Friday, August 2, 2024

Israel at War, Important Deception Warning!

 Dear Precious Remnant of the Most High,

I have a lot to share in this post, so browse at your leisure. I apologize for the length but so much is happening so quickly now. I feel like every post might be my last, and I want to get warnings out to as many as possible.  First and foremost, Israel is about to go to all out war!  It's possible by the time you are reading this, that it has already started. If not, word is, it will start soon, possibly this weekend. The reason? Other than these nations hating the Jews and wanted to wipe Israel off the map? Well, Israel just took out (assassinated) the top Hezbollah guy in Lebanon and one of the top Iranian commanders in Iran with precision airstrikes.  This was in retaliation for a bomb that took out a dozen or more children at a soccer field in Northern Israel. ALL EYES ON ISRAEL. Even though I believe their religious and political leaders are evil, God has a remnant of His True people in Israel. Their ultimate redemption is prophesied in the Bible OVER AND OVER. So, if any teacher or pastor is telling you that all the Jews are bad and we, the church replaced them, they are going against the Word of God. Father God made an ETERNAL covenant with Abraham and God never breaks His promises. So, pray for God's remnant there in Israel. Pray for their protection, for God to open their eyes to who their true Messiah is!! 

Keep your eyes on this coming war. Could it be the Gog-Magog war prophesied in Ezekiel 38? Or, as some say, the Psalm 83 war? Or perhaps this will trigger World War 3?  Either way, God will step in and defend His people!  We pray for Israel, but we keep our eyes peeled upward because this war and these increased hostilities can only lead to one thing--The Covenant with Many--that the Antichrist strengthens between Israel and her enemies. Daniel 9.  This, of course cannot happen until the Bride has left!  That's how close we are!  Please browse the news items listed below under the "Israel" header for more information

Now, for my rather lengthy warning, but one that must be said often!! 
EVERYONE who is famous. EVERYONE who has a position of power. EVERYONE who is extremely wealthy along with power and/or fame is PART OF THE GLOBAL ELITE. I'm talking every Popular Musician, Actor, Model, Politician, and Pastor Etc.  You cannot make it to the top without joining the club. You see, the club is in charge of everything, including the media and the money.  It has nothing to do with talent or education and everything to do with Will You DO what they want?  If you sign up, they will use their money and the media to make you famous and powerful. And yes, even pastors. Always check the net worth of your pastor before you listen to him. If he's wealthy with mansions all over the world and book deals, turn him off! 

How many of us even knew a tiny bit about what was really going on just a few years ago?  I'm talking about the evil and wickedness in the world and in our own government, the lies, the deceptions, Kennedy assassination, 9-11, the false flag shootings, NASA, The Georgia Guide Stones, the Illuminati, Free Masons, Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Child Sacrifice, Bohemian Grove, Alien-Demons, the origin of the World Wars, to name a few. All this wickedness has only recently been brought to light in the past decade or so by the "Truth Tellers", people like Alex Jones, Trump, Tucker Carlson etc. 

It is a good thing all this darkness has come out in the open for those with eyes to see. BUT WHY? Why have they even allowed their wicked deeds to be exposed? Think about it. They control the money, the politicians, and the media. They have extremely high-tech weapons in their hand that could kill anyone anywhere at anytime. Why would they allow someone like Alex Jones or Mike Adams or Tucker Carlson, and especially Trump to live? To expose their secrets? 

I was asking the Lord this question along with my questions about Trump. Is he good, bad? Was the assassination attempt on him all staged? The Lord told me, and I'm paraphrasing "They have to expose the darkness in order to get people to follow the False Light"  While I've known about the False light and posted about it here, I hadn't quite looked at it this way. You see, our enemy knows that many of us, particularly Christians, would not willingly follow any certain man or ideology.  NOT unless we saw how evil the world was, how very evil, corrupt, and perverse our own government was. How extremely unjust it was and how they are trying to kill us!  Then, we would get all riled up to fight like good little Christian soldiers. Enter the False Light. God's man of the hour. God's chosen vessel to defeat the evil and usher in an age of Christendom.  This would be easy to believe for those who've been falsely taught that the church takes over the world before Jesus can return. It's easy to believe and get all emotionally caught up if we truly love our country and our lives here. 

When you look at it this way, it all makes sense. They allow the world to see their filth, their wickedness and how corrupt everything is. Then they pick someone who is charismatic, outside of the Swamp (or is he?) and who can attract crowds in the tens of thousands. Then you make him a victim of the elite. Someone who is fighting for the common man, for freedom and justice! Finally, America (and the world) have hope! Someone in power is on our side!  Let's face it, Trump would not be as popular at all if there wasn't such a formidable and exposed enemy to fight. I mean the man has a sordid past, is not a Christian, and is quite arrogant. 

There's some really strange "coincidences" going on. I got the following from Pastor Sandy Armstrong's sermon on July 28th. I recommend it. 

There's a music video by Snoop Dog. Mind you I don't recommend him, his music or this video. He is definitely a Luciferian. But in this video entitled "Lavender"  toward the end, there is a scene where Trump, dressed like a clown, is shot with a fake gun.  The video was posted 7 years ago. After the video released, this huge fight ensued between Trump and Snoop but apparently they made up in 2024. I've seen a picture of Trump and Snoop doing the Free Mason Hand shake. Also remember Trump uses quite a few Free mason hand signals. But why the name Lavender?  Turns out Lavender is an AI company in Israel connected with Palantir, an American Company.  It is a location AI program that can find anyone anywhere in the world. It was used to locate the high profile targets recently assassinated by Israel.  Apparently Palantir is a huge funder for Trump/Vance. Peter Thiel, the Palantir co-founder, is JD Vance's former employer and mentor. Apparently he was the one asking Trump to put Vance on the ticket.  You see how they are all connected? 
So what does all this have to do with Trump? Think about it. Palantir/Lavender is a locating program that uses AI. With it they can find anyone in the world at any time. Don't you think the AntiChrist would find that useful?  What was the company Palantir named after? It  comes from the "Lord of the Rings" where the magical palantir were "seeing stones" described as indestructible balls of Crystal used to see events in other parts of the world.  You think all this is just one big coincidence? Perhaps Trump/Vance have been handpicked to assist the Beast Empire somehow by using this location AI program? It's also rather interesting that the tracks in the Olympics are colored Lavender. 

Beware of JD Vance. He is not what he seems. He's been chosen by the New World Order for this time.  I don't believe he's a Christian. His wife follows an Indian pagan religion.

Is Trump aware that he is chosen and being used by the Satanic Globalists? I'd like to think not. But I just can't see how he isn't aware and therefore, a part of it. I know I'm changing my stance from last week. I admit to getting emotional about the assassination attempt and for a brief moment, hoping there was one good guy in politics fighting for good. But at this state in the game (Almost the Tribulation) and with the Lord's guidance. I'm back to believing Trump is bad. I do not believe he is the Antichrist, but based on the articles  and information listed above, he could very well be the False Prophet. Even the Rabbis are already calling him the Messiah!  We Christians often forget that Israel and Jerusalem will be the Capitol of the Antichrist Beast Empire. Why? Because Satan knows that Jerusalem is where Jesus will set up His Kingdom.  So, we see Trump being a champion for Israel and aligning himself with their leaders, it all seems to fit into place that he is a part of this and will play a pivitol role in the Beast Empire.  We shall see. Or we won't, because we'll be gone. One more thing I just learned. Years ago, when Trump went bankrupt, who bailed him out? The Rothschilds. Part of the Global elite.

This is not time to fear!  God is with us. Do you realize how valuable you are??  How precious you are to the Father? Think of how much you love your kids. God loves you a million times more than that. You are never out of His sight. Just stay under His mighty wings!  No matter what we see in the coming weeks, do not allow fear to creep in and steal your joy and excitement at our soon Homecoming party!

Beware of the UN's General Assembly meeting in September 2024. "Summit of the Future".  This meeting signals Global Government Takeover

Everything about the french olympics is themed "anti christ...

Part of the Ceremony shows a hot air balloon flying over a battered and bruised Stature of Liberty, the globalists are signaling the upcoming destruction of America 

God will not be mocked!
The wider Paris region was put on a severe storm alert Tuesday as the city hosts the Olympic Games, with heavy rain, strong thunderstorms, hail and lightning. 

  • Hezbollah rockets on a playground, caused casualties among children on the border with Lebanon, the largest civilian casualty even since October 7th. According to Israeli media, nine people were killed including children and 34 injured, several of the severely injured are children
  • Hezbollah just carried-out a gruesome massacre of Israeli civilians in Majd Al-Shams northern Israel 🇮🇱 They targeted an enclosed soccer ⚽️ field using a precision guided rocket. They murdered children and teenagers who were playing football RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS. At least 9 teenagers and children between 10-20 years old, were killed and another 2 DOZEN were injured. The children and teens were playing soccer ⚽️ when the rocket 🚀 struck. The rocket that hit the playground in Israel which resulted in the massacre of many children was a Falaq-1 rocket 🚀 with a 50kg explosive warhead. This IS AN IRANIAN 🇮🇷 made rocket
  • Iran supplied Hezbollah with Electromagnetic pulse weapons
  • Turkish President Threatened to invade Israel in support of the Palestinians and to put an end to the nearly 10 month old war
  •  Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles into positions for possible retaliation against Israel if they decided to hit their interest in Beirut - AP
  • Beirut is our red line, if a house is razed in Beirut, then a house will be razed in Tel Aviv - Hezbollah official 
  • Beirut-Rafic Al Hariri International Airport is suffering from widespread cancelations as fears of a strong Israeli reprisal for Hezbollah's attack on Majdal Shams is expected any time now. 
  • Germany calls on its citizens: to leave Lebanon "urgently"!
  • The United States is calling on its citizens to flee Lebanon
  • Britain calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately
  • Israel Railways announces: from tonight until Sunday train traffic north of Haifa will be suspended.
  • Absolute Chaos now at Beit Lid Military Base in Central Israel. Soldiers and Police are being Totally Overwhelmed by Far-Right Demonstrators who have now broken into the Base and Military Court Complex.
  • Israel announced that it is letting the Western countries organize and is waiting with the attack until they take their citizens out of Lebanon, this will happen in the next two-three days. (From Tuesday_)
  • The US Secretary of Defense: “if Israel is attacked by Hezbollah we will help it defend itself.”
  • Israel reportedly coordinated the Beirut strike with the US beforehand. Russia & Iran have condemned the attack. A much expanded Hezbollah rocket 🚀 fire response is to be expected going forward. 
  • In a conflict that is not yet defined as the 3rd Lebanon War, Hezbollah has fired 6,500 rockets since October 8, 2023. 
  • Hezbollah has already declared war on Israel. In the past 3hrs, we've had a taste of where things may be headed...
- Israel hits Beirut 
- [US] strikes Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq
- Ballistic missile launched from Iraq -> Eilat, intercepted
- US warships are headed to Lebanon Coast
- Houthis threatening strikes on Israel
  • Israel air strikes in Beirut, kills number 1 Hezbollah guy
  • Hamas leader assassinated in Tehran by an Israeli airstrike
  • Iran: The red flag of revenge has been raised over the dome of Jamkaran Mosque in Iran, after the Israelis killed Hamas Politburo leader Haniyeh overnight in Tehran with an air strike. 
  • United States has just raised its Lebanon Travel Advisory from Level 3: Reconsider Travel to Level 4: Do Not Travel.
  • Opening of shelters in Tel Aviv and Gush Dan and a state of maximum alert 
  • Houthi leader: We will be part of the Iranian response
  • A Notice to Air Missions or (NOTAM) has been issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel, leading to the Closure of a Majority of Northern and Central Israeli Airspace; with all Airports and Airfields in the Area covered by the NOTAM being Closed for all Flights besides Law Enforcement, Firefighting, and Medevacs to and from Military Bases.
  • Sudanese leader assassinated by drone - Al Jazeera
  • US Deploys Aircraft Carrier — USS Theodore Roosevelt — On Iran’s Doorstep Amid Israel-Hezbollah Tensions 
  • “Netanyahu returned from America with a green light for assassinations. America is involved in everything that is happening and must pay the price," - Yemen's Houthis issued a statement 
  • Ayatollah Khamenei has commanded Iranian forces to launch a direct attack against Israel
  • The United States deployed 12 warships in the Middle East. 
  • The Israeli Army has ordered the closure of factories containing hazardous materials on the Lebanese border
  • "We are now in a new phase in this conflict... with an open war declared on all fronts."
  • — Hezbollah leader Nasrallah's rhetoric today is far more concerning than anything he's said since October 7. 
  • The IDF has canceled leave for all combat soldiers.
  • Iran and its allies are preparing to launch a large-scale attack on Israel within 72 hours
  • American intelligence indicates that within the next 72 hours, Iran and its allies will launch a large-scale attack on Israel.
  • If Israel detects any movement of Iranian 🇮🇷 missiles, it is highly likely that ISRAEL 🇮🇱 will take preemptive action IN IRAN. ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR ☢️ FACILITIES and the ballistic missiles 🚀 stored in the Zagros mountains closest to the Persian Gulf. 
  • Iran closing its airspace
  • Also worth noting this time Israel doesn't have to face one adversary also, there are - 
1) Iranian Militants in Iraq 
2) Iranian Militants in Syria
3) Hezbollah in Lebanon
4) Houthi's in Yemen
5) IRGC / Iranian Army in Iran
6) Hamas in Gaza
7) Hamas & PIJ in the west bank

By the way, my step-daughter was in Israel this week. She is with the US Navy and was aiding the Israelis with some training.  They closed all the airports and it looked like she was stuck there all weekend, but finally she and the person she was with were of a high enough rank that the US got them out.  

WW3 INFO ALERT – It is about to start! 

Following the Israel attack on Lebanon, China & Russia would see it as an opportunity to start; 

🇨🇳 INVASION of Taiwan 
🇷🇺 Large-scale op towards the West 
🇰🇵 Starts hostilities against South Korea 
☢️ 🇮🇷 Iran would be dragging in... Endgame! 

The Beast Empire

Worldwide Chaos
  • Venezuela is on the brink of civil war
  • Venezuela: After the rigged election that gave Maduro the victory, some civilians are setting up barricades. The situation on the ground is extremely tense. Almost all South American countries denounce the theft of the election by the regime in power. It should be noted that the opposition is pro-Israel, West & Bejing/Moscow has interesting in secure strategic gold and oil reserves of the country in favor of their own. 
  • Venezuela descending into chaos after Sham Election. Troops fire on protesting voters!
  • revolt in the uk as a third white girl gets chopped up by immigrants in days... gang rapes on the rise as immigrant gangs go south africa....


Economic Collapse

TRANNIES TAKING THE GOLD... Angela Carini, a real woman who trained for years to box at the Olympics is “beaten” by a man pretending to be a woman...

Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation



Signs in the Sky
The strongest outburst occurred on the Sun in the last 5 years - a geomagnetic "tsunami" will cover the Earth

Multiple coronal mass ejections from the Sun will reach Earth between July 29 and August 1, which will cause a series of strong geomagnetic storms. 


  1. Amazing info you have posted today! Hard to believe that these are not the last days before Daniel's 70th week.
    Your opinion re false light is so true. Even the very elect can be deceived.
    When Tru mp 1st ran, years ago, I vetted him and his masonic palatial apt in NY with apollion painting over fp, large statue of fallen angel along with archirecture of Tru mp towe rs, his hand signals, poem of snake, he went to Jesuit school, is scottish right mason, no fruits as a good man, all confirmed he is the other wing of same bird. Part of same elite system of hegalion dialectic. While in office he did not drain the swamp, fast tracked 5g and va x!
    I am so sad so many believe he will be good for our country. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up for trurh.

    1. You are so right, Susan... about Trump. I remember seeing his apartment with all the Greek gods in it and the Apollyon painting. I really wanted to like him, but alas, I know now he is all in with them. What a clever deception the enemy has perpetrated on believers! So sad

  2. Oh, above post is me,Susan. So glad you read post re VP's wife! Very disturbing.
    Staying close to God. I so look forward to hearing from you as it is very lonely here with most people thinking I'm nuts believing all that is happening pointing to tribulation right at our doorstep. Take care and God bless you, MaryLu!

    1. I'm in the same lonely boat here, Susan. None of my family believe me or want to talk about the rapture and coming Tribulation. Only online friends like you! Thank you for your encouragement!! Blessings!

  3. God is using you in a mighty way Mary Lu! Thank you so much for reaching out & always standing up for God's truth! We too are on our own, as none of our family or friends believe that our time here on this earth is drawing quickly to a close. It is lonely & so concerning for our loved ones who refuse to WAKE UP! Thank you for providing a safe place for us to share. Thank you also for the faithful work you continue to do. When do you sleep girlfriend??? We love you & pray for you.
    Tim & Linda

    1. Thank you so much, Tim and Linda! Sometimes I wonder if I'm helping anyone at all, so I appreciate your kind words. The hardest part about all this is watching our loved ones remain asleep, completely unwilling to see what is right in front of them. I never could have predicted how frustrating this all would be. Sleep? What's that? LOL I covet your prayers, thank you!!

  4. Same thing with my family members no one believes that things are getting as bad as they are and that we are otta here soon. At least most are saved so they will be going to heaven at some point.I am just amazed that so many people can't see what is happening. Thanks Marylu for sharing all the headlines it really does show how all the Bible prophecy is lining up and happening right now. What a privilege to be the generation that will see Jesus. Bless you Marylu and everyone on this blog. Pam

    1. Yes, praise God that many of your loved ones are saved! They will make it eventually, as I know mine will too.. even the unsaved ones at this point. Because God is faithful and merciful and He saves households! Anyway, We are truly a privileged generation! Even though it's hard, I am so thankful the Lord has opened my eyes... Bless you, Pam!! Hang in there.. almost home!

  5. Greetings Chosen Scribe to our Most Holy God !
    I agree with al the comments Sister, It's nice to have a place to come in out of the storm. And the worst part of that storm is from those in our own homes , those we pray for the most !

    I have always wondered about Rom 11 " all Israel will be saved" ? Does this mean the TRUE Israelites ? Does it mean saved through the Levitical law. Will they ALL turn to the true Messiah, Jesus Christ ?
    And so this bothered me about the short video by Rabbi and his predictions. He calls Cyrus the first Messiah, so maybe the Jews use this term, as I would say loosely. In Christianity I think we only look at Messiah to mean Jesus Christ, or at least we used to. Now Christians are leaning liberal and embracing all kinds of false messiah's which is just what the scripture say's /
    Seems this Rabbi goes out of his way to not mention The Name of Jesus.
    So if we are on the door step of the begining of the Trib, and he is calling Israels deliverance at 2027, which would be mid trib to me? So if Trump get elected, and signs a false peace soon. Then 2027 would be when the seals are broken and God's wrath is poured out ? So it could be possible that the church doesnt gets caught up till the wrath starts ?
    The Rabbi also talks about America being Great again so it can fight for Israel. But isnt Jesus coming with His Army Angels to accomplish this battle in Dan 7:13 ? So not sure I agree with this guy.
    About the Lavender thing and the indistructable crystals. I believe there was a Superman series with a cave where super crystals were hidden just like you describe. Superman was the olny one who could pull them out and view them and run off to save man kind ! But there was one evil superman counterpart who could also do this !!!
    But AI is certainly far more advanced than the powers reveal to us. And they could easily, right in plain sight pull off a fake shooting with a non lethal bullet ! Lol, not trying to create a conspiracy here, but nothing is as it seems. Didnt you say that last week ?

    Paris Olympics and RNC are just 2 recent events of the Wolves shedding the fleece in plain sight !!!
    And that boxing scam, no real man would ever get into the ring with a woman. And the evil increases exponetially day by day !

    May the power of our God strengthen our faith, give us eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart of discernment to know the voice of Him who Calls us by name !

    1. Hey Brother!! Don't put too much weight on what this Rabbi said. I only posted it to prove that the religious Jews truly believe Trump is a Messiah... not their true Jewish one.. but a Gentile one. They actually have more than one Messiah listed in their "Jewish Writings" .. Not the Bible. There is a Messiah ben Joseph and a Messiah ben David, I believe. So whatever he said about 2027, I would not believe. The Seals on the Scroll are broken at the very beginning of the Tribulation... just after we are raptured. Which I believe will happen this year. Yes, I still believe that! This Rabbi is not Saved and is probably following the Talmud.
      The Full Wrath of God is poured out in the 2nd half of the Tribulation after the AC takes the Throne in Jerusalem and declares himself god. That's when the Trumpets and bowls are blown and poured out. (I believe) So 2027 could mark the midpoint of the Tribulation. But we will be long gone by then.
      I remember that scene in Superman! That's quite a coincidence. Hmm. They are certainly exposing who they really are! But most people don't even see it, especially Christians!! I say AMEN to your last sentence. We all need discernment and to stay close to Jesus in these last minutes! Blessings, Brother

  6. I would also add authors to that list of famous elite. After so many books and never making much more than peanuts. I've come to realize I'm one of the many hamsters on the wheel to pay those big authors their millions. And the authors that do make it that big tend to write books that will change cultures to a liberal point of view or a false understanding of the God of the Bible.

    1. Tell me about it, Sister! I have 33 books published and still don't make enough to live on. After 14 books with them, my Christian publisher told me not to write such spiritual books so I quit and went out on my own. Those who are at the top.. the NY Times Best sellers are either secular books or "Christian" books that preach falsehoods or never mention the name of Jesus. It's very sad... but I continue to write for the glory of my Lord! I know you do too!
