Friday, September 20, 2024

And So It Has Begun!

Dear Protected and Beloved Saints of the Most High,

The War in Israel has begun. In case you haven't heard, a few days ago, tons of pagers in the hands of many terrorists and some citizens in Lebanon suddenly exploded, injuring thousands and killing dozens. Then the next day, walkie-talkies, TVs, and radios began exploding also.  Many high-ranking members of Hezbollah, along with the Iranian ambassador were severely injured. The son of Ali Ammar, a Hezbollah member of parliament, was killed. According to Lebanese officials So far “35 dead and 3,250 injured”. According to unofficial sources - over 5009 injured and one hundred dead. Hundreds of terrorists are expected to not survive. CONFIRMED: At least 32 Hezbollah terrorists eliminated in the pager attack in Lebanon.

At first the news was saying that somehow Israel hacked these communication devices, but now, it turns out that the bombs were placed within them before Lebanon purchased them from a company in Taiwan... who in turn got them from another company... and somehow Mossad was able to insert the bombs. Who knows what's true? But of course, this has really hampered Hezbollah's plans to attack Israel. As of late Thursday, Israel is severely bombing Lebanon with massive airstrikes. 

Where will this lead?  The head of Hezbollah Nasrallah has said Israel has crossed all red lines and this is a declaration of war. He has vowed to destroy the Jews. I believe one of two things will happen,

1. The war will intensify greatly and Iran, Russia, and Turkey will get involved, making this the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38


2. Some sort of temporary peace agreement will be reached and implemented, putting Israel at rest for a time. And that's when the Gog-Magog alliance will attack. 

I'm not a prophet but we know the Gog-Magog war WILL HAPPEN, and it is at the conclusion of this war (which ends quickly) the Antichrist will come on the scene and sign the 7 year covenant with Israel. So, that is what we look for. However, I also believe the true church will not be here to witness that signing because it says in Thessalonians 2:3  that we leave before the antichrist is revealed. 

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.  Geneva 1599 Bible

You can see more news under Israel. Some of it I gathered before this event happened, but it's interesting none the less. We keep our eye on Israel, God's time clock. Prophecy is unfolding at a rapid pace! The church is about to be removed, so buckle up, saints!

Continuing with the Israel theme, click to my blog and watch the video below where thousands of Jewish worshippers, ahead of Yom Kippur are singing the famous liturgical song, "Lord of Forgiveness"

"We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us.
Lord of forgiveness,
Examiner of hearts.
Revealer of the depths,
Speaker of righteousness.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us. (x2)
Glorious in wonders,
Eternal in consolations,
Who remembers the covenant of our forefathers,
Reader of all our hidden parts.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us. (x2)
Perfect with good attributes,
Awesome in praises.
Who forgives wrongdoings,
And answers those in distress.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us.

In other war news, China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Russian subs surround Britain and we are moving troops to Alaska due to increased Russian presence in the sea. Putin continues to threaten the west, and who can blame him? Ukraine continues to attack deep within Russia using drones. Russian diplomat families have left the USA as Russia threatens to attack our homeland. Putin increases his military to 1.5 million men. The only bright spot is that Britain and the US have decided NOT to allow Ukraine to send missiles deep into Russian territory (at least not yet)  since Putin said that would be an act of war. 

The power of AI is increasing at frightening levels. Doesn't it just seem like last year when we first started hearing about AI? Now, it's everywhere, running everything. Welcome to the Beast Empire!

Meanwhile, they continue to poison us with plagues and vaccines. Got to get that population down!  And check out all the UFOS lately.  For those new to my blog, they will use UFOS to explain away the rapture. UFOS are not aliens from another planet, but aliens from another dimension (demons, fallen angels)  This will be a huge deception on the people of Earth and will cause many to fall.

I'm sensing that in the coming months (whether we are here or not) many evil people will fall or be taken out of power. Why? Because the Satanic Globalists will have no further use for them. They have played their role and now they need to be removed so the World Government can be installed. Unfortunately, many people will see this as a sign that things are getting better and the world is entering a revival, but that will not be the case. As the "evil" people are being cast out, the "good" people will rise. But beware, this, too, is a trap. Those who rise up will be the false light I'm always talking about. They will appear to be on the side of the people and freedom and good, but they are wolves in sheep's clothing. The Antichrist will be one of them and the world will love him. 

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?  Revelation 16:13

So Please Beware and warn your friends. Things are not what they seem.

Look to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of My mouth in righteousness and shall not return, that unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance  Isaiah 45:22-23

God is with us to the very end!!  Never doubt that

Even to your old age I am He, and even to hair white with age will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear; yes, I will carry and will save you. Isaiah 46:4

I'm leaving some categories up even though I didn't list news beneath them (although there is usually tons. I only have so much time)  but I want to leave the Scriptures up. If you have any friends/family who don't believe we are in the end times, send them my blog and ask them to look up the Scriptures and see how events are lining up with the Bible! I make NO money on this blog or any of my email newsletters. This is a ministry to help get the church ready for the Lord's return and to encourage those who are looking for Him!   

Found this interesting: If true, please pray for Trump!  Congressman: Five Assassination teams are within USA to kill Trump

And Now the Crazy News (Lots of videos in this one, so watch on my blog)

Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)

The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)

Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)
The warning label of this vaccine says:

"Individuals who are vaccinated with this vaccine should quarantine for 4 weeks after injection.  During this quarantine individuals cannot handle babies, be around pregnant women, cannot go swimming or be in hot tubs, cannot use public restrooms, share a bed, clothing, or be in close contact with an unvaccinated individual." 
It also says on the warning label that this ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine "may cause the spread of smallpox". 
But the worst part. . .at the bottom of this vaccine insert, it states-  "Death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals may occur".
See video below

There's another video below you should watch, so please click over to my blog if you aren't already here. A nurse of 16 years working at a hospital explains ALL the health issues people are having after the Covid shots at an astounding rate she has never seen before…heart and kidney issues, diabetes, turbo cancer, pneumonia, skin issues, sores and wounds that won’t heal, and people dying at a rate never seen before…ever!!  And she said the scariest part is “who are going to take care of all these sick people when most all the medical workers took the Covid shots too!?” She said she is 1 out of only 3 in the whole entire hospital staff who refused the Covid shots! 

Immorality/Evil/Chaos/Violence (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:37, 2 Peter 2)

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)
Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)

See Crazy black circle in the sky above Williamsburg VIDEO


  1. Greetings signed, sealed and delivered child of God,
    I always believed in the End Times, but now I am starting to see the order of it. Starting to see it play out. That goes to your credit Sister, which God deposits right into your Heaven account :)

    Yeah, the Pope and Oprah what a pair. Hmm, the woman who rides the beast ? They both say "all paths lead to God". I have a friend who says that. And actually just watched a couple of pod casts that talk about the apostate churches, namely, New Age, New Thought and many more who claim the Christianity flag.

    Beautiful prayer by the Jews.

    Really with the AI assisted weaponry we have now, no one is safe from assignation . And this is not just a quick kill with a bullet anymore. Who knows what those people at Trumps rally were infected by, and what will become of them. I believe the dark side is testing out their new weapons like this and many more.

    Who made Bill Gates Zar of what peole can speak ? For those who think sensoring is not real, I would mention that in 2+ years I have been sharing some of your posts, this morning when I went to FB several had the content deleted. The message was that you my have a restriction on sharing your content Sister ?

    Videos about vax is sobering. Of course many of us who didnt take the jab kinda knew it was not going to be safe. Ranald reagon once said " the scariest words in the world are; we are here from the government, and we came to help" !

    May the Lord watch over you all this week.

    1. Yes, FB has been censoring me for years. I ended up quitting and deleting my page that had thousands of followers. Then I came back under a different name (the one I have now) and I don't post my blog there... but I guess AI has my name and email so they will continue to limit my posts. Another reason I hate FB and wish I could get off... but I am on here for a writer's group I follow. Sigh. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe this week also, Brother!
