Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump or the Trumpet?

Dear Weary, Warrior Saints of the Most High,
I know many of you are under enormous attacks these days. I'm reminded that the end of the race is always the hardest. We are tired, weary, we want it all to end, and the enemy knows that. He will try to get us out of the race by distracting us with some thing or some one who can relieve our pain, end our struggles.  But we know deep down that if we allow ourselves to step out of the race and grab that thing or person, that we won't finish well. I'm reminded of Jesus when He set His face like flint to head to Jerusalem for the last time. He knew exactly what He was facing, all the pain, shame, horror.. and yet joy at the end. What does it mean to have a face like flint. It means that your eyes and attention are on the goal so hard that you can't even turn your face to look at anything else. We are so close to the end of our race, Saints, now is not the time to allow the world, the flesh, and the devil to get us off course!  

Today's post will be a little political, which I don't like to do, but I felt led to comment on the events of last Saturday, because it has to do with the deception of the rising Beast System. First a couple of items of interest below and then my thoughts on Trump.
If you still believe America is or ever was a Christian nation, this 50 minute video will blow you away. I knew some of this stuff, but putting it all together really shocked me. These guys have done their homework. I'm not trying to discourage anyone. Just want to wake you up to the real world we live in. Most all the history you've been taught is filled with lies. God's hand of blessing and protection has been on America because of the strong Christian element here, but that is no longer true.
Interesting that Biden said he'd drop out if a medical condition emerged and not 2 hours later he came down with Covid.  As of last night, the latest news is that he will pull out of the race, but continue on as President. He will not endorse Kamala. True? I heard yes and then no. Guess we'll find out
Below is one of the Illuminati Playing Cards. They are saying the man is Trump and honestly, it does look like him, but what I wanted to point out is the bullet that is whizzing across his face. These cards were created in 1982 by Occultist Steve Jackson. Seems he was getting some of his inspiration from the dark side. 
Trump Attempted Assignation
Let's examine some facts first
  • The shooter at Trump’s rally was spotted acting suspiciously near the event, Authorities announced over radio to keep an eye on him, and this info was passed to Secret Service. CNN
  • The shooter made it to the roof with a full rifle kit as TWO witness's saw him and say they were telling authorities and screaming about him for an estimates 3 - 4 min - BBC
  • A standard sniper-spotter team tasked with covering such a critical direction waits an estimated 42 seconds after looking directly at the shooter, allowing him to take 5 shots at Trump  
  • The secret service decides its ok to keep Trump on stage for an extended period of time where he's able to face and actually address the crowd with an active shooter 
  • The Gateway Pundit interviewed a woman that attends almost every Trump rally, and she says that authorities “weren’t blocking the line of sight like they have in every other location”…Why did Joe Biden Block the CLASSIFIED documents of JFK ASSASSINATION coming out???
  • The Gateway Pundit has also learned that Sheriff Michael Slupe was specifically instructed to “not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site”…
  • When Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump, there was actually a counter-sniper team inside the building
  • The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, says that nobody was stationed on top of that building because “we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof”…
  • CBS News is reporting that the counter-sniper team inside the building took note of Thomas Matthew Crooks three different times prior to the shooting…
  •  After he scaled the roof, Thomas Matthew Crooks was up there for close to 30 minutes before he finally fired at Trump…
  • After Secret Service agents finally got to Trump, they literally removed his shoes and threw them off the stage… WHAT? Why?
Here are a few articles I found
Interesting: I've heard that this coming Wednesday, the 24th, they will reveal that the 2020 Election was stolen and that the Biden administration and all of Congress would be dissolved?  Sounds crazy, but my source is good, I believe. Time will tell Also, just found out that Netanyahu is giving a speech in Congress on the 24th.

JD Vance: Heard some bad things about him, but I guess we'll see if he's changed like he said. Either way, I thought the info below was worth reporting

Greg Reese Short video explaining many important details about the shooting. He works for InfoWars  

I waited to comment on this event until today because I wanted to get all the facts. As some of you may know, I'm not a huge fan of Trump. He has said and done things that have made me suspicious. I have seen him make Illuminati hand signs. I know his son in law is a Kabbalahist (which is the Synagogue of Satan). Trump himself has stated he sees no need to repent of his sins. So, my first thought was to be very suspicious of the entire event. I even went so far as to perhaps think the entire thing was staged in order to 1. Cause a civil war and/or 2. To increase Trump's fan base.

I no longer believe that. I believe this was a genuine hit on Trump I believe he did not know about or see it coming, and I believe it was God who protected and saved him. Not because Trump is righteous or even a Christian, but because the Lord has a purpose for him. This was not even intended to merely injure him and engender sympathy....No, a mere quarter of an inch to the right and that bullet would have killed Trump. As you all know, he turned his head at the exact moment. No one could orchestrate that except God Almighty.

Based on on the evidence above, it would seem powers in our own government (CIA FBI, DHS, etc) and higher than that intended to kill Trump. This is not unheard of, nor something that hasn't already happened with Kennedy. Only that time, they succeeded. Trump has said he's going to obliterate the Deep State if elected again. Hence, Trump is a threat to the Satanic Globalists. Does that mean he's a good guy? I don't know. I still have no idea, nor has the Lord told me whether Trump is on the side of good or evil. But as I watched his speech last night at the RNC, he seemed different, calmer, more humble even? And, most importantly, he gave credit to God for saving him. Hence. I feel a strong unction to pray for him and his family. I believe the threats will only increase now. I also urge you to pray for his salvation. Perhaps this brush with death has opened his heart to receive Jesus!
YET having said all of that, Trump is not our savior. I see so many Christians almost worshiping the man now, willing to do anything for him, follow him anywhere. We must be very careful to NEVER follow any man. We only follow Jesus.  This is especially critical in these last days when massive deception is rampant. Satan is extremely smart and an expert liar.  It's easy to see the evil, the darkness, the wicked rulers, but not so easy to see the darkness when it is cloaked in light. So my warning to you is to beware of what appears to be light, goodness, honor, and freedom... all wonderful things, but remember the devil disguises himself as an angel of light!  

For me, I'm not waiting for Trump to Make America Great Again, I'm waiting for the Trumpet of God to sound and Jesus to call my name and tell me to "come up here!"

Below is the news. I wouldn't say anything HUGE happened, but lots of little MAJOR things... in particular things that move the world's chess pieces closer and closer to all out war and chaos. Which is what they want, after all.  An interesting development is that China's president Xi Jinping suffered some sort of stroke and his condition is as of yet, unknown. We are also seeing major moves on freedom of speech, which we would expect if the Tribulation is about to start. Then there's the Bird Flu summit coming up in October.. a prelude to the coming plague next year. I hope to not be here for that. I've also heard that the immigrants are destroying the UK with tons of riots, etc.

Regardless of all of this, I pray for each and every one of you who reads this to not only come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, but that you walk in a personal, daily, relationship with Him. I pray for mighty warrior angels to surround you and your family. I pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with His love and power and with that power, the name of Jesus, and the Word of God on your lips, you will repel all of the enemies' attacks. I pray for God to withhold no good thing from you, for your healing, your provision, your protection, your comfort, your deliverance, and that He gives you strength as you go through the valley of the shadow of death, but that hand in hand with you, He keeps you on that narrow path of light leading straight up to heaven!  I pray for the salvation of those you love and for His assurance of that salvation to leap out at you from His Word and His heart.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!! 

  • NATO gave Ukraine permission to strike Russia's territory - Stoltenberg
    Twenty-four countries signed the “Ukrainian Treaty” at the NATO summit in Washington to accelerate and coordinate collective efforts to provide military support to Kyiv. 
  • After Austin spoke with his counterpart from Moscow, the delivery of F-16's were delayed, as well the permission for long-range missile use on Russian territory was not given to Ukraine, as a result of the conversation.
    This indicates that Moscow has told the Pentagon that they are ready to launch World War III, if these red lines (F-16's and long-range missiles/🇬🇧 Storm Shadow missiles) are not changing. Both happened.
  • North Korea denounces NATO and the US as most serious threat to world peace 
  • Taiwan has been placed on high alert over waves of missile tests conducted in North China 
  • Russia was attacked by four Ukrainian drones overnight 
  • Warships from the Russia and Chinese PLA Navy assembled in southern China for joint naval drills announced after the end of the NATO summit in Washington, D.C.
  • Russian Navy submarine off the coast of Germany! 
  • Putin warns that Europe's capitals will be targeted if US deployment of missiles are made to Germany
  • Russia warns Israel of dramatic consequences over its strikes on Syria 
  • Putin vows to target Europe's capitals if US deploys missiles to Germany
  • Russian Su-27 fighter forced NATO F-15 aircraft to evade the interception and not approaching the western airspace of  Russia. 
  • Alert: Chinese submarines and battleships are on the borders of Alaska, according to "China in Arabic 
  • Several Chinese naval warships, including Chinese aircraft carrier "Shandong", have been spotted, outside Japan's EEZ in the western Pacific. 
  • China announces suspension of high-level talks with the US to discuss nuclear arms control, just as rumors of Xi Jinping's health status circulates.. 
  • Interesting that Xi Jinping seems to have suffered a stroke or heart attack and has not been heard from in days. If this is true, it could prompt North Korea and others to do the unexpected
  • China calls off Arms Control Talks with the US
  • Poland will increase the number of military personnel on the border with Belarus almost three times - Ministry of Defense of Poland 
  • China's invasion of Taiwan and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon at the same time, we can expect MUCH MORE WILL HAPPEN...

The Beast Empire
Military: The summit will also cover the role of military and emergency operations centers in safeguarding public health and maintaining essential services during pandemics.
Key topics to be discussed include:
Mass Fatality Management Planning
Surveillance and Data Management
Community Preparedness Strategies
Vaccine and Antiviral Medication Delivery
Medical Countermeasures
Socio-Economic Impacts on Poultry and Livestock Industries
“Welcome to the International Bird Flu Summit, where we address the pressing concerns surrounding the recent developments in avian influenza,” a brochure for the summit reads.
“With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies and the future implications of this evolving situation.”
It remains to be seen whether a bird flu pandemic will commence in the weeks following the summit like covid followed Event 201.
Pfizer Spelled Backwards is "Rezifp"  which means God Of The Plague And Underworld.
Famine/Economic Collapse



Earth Groaning
Check out the flooding in spain below




  1. I have liked Trump - he appeals to me - strong, says what he thinks, etc. But this time, just as the party has gone MAGA - I have pulled back. Would still vote for him and pray that God has a hand on him. But the words I feel for this time are - Nothing is as it seems. Trust in the Lord and draw near to Him. Thanks for all the time you put into your newsletters.

    1. I agree with you, Patricia. We should not trust anyone. There is so much deception! Nothing is as it seems is a good thing to remember. Blessings!

  2. You put my thoughts into words so perfectly. And this morning God reminded me to keep my eyes on Jesus, so this is just confirmation. I also heard about the Democrats saying they will admit to stealing the election. Someone mentioned this might mean this was Trump's term and so he will not be allowed him to run again. Which could very well cause a civil war. Not sure if that's even possible but at this point anything can happen.

    1. Very strange... if this was Trump's term, then he certainly didn't get to do anything! Anyway, I don't know how it all works politically and legally. Nothing like this has ever happened. But Civil war is what they want!

  3. Greetings most Precious Sister and Beloved Daughter of our Heavenly Father,
    Wow ! Yes weary. But what wears me out most is not a direct attack from the enemy, but to see Christians being decieved so easily as they rush in by sight and not by the Spirit.
    Remember Mohamed Ali, the boxer who in his later days came to be known for the boxing style " the rope a dope" ? He was getting older and could no longer exhibit the speed and agility to dance around his opponents and sting them with his razor sharp punches. So toward the end of his carrer he would lay back against the ropes and lure his opponents in, and let them tire themselves out punching at him, and when their strength was zapped, when he sensed them weakening Ali would burst out from the ropes and batter his attacker with so many blows from all directions that the opponent would fall sometime from mere exhaustion ! It may have appeared at first that Ali was the dope to his opponents, but he wasnt, he was simply the wiser man with more experience. I think we who are of the more mature group, should learn to fight our spiritual battles this way. I'm not advocating the Rope a Dope, I'm proposing wisdom and cunning over rushing into our conclusions of a thing.

    Matthew 10:16-18 “Stay alert. This is hazardous work I'm ...
    Matthew 10:16-18 New King James Version (NKJV)
    “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues.

    I have seen the video before about the Free Masons and all the secret crypts. Amazing and starteling stuff. Been a few movies that touch on this subject. It seems to me the same old tale that what starts off as people wanting to be free from oppression only to wind up slaves to the next oppressor. I think regular Joe's :), just want to be able to choose how they live their lives in freedom. Yet there is always an evil entity which thinks it knows better, or simply wants to be lord over other. It's a power thing, vain and prideful !

    About Trump, you know where i stand. I believe has exposed him to me as "the most evil man to serve our country". But I also respect your thoughts, and count you a reliable source MaryLu.
    My perspective is that Trump did indeed gain much new endorsements, both financial and emotional, and voter sway. Like you I have heard some say it was staged, and not obligating myself to any of this yet. Fake news, maybe fake blood ? I dont know, we'll see. But we still dont know exactly who killed JFK, some 80 years later, and think of how far technology, weaponry, audio and visual can be manipulated now !
    Yet I do find it interesting that the first comment while he was still on the podium was, fight, fight, fight, a rally call to his army. Interstingly to, that from this speech he was headed down to try and capture the Evangelical audiance, so how convenient to repeat that "it was only by the hand of God that he was spared ".

    1. I did not know that about Mohamed Ali. Very interesting. I make no rush judgements about Trump. I admit to not knowing whether he is on the side of good or evil. Until the Lord tells me, that is. But I sensed a change in him after the attack. And it was a bullet... another person died behind him and 2 other injured. If real bullets were not used, then that wouldn't have happened. Also. would anyone put themselves in such danger on purpose just for a political stunt? But I digress. The world is a stage and we must be very careful to not be deceived. If he is not who he says he is, then his true colors will come out eventually. In the meantime, we trust NO MAN and put no confidence in the flesh but only in Jesus Christ! Blessings!
