in the Sky




  1. Thanks for all the info! Glad you had a nice break. My family is so obviously deluded- it’s heartbreaking…
    I found it interesting the Drag Queen carrying the Olympic torch was supporting Islam (and Israeli hostages), maybe not realizing Islam absolutely abhors homosexuality and trans lifestyles. One of the reasons they hate the US.
    We struggle at our church, but we are thankful for the discernment given by Holy Spirit, and feel we can be a good influence. Some things our Pastor says are disappointing but not convincing us to change our minds about the coming Rapture. I believe he hesitates to believe it is soon because wants to see his young children “grow up”. It’s alarming how many Christians don’t understand how much better heaven will be! It’s like playing in a puddle when there is a whole ocean.
    Blessings, BevH

    1. Hi Bev! My family is in the same boat. It really is so sad. And yes, I always laugh when I see signs saying "Gays for Palestine!" They have NO clue that if they were actually in Palestine or any Muslim country, they'd be tossed off the nearest high tower. If the Lord leads you to stay in your church, by all means do so. The Lord has you there for a reason. :-) Love your analogy of playing in a puddle when the ocean is before you! Your pastor doesn't realize that he will see his children grow up in heaven where there is no evil to corrupt them and they will be filled with joy! What parent wouldn't want that? It's sad most Christians have no clue what is in store for us. Blessings!

  2. Greetings in Christ our Lord most precious Sister.
    You look totally at home on that old ship ! Maybe the Lord will have you as Skipper of one of those who bring the tithings to honor the Lord :)
    It is amazing that people just go on as if everything is normal and cannot see what is going on around them ! Much like the pic at the end of the post with 2% tax in 1775 that made us fighting mad, and in 2024 totally complacent!
    So true, we cant unsee what the Lord has shown us. For sure the church needs discernment. I believe that discernment is one of the gifts we all recieve when we recieve the Holy Spirit. I think many dont want to see and disturb their comfortable live. And once again this week we have both shared the same scriptures, one on Monday and again today with 2 Peter 3 !
    I had a vision of the Bride, much like the one you sent me, but not nearly as thorough. But part of it was that the wolves were trying to violate the Bride with blasphemous insinsults and physical harm to (yet the Lord would not allow her molestation). But what was shoking to me about the vision was that while this violation was happening right in the city square, people were passing all around her like she wasnt even there ! She called out but no one turned a head a toward her cries. They looked down as they passed her so as not to see the injustice toward her. They turned away so that they did not have to bare witness, thinking that this would make them unaccountable for her condition. Not realizing that they will have to give an account one day when they face the Lord in His Holy judgement seat !.
    It is a great comfort you give us MaryLu, knowing that we are not crazy. That we are not alone in thinking, but in knowing and loving it that God ALONE is Holy, Sovereign and in control of ALL things.
    Many in the church believe that "Joe has wandered into false teaching and is being led astray" !!! In part because that is how the pastor kept his deceptions quiet.And when I try to tell them, even my own house, that NO, Joe ran out of the church like it was on fire BECAUSE of the false teachings. I never heard people refer to themselves as "little gods", or that they could command God, or that it is our job to bring heaven to earth, etc,etc,etc ! At first I thought, maybe it is just me ?. But the Lord put it in me to search the scriptures, and prove the reason I felt grieved when I heard these things. It wasnt until I spent endless hours of research looking fo the source of these blasphemous statements that God led me to your site Sister, and many many others who saw through the decptions in the church that were defiling the name of the Bride of Christ !!! In the book of Acts Festus sitting in judging of Paul said; Paul your greet learning has made you insane ! Paul answered, not at all Festus, I am telling you Truth with a sober mind !

    Amazing Videos ! I saw a small version of those G5 towers in the strangest place, a Federated Church. Actually it was nat so small, it towered over the church tower !

    So blessings to you again Sister for your due diligence in the service in the Lord. And reassuring us that we are not crazy, though we are possessed with the love for our Holy and Gracious God Almighty !

    1. Blessings to you, Brother Joe! Every time you are laughed at, criticized or belittled for the name of the Lord, you get a blessing! Remember that. If I can do anything on this blog (besides bring people closer to the Lord) I hope I help people realize they are not alone. We are the Remnant Bride of the Lord... those precious jewels who love Him with all our hearts! I don't say that in a boastful or arrogant way, but I keep praying to be found worthy and it is God who works in my heart, keeping me walking in His Spirit. I can't do it on my own. The only thing I can do is DESIRE that and pray for that. Most Christians don't seem to think they need to walk in the Spirit and in obedience and love of their Savior. Crazy times

  3. Kathy Pitts SmithMay 26, 2024 at 8:54 AM

    I know that the Lord says not to be frightened, but how can we not be?? All of the above has me shaking in my boots!! Oh, how evil Satan is!! to treat humanity as above just so he can "play God", Lord, help us!!!

    1. Kathy, we can live in complete peace even though the world is crumbling around us. Why? Because we abide beneath the shadow of His Mighty wings! Don't be afraid. I don't want these posts to cause fear. I only want people to have knowledge of what is going on so they won't be deceived. Satan is pure evil. It's an evil I don't believe we can even comprehend. But he is a defeated foe. He has already been defeated! He will have his time.. but it will be short. AND the Lord will rescue us before then! So rest in His love!

  4. I have had complete peace the last 5 years, as strange as that sounds to so many its true. Trusting God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for his supernatural provision and protection, as we venture on in this journey of life. Pray for Hope & Daniel to be saved. We serve an Awesome God and I am holding to his promises. He will never fail us, never leave us or forsake us. Amen I try to get over here as much as I can to read up on things. I have a tiktok video I need to send you sometime.
    Blessings Sis
    Linda Marie
