Friday, July 26, 2024

NOTHING is as it Seems! Only One thing is Sure. We are almost out of here!

 Greetings, Precious, Highly-Valued Remnant Bride of the Most High!,

 What a crazy week! Things seem to be accelerating at break-neck speed! 
First the Trump Attempted Assassination, then the Crowdstrike Outage, Biden stepping down and Kamala stepping in (more on that below), then Netanyahu faces great disrespect and huge protests as he visits our nation. Add in Yellowstone is about to blow, the world is baking, weather is nuts everywhere. Then Tel-Aviv was attacked by drones and in retaliation, Israel pounded the Houthis, killing at least 40. I just heard last night that Netanyahu received the go-ahead and the aid he wanted from Biden and the war with Lebanon will commence within days. Discord, protests and civil unrest are everywhere. Oh, and in the middle of this they are working on getting emergency authorization for a new mRNA bird flu vaccine. What could go wrong? Watch this clip from Xfiles from YEARS ago.  Crazy!

 1 minute video below. If you still doubt that 9-11 was an inside job, watch

 UFO has been spotted during the Trump assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. 
Proof Nephilim Giants roamed the earth
Trump:  As I stated last week, I don't know if Trump is on the side of good or bad. I've had people get upset with me because they think he's the Antichrist. Others get upset with me because they believe he's chosen by God to save our country.  I do still contend that the bullets shot at him were real and that he couldn't have known what was coming. Did God save him? Possibly. But maybe not for the reasons most would think. I recently watched a video that I highly recommend that gave me a different perspective. (Thank you Ron Benson) If Trump is not on the side of good, but merely a player in the script, and if he becomes president, then you can bet that the "powers" want him there for a reason. It's too late in the game to ever believe someone becomes president in American whom the Global Satanic elite didn't hand pick!  Perhaps he will be put there to convince the conservatives of this nation to do or believe something that the elites want us to believe and/or do. After all, how many people got the vaccine because Trump orchestrated its quick release?  Perhaps he will get people to accept a Digital ID and/or accept a "friendly" UFO invasion? Who knows? All I'm saying is PLEASE BE CAREFUL.  If Trump is on the good side, we will find out soon enough. Trust No one but Jesus!  Things are Not what they seem.
You'll notice that I haven't listed as many news items as usual. Honestly, things are spinning so out of control so quickly, I haven't had the time. Besides, if anyone is even remotely paying attention, they'll see how bad things are getting. 
I listed the CrowdStrike as a separate category down below. I encourage you to read about it because CrowdStrike is a Globalist entity and I believe they were performing a test run for a soon Global internet takedown. Then they can usher in their Digital currency and the Mark of the Beast. See below for more details.  There are a few cool videos below under Earth Groaning. I believe that as we enter the period of intense labor pains, we will see more of these.

For the creation was subjected to frailty, not because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of Him Who so subjected it with the hope That nature itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption and gain an entrance into the glorious freedom of God’s children. We know that the whole creation has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now.
Romans 8:20-22

Kamala Harris
Interesting that a man of God (William Branham) prophesied back in 1933 that there would be a woman president in the USA one day and she would be wicked. In this article, you'll see how all of the visions this man received have come true. Vision 6 is the one about a woman president. I also recall another prophecy from an elderly woman... about a wicked woman president and how when she ruled, America would be destroyed... but I can't remember the lady's name. (I will find it!)  Here's a video by Perry Stone, talking about William Branham's visions. Either way, we are in trouble. 

I encourage all of you to not put any hope or stock in a political solution to a spiritual problem. America is Babylon. We have become so very wicked, and unless the Apostate church repents and turns back to God and quits looking toward a political leader or party for a solution, then judgements are soon to be poured out. No one is going to Make America Great Again. No one. I believe God is done with us. I don't see the false church returning to Jesus anytime soon, though I do pray for it. But we are in the End of days and things must play out as God has ordained. But please please please beware of deception. Things in this world are not as they appear. Nothing is as it appears. 

And now the news!!  Lots of interesting stuff below that prove how close we are to the end!  Every week, I am convinced more and more that this is the year of our departure!  So, do not despair... spend your last days/weeks/months here on Earth with Jesus, in prayer and praise, and allow His Spirit to lead you to help others find the truth!  Nothing else matters. 

 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

 And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
Revelation 22:12-17

Since October 7th - Israel has now struck 7 countries/region

1) Gaza
2) West Bank
3) Iraq
4) Iran
5) Syria
6) Lebanon
7) Yemen
  •  Houthi spokesman says that they will respond to the Israeli attack on Yemen he said the Tel Aviv area is unsafe
    Initial reports of a major explosion in Tel Aviv
  • Sirens going off in Eilat, southern Israel after Houthis launched ballistic missiles
  • Netanyahu will fly to the United States on July 22, where he plans to meet with Biden, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office said
    The Israeli prime minister will also speak at a joint meeting of both houses of the US Congress on July 24. 
  • The CIA has warned Israel that Tel Aviv should be on the highest level of preparedness for an imminent major attack in Yemen
  • Hezbollah and Israel approach the breaking point
  • Houthis plan to attack Israeli oil rigs, power stations, Hezbollah report says Washington gives Netanyahu the cold shoulder amid violent protests . At least 49 memobers of Congress plan to be absent from Netanyahu's speech
  • Pro-Palestine protesters caused chaos at the Watergate Hotel releasing maggots onto Netanyahu's table. Netanyahu forced to change hotels
  • The Houthis are said to be planning to hit the Israeli Mediterranean ports of Ashdod, Ashkelon and Haifa, in addition to the southern port of Eilat, on the Red Sea, in THE NEXT FEW DAYS. While Netanyahu is in the USA
  • Israeli Broadcasting Authority: The army informed the political leadership that preparations for a "large ground maneuver in Lebanon" are complete. 


The Crowdstrike Outage
Did you know that Crowdstrike is owned/run by a Ukrainian oligarch? And the top investor is Blackrock?  I believe this was just a test run to see what they could get away with and how people reacted. I also think that perhaps they took the system down to install a cyber code that would soon bring all the systems down and cripple all the economies. Remember, they need to bring everything down in order to bring in digital currency in order to bring the Mark of the Beast.
It is also my understanding that they used "Crowdstrike" to hide Hillary's DNC emails in Ukraine, where now a war continues and bio labs were stationed. Seth Rick was killed for leaking the emails to Wiki leaks and Julian Assange went to prison and now "Crowdstrike" is in the news again. Hmm.
Think about how reliant we are on Computers and the internet. Everything came to a screeching halt. What would happen after 3 days of everything being down? Even if you had cash on hand, most stores wouldn't be able to sell you anything because they don't have a ton of cash either. You wouldn't be able to buy or sell anything and of course all communications would be down.  When they do this, they will then initiate their Great Reset and make all monies digital. 

This is from Julian Assange  (Just so you know how deep the rabbit hole goes)
Crowdstrike was paid almost $100,000 by the US based DNC immediately after the death of Seth Rich.
Crowdstrike’s largest institutional investors include BlackRock.
BlackRock is currently engaged in “farmland reclamation” in Ukraine, taking over the land (by the hectares) from all of the Ukrainians killed in the war w/ Russia.
BlackRock-controlled wealth management firms took a HUGE short-position against the $DJT stock a mere 24hrs before the assassination attempt of 7/13.
Crowdstrike servers are located in the Ukraine.
One of Pfizer’s largest research and development arms is in the Ukraine.
Shawn Henry, Crowdstrike’s current Chief Security Officer and a member of the company’s executive team, was formerly the Executive Assistant Director of the US FBI —> under Barack Hussein Obama.



Saw this below in my feed. Thought it was interesting. DON'T know this person or if it's true, but the date caught my eye

The Beast Empire
See video below. Proof of at least 3 shooters at Trump assassination attempt


Economic Collapse

 A transvestite is carrying the Olympic torch in Paris. Apparently Paris is the Pedophilia capital of the world. Lovely
Earth Groaning/Weather 

The Desert turned into a river of ice after heavy hailstones in Saudi Arabia (video below)

See below. Eruption of one of Yellowstone's geysers sent tourist running

The Yellowstone Supervolcano is so large, that if it erupted, it would instantly kill approximately 90,000 people and cover 2/3 of the continental United States in volcanic ashes, leading to an apocalypse-like 'volcanic winter'


  1. I agree that there are dark forces behind our government, and I'm wondering if I should even vote in the next election. Would it truly even matter? What are your thoughts?

    1. This is Amy M., but posted as Anonymous

    2. That's a tough question. If I say no, don't bother, people will get irate and say I'm just letting the bad guys win. If I say yes, vote, then who do we vote for if the choice is between Evil and more Evil? Then again, I truly don't believe our votes even count. They rigged everything long ago. So, I would say take it to the Lord in prayer and allow Him to lead you as to whether you should vote and for whom? Let your Holy Spirit conscience be your guide. As for me, at this point, IF I'm still here, I probably won't bother.

  2. MaryLu...once again, thank you so much for staying "on the wall" and continueing sounding the alarm.
    Here is a web site I highly recommend reading making one question the vp pick from tru mp and his hin duwho the wife's connections to disturbing people!

  3. MaryLu, that was me, Susan here is web site again re vanc e's wife

    1. Thank you, Susan! I checked it out. I got a little creeped out by her "prayer" at the RNC so this is a confirmation that she is just one of them. I've heard some negative things about Vance too. What a mess this all is!! Come, Lord Jesus!

  4. The satanists took over the Olympic Games, just look at the opening scenes.

    1. I saw a small portion of it yesterday, Johan. I was so sick to my stomach, I couldn't keep watching such blasphemy! It's hard to believe what this world has come to. My heart breaks to see such mocking of our Lord! Yet, makes me realize how close we are to going home.

  5. Greetings God's favored Watchwomen on the wall,
    I am so grateful to the Lord for brining me to your blog and into freindship with you. I all of the comments and I truly believe we are of those who love the Lord and diligently watch and pray for His swift return. I pray for you, and everyone here and cant wait to meet you all on the day to be with our Savior for ever !
    Has anyone else noticed that time is speeding up ? I can not keep up with everything that is going on both in the natural and Spiritual.

    Wow on the X Files clip !!!

    Just for the record, I also said Harris would be president way back about 8 months ago. Woman who rides the beast? I dont think I will go that far, but interesting thought. She could be a player ?

    I agree MaryLu, it is the question of the day; "why did God save Trump" ?
    Have you seen the adds with Trump calling on Christians to vote for him. He says a few more sentences and then say's, like he almost forgot to say it "I am a Christian" dont believe it.
    It's not surprising that he has found a VP even more evil than himself in Vance. Another vulgar man.
    So not sure I will vote. I also had a discussion with a pro Trump Christian friend who thinks we MUST vote for Trump. She said I just hold my nose and vote. I said ; a vote for evil is still evil and what a sad state we are in, in America that the only choice we have is evil ! Myself, I wont partake of it.
    There is a script that say's; we cast the lot, but the Lord determines the out come ! I agree with you Sister that the Deep State will see that thier person gets in. But again this to is ordered by God, nothing in heaven or earth escapes His Sovereignty.
    And isnt this exactly what Rom 8 is telling us. That creation is subjected to frustration by the Lords decree. I use this script sometimes with the love generation. They cant tolerate word like repent, and judgement. They do nt realize that God's righteous judgements are derived from His love for us. He must and will purge all evil from this corrupt world.

    I pray for you all and encourage that we pray for one another, and the lost, that God gives us the strength, discernment, and steadfast faith to hold onto the hem of His garment as we wait patiently with thanks giving and assurance that He will do everything He said He would do.

    1. Blessings, Brother! I'm so grateful for you and your friendship, Joe, and for your prayers! You're right.. we all need to encourage each other and pray for each other in these crazy times! At this point, I will not vote either. Unless the Lord leads me in a certain direction. Who knows if we will even have an election? Maybe we won't be here. That would be the best! I also have noticed time is really speeding up.. these weeks seem to fly by even though at times, I feel like some hours drag... But we keep looking up and not at this world, which is fading away! Have a blessed week!
