Friday, June 21, 2024

Nothing is Worth Comparing to the Glory that will be Revealed in You!


Dear Battle-Worn, but Victorious Saints of the Most High,
Tired, exhausted, being attacked on multiple fronts? You are not alone. I'm hearing the same from many people who contact me. We are in the last lap of this race and now is not the time to give up!  Grab a hold of Jesus's hand and keep going. We may not see it, but the finish gate is just ahead!  I'm telling myself that as much as you all. I can honestly say that this past year has been the hardest of my life. Not physically hard, though I do have some ailments, but emotionally hard.... as in a severely broken heart caused by attacks from family members.  The enemy knows exactly where we are weakest, doesn't he? But Jesus has the ultimate victory! I lay my broken heart in His hands and I know He will mend it like only He can. Not only that, but He will help my family members draw closer to Him where He will heal all their wounds. For isn't it the people who are most wounded themselves who wound others? But I digress. I forgive, I love, and I trust the Lord that ALL things will work together for good!  Not sure why I'm saying all this except maybe someone out there needs to hear it.

The news is so sickening that I didn't really post a ton of it this week. Browse the titles below for an overview but basically everything in the world... the plagues, the poisons, the wars, the famines, the Beast system, digital money, and gross immorality are all progressing to the point of convergence. Like the spokes on a deadly wheel, each evil plan creeps along to the point where they all meet and "Suddenly" the hammer drops, chaos ensues, and the Antichrist arises from the ashes. I believe it will all happen suddenly: WW3 will erupt, nukes will fly, volcanoes will explode, Earthquakes will strike, terror attacks will terrorize the planet, stores will be empty, food scarce, and a deadly plague will be unleashed. Boom!  People will be begging for a savior! They will be willing to do anything, give up anything, to survive and have peace once again. (by the way much of the violence and terror attacks will be blamed on Conservatives and Christians) 

I never realized how important a belief in the Pre-Tribulation rapture was until recently. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I believe there will be at least 3 raptures. One before the Tribulation, one in the middle and one at the end. These are all mentioned in Scripture.  But, Let's say you don't believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture. Let's say your pastor says there is no rapture and the church will have to endure the Tribulation.. at least in part, until the Lord's second coming. Let's say that like many Christians, you really don't know the End Times Prophecies very well and have never really studied Revelation.  After all, you've been busy with your best life now! 

So, when the poop hits the fan and all hell breaks loose, you will naturally believe that the Tribulation must have started. Finally your pastor is preaching End Times, and he's saying that Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back! I actually know for a fact that some of these pastors and some others who are talking about Jesus's second coming are being paid by the Satanists.

Things get worse, much worse, and aliens from outer space arrive. Their massive ships take over much of the sky. Everyone is petrified, wondering what will happen. Meanwhile the world is still in utter chaos, famine, and war. Then, people start disappearing from all over the world and no one can explain it. Perhaps it's some new Russian weapon? Or maybe the aliens are doing it? Wait. Now the news says that the aliens took those causing all the world's problems out for reprogramming. Well, that makes sense. After all, you remember that crazy romance novelist with her silly blog always talking about the rapture and other conspiracy theories!

THEN...just when it seems the world will explode and mankind will kill each other off, the sky splits open and a bright light appears over Israel and Jesus Himself descends from a cloud and lands on Earth. Everyone sees this on their cell phones just as Scripture foretold that every eye would see!  Jesus goes about stopping all the chaos and violence and claims He is here to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. He immediately stops WW3, along with the war in Israel and strengthens a peace agreement between Israel and her enemies. He promises to fix all the world's problems and begins to set up his kingdom in Jerusalem. 

The Christian churches are ecstatic! Jesus has returned!  Pastors and preachers are telling everyone that this is Jesus, the Son of God. Obey him and worship him. This is the moment the church has waited for for thousands of years!

Or is it?  Is this the real Jesus? Or is this a fake one, the Antichrist? He's fulfilling Scripture, right? He is full of love and peace, right? Wow, and look at all the miracles he's doing! No human could do that. So, what's the problem?  IF you know your Bible and you know End Times prophecies, and IF you know Jesus comes first in a cloud to gather His Bride (And not down to Earth) Before the Seven Year Tribulation.... and IF you know that it is the Antichrist who will sign a covenant with Israel, than you won't be fooled. But I have to tell you, and it terrifies me to death and keeps me up at night, how many Christians I know who know or believe none of those things and whose pastors preach only the 2nd Coming and not the rapture and who are going to be incredibly deceived! 

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24 (I found the two 24s interesting here)
Please please please, know your Bible. Know the prophecies about the End times and constantly be asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. Even if you aren't sure about the Pre-Trib rapture, at least know the Word enough and stay close to Jesus and He will lead you. It's a frightening world we live in and I know it seems like its been a long wait for our Lord to return, and I know many of you are suffering, but I guarantee it we are so very close and all the suffering in the world will not compare with what's waiting for you in eternity! 

As I'm writing this Thursday night, I see that it appears there's no stopping the war between Israel and Hezbollah, which will be a much more intense and deadly war than the Gaza one. In addition, it appears that the Switzerland "Peace" conference last week (you know the one where they talked about peace between Ukraine and Russia, but Russia wasn't invited), well it turns out the real intent of the meeting was to supply Ukraine with tons more weapons and force them to make a major offensive against Russia, including attacking a nuclear power plant.  Apparently they have 45 days in which to accomplish this. In addition NATO will be overtly involved, which Russia has said would be a trigger for WW3.  So, hang onto your hats (or Jesus's hand!)  because things are about to get dicey. 

God will protect His Own and rescue us from this place in the nick of time, at the last minute. Don't EVER give up on His promise, no matter what you see happening! So be of good cheer!!  You are greatly loved!! 

And Now the News
Is this guy the epitome of every horror film's villain?

The Great Deception

 The Beast Empire
Until a critical mass of humanity understands that the
Global Economic & Financial System is completely
controlled by class of criminally insane and psychopathic
banksters who bet on everything under the sun to the
great detriment of both the biosphere and human life,
the rapidly accelerating downward spiral into a worldwide Armageddon scenario will inexorably push the world
community of nations into the proverbial abyss.




Beware of Baby Lotion, Parents!


Idaho Farmer reveals US Government's Water Shut off Order!



Texas Megachurch pastor admits past inappropriate behavior with young lady after accusation of molesting a 12 year old 



Weather manipulation/Earth Groaning

Signs in the Sky

Once in a lifetime event to take place this summer: Dead Star will explode and be visible to the naked eye



  1. Greetings Highly Favored Scribe of the Lord,
    I know Sister we are so close ! Cant wait !!
    So I've always loved that pic you start off with. Had a couple of dreams about that scene.
    Yeah, this week I feel battle torn, so this is definately for me. As you say the heartache of being dishonored by the ones you love most is almost unbearable at times ! I must confess I have weeks of glory followed by weeks of heartache. Seems it's a constant battle. I have noticed a weakness in me as of late, and that is giving into resentment almost as a luxury at times ! Hate that and rebuke in in Jesus name. But we are in fact in a war not with flesh and blood, but of powers in the heavenly realms !
    Matthew 10:34-39 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)
    “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
    The signs of the end are so obvious, how can so many not see them. Just look at the weather, that you see everyday !
    Just had a conversation with my best friend, who I consider a man of God and we talked about the Rapture. He is a very humble man. He says; when I look around and see so many Christians putting thier lives on the line to go to 3rd world countries to preach the Gospels, feed the poor and be martyred, why should I think I will escape without enduring that ? I think he may be stuck a little on works rahter than the sufficiency of Christ. I think we can all feel insuficient at times, but we have to persevere.
    There are 3 of us that hang out together. I told hime we should open our Bibles up and study the Rapture. I'm going to look in your previous blogs to see if I can find the teaching on the 3 Raptures.
    I certainly do not claim to understand all of the book of Revelation. I believe some are gifted as watchers. And I believe that is why God brought me to your blog MaryLu, to help me with this. And you have been a blessing to me here. I do believe that we who have the Spirit can certainly gain access into scripture, but there are those with special gifts in this area. 1 Cor 12 do all have gifts of healing, do all speak in tongues, etc. But each of us has a special gift for the Body of Christ.
    May you walk in the glorious light of Him who walks among the 7 lamp stands.

    1. Greetings Brother! Yes, we all have different gifts. I'm absolutely terrible at public speaking or any kind of speaking LOL I'm so very sorry to hear of your heartaches as well. You are not alone. The enemy will attack through those that matter to us because he knows it wounds us deeply.
      Regarding what your friend said ... I've heard that argument a thousand times... why do we think we are special enough to escape suffering? What he is neglecting to understand is the intensity of horrors that will be poured out on the world during the Tribulation. This is not just normal suffering and persecution. This is the wrath of God on an unrepentant world, and we have many examples in Scripture of how God spares and rescues the righteous from His punishments. IN addition, if we follow along with his logic, then why do some Christians live a perfectly happy life and never really suffer before they die? There have been countless Christians over the past 2000 years who have never suffered horribly and die peacefully in their beds. Alternatively, there are those Christians who have suffered great persecution and been martyred. Does that mean God is unfair? Does that mean that God has to make all His Children suffer the same fate? If so, then He certainly hasn't done that through history. Anyway, I digress. God promises multiple times in Scripture to rescue us from the coming wrath.
      I'm so blessed my blog has helped you. I never asked to be a watchwoman but God has been so good to me. I give Him all the glory!!

  2. Thank you Marylu for continuing to keep us informed of what is happening in the world. I also wonder at the level of attacks going on from the enemy and how can people not see or least feel in their spirit how evil it's becoming here. All I can say is stand strong and know we all appreciate you. God bless you and keep you safe 🙏. Pam

    1. Thank you, Pam! I think only people close to the Lord and filled with His Spirit can discern the evil around them and the times we are in. Breaks my heart for so many!! Blessings to you and yours, Pam!
