Friday, July 5, 2024



Dear Holy Remnant of the Most High,
This week here in CA the temps exceeded 100 F. ALL week. Though we have reached those temps in the past, in my 40 years of living here, maybe only once or twice. Plants and animals are dying, and I would be too if not for my AC!  I see that most of the country is superheated right now. Not normal. They are doing this on purpose in order to "prove" their climate change lie so they can take more of your rights away.  And yes, for the skeptics, they do have the technology to do so.  

So America turned 248 yesterday. Instead of celebrating, I actually mourned because of how far our country has fallen since its inception. Yes, it was started by FreeMasons and the Globalists who wanted to create a country from which they could birth their New World Order. Yes, all the statues and artwork, and even the Capitol building and the Washington Monument (And the Statue of Liberty) are pagan gods and satanic symbols. BUT, there has always been a strong Christian element here, and America has sent out more Bibles and Missionaries than any other nation. But the American church is in full apostasy now and our society has become more immoral and violent than I ever expected to see. It's heartbreaking, yet prophetic.

As I sit here, praying about what to write, how to encourage you, I find myself feeling much like Lot in the Bible, whom Peter described as being "vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:

For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds
; 2 Peter 2:7-8 

I never would have ever thought that in my lifetime:

  • I wouldn't be able to find a church or a group of true believers in my city
  • Parents could not allow their children to ride bikes through the neighborhood without an adult for fear of pedophiles.
  • I would think twice before I go to my local mall for fear of being mugged.
  • I could no longer go to the theater to enjoy a good movie and popcorn because all the movies are so violent, wicked, immoral and satanic.
  • Local schools would be pushing transgenderism on kindergartners and libraries would be hosting Drag queen story hours.
  • It would be very difficult to find any TV show during prime time that doesn't have blasphemy, explicit sex scenes, and gratuitous violence.
  • When out in public, I would hear nothing but foul cuss words from regular people. 
  • People would wear pajamas to the store and dress like slobs in public, and some would think nothing of shoplifting anything they wanted.
  • Most people would be glued to cell phones while ignoring everyone around them. 
  • My skies would be full of poisonous chemtrails that polute the air, food and water. 
  • I could no longer trust my doctor or any medical professional to have my health as their primary interest
  • I'd see children and teens extremely disrespectful to their parents
  • There would be homeless tents and cities so close to my home
  • Gas would cost up to $7 a gallon here in CA
  • I would no longer believe anything news media says
  • There would be so much lying coming from our leaders and actually everyone!
  • My family would turn against me for my spiritual beliefs
  • Food would become so expensive that people had to cut out meals
  • Pop Music would become blatantly sexual and demonic 
  • So many wars would be threatened in so many different countries and locations
  • Nations would threaten the use of nukes
  • The world would turn against Israel and the Jews
  • Cartoons and kids shows would push sexual perversion 
  • That so many popular pastors would commit horrible sexual sins
  • False doctrines  would be taught in many churches
  • A month called Pride would celebrate abominations 
  • Our food would be poisoned with preservatives and chemicals that do us harm
  • Fake food and GMO food is sold in every store
  • My government could lock down businesses and force people to take a shot and wear a mask, all because of a "pandemic" that if real, was less deadly as the flu
  • A vaccine would be forced on mankind that altered human DNA, contained nanobots, caused ones immune system to attack itself, and caused the death of millions of people. 
  • Hundreds of food processing plants would be mysteriously blown up
  • Cows and chickens would be murdered because of some "flu" 
  • Millions of illegals would be allowed to roam over our border and then given papers and money, food, and hotel rooms all over the USA
  • UFOs would be common place and all over the news
  • Storms and quakes and droughts would be created by man 
  • It would be common to  have sex on the first date and to live together without being married
  • Teens can "hook up" sexually through Phone aps

I guess I'll stop there. This is why my heart is vexed, just like Lot's. All these things have happened in my lifetime. How can anyone say we aren't living in the very last minutes of the last days? Speaking of Sodom, if you have the stomach for it, read below under "Immorality/Evil" what occurred at the Pride event in San Fran just an hour north of me. I'm sick to my stomach. 

But the Lord knows all of this. I do not believe He will wait much longer to judge all this wickedness. I honestly believe we are even far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I want out of this world, and I know the home that awaits us is beyond anything we could imagine. Look at the verse that follows the verses from 2 Peter that I posted above

The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: 2 Peter 2:9

If you're interested in the idea of a 3-fold harvest rapture and the Biblical proof of such a thing, I encourage you to watch this man Wayne Fowler from The Overcomers. He's a lawyer who died from a heart attack and ended up in Heaven. His testimony of that experience is below here in two parts. It will really bless and encourage you.

Part !

Part 2

After that, he did extensive study on the rapture and his findings are fascinating and go along with prophecies and dreams I've heard from others whom I trust. You can find those videos on his channel. 

I pray you all have a blessed weekend. Don't allow the enemy to discourage you. God's timing is perfect and His ways are far above ours. But the key thing to remember is He never leaves you and He will protect you! AND He's coming to get you in the nick of time!
Arby's changed their profile picture to a pyramind with an all seeing eye, then uploaded a bizarre video with a message saying "The Return is Near"

I highly encourage you to watch this interview JD Farag gives to a practicing Physician. It's very worth watching, especially the last half about the vaccine and what they are planning. He also talks about the current state of the medical industry, how it's designed to keep you sick. 

 I don't comment much on politics. Mainly because I know our country is done and will come under judgement soon. Also because the Powers that Be will put whomever they want in office. It's all staged. Even the recent Supreme Court's decision to grant immunity to a sitting president for actions done while in office is PART OF THEIR PLAN. Conservatives look at it as a win for Trump, but in the long run, this will make it so they can't prosecute Biden or any other president for their actions. 
And now, the news:

1) Canada 🇨🇦
2) Kuwait 🇰🇼
3) Germany 🇩🇪
4) Netherlands 🇳🇱
5) Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
6) North Macedonia 🇲🇰
7) Russia 🇷🇺
8) USA 🇺🇸
9) Ireland 🇮🇪
10) Jordan 🇯🇴
11) Australia 🇦🇺
12) Today Spain 🇪🇸 is calling for its nationals to strongly reconsider any travel to Lebanon and those already there to strongly consider immediately leaving while they still can.  
The Beast System
THE Globalists are trying to kill us with nutrient depleted fake food full of cancer-causing chemicals. See video below

Famine/Economic Collapse
Immorality / Evil

Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation
Check out what Beryl looked like when it crossed Jamaica

 Beryl strikes Jamaica, killing at least seven

Signs in the Sky
Listen to the thunder in the video below and tell me if you've ever heard anything like it





  1. You are not alone, Mary Lu. This world is just sickening and every day I literally drop my jaw at what I see and hear all around me. One of the most disturbing is seeing/hearing people act like all is well. All I can say and do is pray and say, "Come, Lord Jesus!"God bless and keep you MaryLu...Your sister in Christ,

    1. Thanks so much Susan. It is truly astounding that so many don't see all the evil and all the horrible changes that have come so quickly upon our world. It's nice to know there are others out there who DO see it.. Thank you. I pray every day for the Lord to come and rescue us!! Can't be long now

  2. MaryLu...Susan again. if you haven't already, please listen to latest video re appointed times and rapture by Dr Barry Awe. Very interesting and encouraging.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I'll check it out. I used to watch him often in the past. I try and steer away from dates, but I know he does his homework.

  3. Oh my, every week there is more and more!
    A few things I have noticed- what's up with all the shark attacks and all the riptide deaths? Weather manipulation is messing with the ocean, maybe?
    There’s a new movie coming out basically about weather manipulation called “Twisters” ( July 19). The previews show the experts trying to stop a tornado- or change it, I think.🤔
    That list of things we would never have thought would take place…WOW!
    I am so sickened by the LBGTQ agenda and things they are “allowed” to expose people/kids to. Parents should know better! Nauseating! If straight people did that (ride a bike naked) we would be arrested, and rightly so!
    Ah, but Jesus! He is the balm… He loves these people and wants to help them. Praying some can be saved.
    Thank you for the encouragement!

    1. Yes, there have been some very weird animal attacks lately. There's a verse somewhere in Revelation about the beasts of the Earth attacking people, so I imagine this is just the beginning. I didn't know about that movie. Interesting. They always have to tell us what they are doing before they do it.. Some sort of Satanic code. And yes, absolutely disgusting what this LBGTQ people are doing. on purpose in front of innocent children. I'm reminded of what Jesus Himself said about people who lead the innocent children astray, that it would be better for them if they had a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the sea.
      We are close, Bev! Blessings to you and yours!

    2. Yes, they have to tell upfront what they are planning so any fault is taken off them and put on the people. "You should have known, therefore, I am obsolved."

  4. I am so thankful this is not my home. I know my home is perfect, and I can't wait to be there for eternity.

  5. Greetings Daughter of our King,
    Wow !. I cant even tell you how much I am in agreement with this Sister. Even right down to the last picture at the end " wake up church". God put this exact word on my heart this morning as I woke up !
    I have also found that my heart gets pierced and my eye's well every time I hear another blasphemous word from a "pastor", and all of the evil, sick and depraved new ways people come up with to hurt the vulnerable, the week, the children !!! Oh my Lord, we have far exceeded and succeeded to become the most evil generation, far worse than Sodom.

    Yes, we see pastors everywhere coming out and confessing their evil sins. I will tell you, that for those who have used their position as men of God to rape and abuse young women, some only children, this new action of repentance and confession is only a ploy. Do not believe them. 1 Cor 5:9 tells us to cast them out of the churchJeremiah 7:16-34 NKJV. “Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; for I will not hear you. Do not have sympathy for them and continue to support them so they can continue in ther lavish lifestyles, and repeat their detestable acts, or you will be partakers in their sin !

    Your list is eye opening to how corrupt we have become ! And we should pray for our country and the world. But not so we will become great again ! Not to give us power to change the world. That time is long past, and all of it was foretold. We cannot, and should not try to over ride what God has decreed from the beginning. All these things must take place, and then the end will come !.

    I weep also Sister when I try to interceed for my family, to question the books and bibles and authors they bring into this house and I am told " I am a strong and independant women, and I will decide what WE ( my Daughter) listen to ! I do not know how to fight a strong independant women. And you dont know how weak that makes me feel. All I can do is pray. Luke 12:53 King James Version (KJV)
    The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    I have an Autistic grandson 27 years old. There was a study done that found a great increase in kids born around that time that recieved a questionable vaccine ! So agree with the info you posted.

    And to politics, I'm with you and try to hold my tongue. We have one candidate with dementia, and one with demonica or both. What a laughing stock among the nation we have become. Yet a recent conversation with a friend was shocking as he bekieves Trump was the winner of the debate ( shaking my head). How ca Christian people not see the obvious lack of spiritual fruits in either of these men, or most of politicians today ?
    yet looking at any of the prospectives are just as scary. The video you posted indicating Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama can certainly be an interpretation of a woman riding a beast !

    Final thought on the final pic of this post " Wake up Church" is exactly the word on my heart when I "woke up" this morning.

    I'm with you Sister, the fight is tiring at times, and heart breaking most of the time.
    2 Corinthians 4:16-18
    New International Version
    16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
    Be blessed in the strength, courage of Christ Jesus the Righteous One to persevere till we hear His voice !

    1. Brother, that's so cool the Lord put "Wake up Church" on your heart when you woke up. I believe it breaks Jesus's heart to see so many so far from Him. Regarding pastors who sin sexually, the Bible is clear that they can no longer be in leadership positions within the church.. YET so many remain. Why? Because their "fans" want them to.
      I hesitate to say this, but Jezebel was also a "strong, independent woman" who did as she pleased. I hear her spirit is alive and well today. God set an order of authority in the home for a reason.. yet the devil loves to come in and mess all that up. I'm sorry, Brother. I have a similar situation here, but sort of opposite. You are not weak at all, and this is not your fault.
      I remember about your grandson. Izaya, was it? I pray for him. It's maddening what our medical system has done to kids.
      Yes, it is exhausting.. this fight, but I love the last Scripture you posted. We have no idea the joys that await us. It will all be worth it.
