Friday, October 18, 2024

Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen!

Greetings, Fellow End Times Remnant Saints,

The World is on the Edge of World War 3. I've never seen the likes of this in my 65 years. It's like everyone has their finger on the nuclear button, but they are all afraid to be the first one to push it! Add to that the constant deaths from the Vax, the upcoming plague, the hundreds of thousands of violent immigrants in our borders (many fighting-age Chinese males, the Christian persecution, the UFOs, the coming digital currency, the storms... well, it's almost surreal. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and the sun is shining and my grandchildren are giggling and my fridge is full and I wonder if I've gone completely nuts. But then I remember the state of the world and I feel like I've been transported to a demon planet. In truth, this will become a demon planet during the Tribulation.

I believe America will be attacked from within and without. As I mentioned above there are thousands of fighting-age Chinese and Middle-eastern males now in our country waiting for the GO signal. Remember that Port workers strike a week or so ago? Remember how everyone was saying it would last long and there'd be no groceries in the store? Then it only lasted a few days. I always wondered why the elites didn't take advantage of it, but I recently found out that it was all orchestrated so they could bring into the country massive shipments of weapons. And not weapons for us, but to be used against us. 

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:  Revelation 18:9-11

America is Babylon and her destruction comes quick and will happen in one day. No there's not going to be a Great Awakening and Trump is not going to save us. It's all a charade put on by the puppet masters and many of us are so caught up in the show, we can't see the strings.  

Putin just said "The United States is a Danger to Humanity"  Did you know Russia has called out their ambassadors and their families from the US?  Countries only do that when they expect to go to war with that nation.

The next few weeks should get very interesting with the US divided over the election like I've never seen before and Israel about to attack Iran. If you think the Satanic powers don't want to disrupt this election OR use it to manufacture a huge disruption, you have your head in the sand. Whether it will cause a Civil war is debatable. Whether it even happens at all if the US is attacked is something we will have to wait and see. Either way, I believe something major will happen in the last two weeks of this month. Remember the Satanists love Halloween. You can almost sense the evil mounting as we approach that holiday.  What a better way to celebrate than usher in a war that will kill millions, a great blood sacrifice to Lucifer.

All eyes on Israel! Israeli priests went up on the Temple Mount and uttered an Abrahamic Blessing. (see below under Israel) This is historic and just more proof of the end times and the soon coming third temple! Earlier in the week, drones landed on an Israeli post killing several soldiers who were eating a meal. And just yesterday, Israel killed infamous the HAMAs leader responsible for the October 7th slaughter. The US, in a show of force to Iran, bombed the Houthis underground weapons depots, while our THAADS missiles have arrived in Israel. We await the promised Israel attack on Iran, which Netanyahu says will happen before the US Election on November 5th. I believe it will happen, but at the same time, it upsets me to think of the innocent lives that will be lost and how many of them will end up in hell. 

China has surrounded Taiwan with warships and planes in an "exercise"  and North Korea is increasing both their presence and threats to South Korea. You can find all this information below.  


Saints, I'm concerned at what I see coming from Elon Musk. He and Trump have gotten very chummy these past weeks, and Musk even spoke at one of Trump's recent rallies. Have you seen the robots this man has been putting out? The Self-driving cars and motorcycles? (See videos below under Beast Empire) This is all driven by AI and will be the power behind the Beast Empire. Musk is even calling himself DARK MAGA.

Look at Musk's accomplishments
  • xAI - Dominion of Artificial Intelligence 
  • SpaceX - Dominion of Space
  • Starlink - Dominion of Global Inter-Connectivity
  • Tesla - Dominion of Robotics
  • Neuralink - Dominion of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) / Mind Control
  • X -  Dominion of global payment systems (Similar to the chinese WeChat application but on a global scale)
  • "Occupy Mars": Colonizing Mars as a planet (literal interpretation)
  • "Mars Occupy": God of war seizing control over the world (chiastic structure)
Mars -  Planet Mars is linked to several ancient gods, primarily associated with: war, death, and pestilence across various mythologies.

Have you ever wondered what MAGA means (Besides Make America Great Again?) This shocked me!!! 

MAGA in Latin: Magic, Magical, Witch
MAGA in Italian: Sorceress or Witch
MAGA in Spanish: Magician or Wizard or Illusionist
MAGA in Polish: Magician
MAGA in Sanskrit: Magician or Priest of the sun

Did you know that MAGA is the Fifth and Highest degree in the Church of Satan? Another shocker. I had no idea. See for yourself! A coincidence? A mistake? I don't think so!

This is all deception. They are telling you they are the good guys here to defeat evil, to usher in a ‘Great Awakening’ a new era, you know…trust the plan! But in truth, they are leading so many Americans down the path of destruction. With Musk on board now, the Beast will rule humanity through mass surveillance, manipulation/control, technology ie. Transhumanism.  And by their name, MAGA, with Trump's Warp speed vaccine and now Musks' AI, they are showing us who they are and probably laughing at all the people following them like little sheep.  

A Christ rejecting world will fall for it. MANY Christians will too, especially when their FreeMason pastors promote it. Unfortunately many in the church cannot discern the truth of God from the lies of the devil and they will believe this new age deception because they are not founded on the the Rock that is Jesus. Remember our Lord's first warning of the end times, ‘be careful lest you are deceived!’ 

I know I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt earlier when he'd been shot, but no more. He is most definitely one of them. Even if they end up killing him, it will only be because they benefit more from his death than his life. 

A couple of Important Articles here before the news!
Pope Francis Declares Jesus is a Liar and Lucifer is the Son of God 

If you read any article at all from this post, read this one

On the Eve of Yom Kippur, the Jews come to the Western Wall to pray! 

Here's a Video below of the event


A speck of good news!  Over 6000 students from the university of Mississippi lifted their voices in worship and praise to Jesus!  I do believe there will be a great revival (very short) right before the rapture and another huge one afterward!  Yay, Jesus!

There's so much important news below. After browsing it, if you have any doubt we are in the last seconds of the Last Days, I'll be shocked. Please continue to pray for those suffering from the recent hurricanes, for the innocents in both sides of war, for the lost to come to Jesus, and the lukewarm to wake up. 

I've taken to memorizing certain Psalms to use when I'm in a battle or just need to be encouraged. There's power in the Psalms. Here's one I recently memorized. May it encourage you and keep you from fear! Because we have nothing to fear at all. Our Father is God, the Almighty, the All powerful, full of Grace and Mercy!  What can man do to us?

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
....The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.
 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.  Psalm 46

Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

Israeli PM Netanyahu urges UN to evacuate peacekeepers from combat zones in Lebanon for their US Navy Lockheed EP-3E Aries II intelligence surveillance aircraft is spying on possible targets in Iran safety. 

  • Drone strike in a military base near Binyamina - south of Haifa. Updated number of injured from the drone attack -67
  • Hamas planned 9-11 style explosion of Tel Aviv Skyscraper
  • Iranian channels are reporting that out of fear of an Israeli strike, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian will soon enter the "strongest bunker in the world" alongside Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
  • United States issues “warning” to Israel. If the Gaza humanitarian crisis isn't resolved in 30 days, it will impose a weapons embargo on Israel.
  • US Embassy in Lebanon, Leave immediately!
A Kohen, a modern day descendant of Aaron, wearing priestly garments, produced by the Temple Institute) ascended the Temple Mount last week, where he administered the priestly blessing, alongside his fellow kohanim, blessing his fellow Jews.  This is amazing!!  And never before seen. They are getting ready for the third Temple!

Emmanuel Macron bans all Israeli defense companies from the Euronaval Defence Expo in Paris.

Just in One night (Wednesday), this is what Israel faced
  • Rockets from Lebanon on northern Israel 
  • UAV that approached from the Mediterranean 
  • UAV that approached from the south
  • American B-2 strikes weapon depots in Yemen
  • Israel strikes in Gaza Lebanon and Syria 

HAMAS leader Yahya Sinwar was executed by Israel

Russia warns Israel to not even consider attacking Iranian nuclear facilities

War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)

 “The world is facing a fatal and irreversible turning point" - Putin 

South Korean drones have entered North Korean territory on October 3, 9 and 10 , when they dropped leaflets over the central area of Pyongyang. North Koreans showed the drone they spotted and the propaganda materials they sent. North Korean army is on full alert! 

The pressure cooker continues to build up between North and South Korea lately.  DPRK (🇰🇵 North Korea) has ordered front line artillery units into full "FIRE READINESS" which would indicate shells and munitions moved up and crews on standby near systems, ready to fire on South Korea in the near future.

South Korean Intelligence has observed “Unusual Movement” along the North Korean-Side of the Border, involving the Large-Scale Deployment of Troops for something very large coming. 

South Korean Intelligence has ALSO noticed the arrival of many Explosives  to the area, suggesting that North Korea is preparing to Detonate and Destroy both the Gyeongui and Donghae RAILWAY LINES and ROADS between South Korea 🇰🇷 and North Korea 🇰🇵 
Sister of Communist leader Kim Jong Un, Kim Yo-jong with his latest remarks on South Korean drone infiltrations: "South Korean military has secured evidence of invading Pyongyang's skies... they will pay a harsh price," - state-run KCNA reports 

Article about the Above Picture

The National Defense Commission of North Korea announced on October 9th that they intended to Cut ALL TRANSPORT LINES with the South, and to begin a Major Project to Fortify these Areas along the Border.

  •   North Korean officers are already in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, already training Russian soldiers - Zelensky
  •  North Korea officially recognized South Korea as an "enemy state" - confirmed by the National Assembly of the DPRK

Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

California is investigating five possible human cases of bird flu among dairy farm workers, in addition to the six cases previously confirmed in the state, the state health department said on Monday - Reuters

The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)

Tesla rolls out robots like new cars. Video below.  They are also rolling out robot cars and taxis. Just check out some of this technology. Do you think these "robots" can't be programmed to kill on demand?

Remember how I warned you in the last two Friday posts about DOD Directive 524001 and how it authorizes our government to use LETHAL force against us!  See Ron Paul video below and his outrage against it

Famine/Economic Collapse (Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)

It's coming!

Immorality/Evil/Chaos/Violence (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:37, 2 Peter 2)

Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Biden Harris Regime paves way for Bureaucrats to take Gender-confused kids from Non-Affirming parents

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)


  1. Greetings Beloved Daughter of the Most High God,
    Another powerfull word Sister.
    Absolutely you are not nuts, and if you are so am I. But we are not alone, 1 Cor 4:9For it seems to me that God has displayed us apostles at the end of the procession, like prisoners appointed for death. We have become a spectacle to the whole world, to angels as well as to men. 10We are fools for Christ, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are honored, but we are dishonored. 11To this very hour we are hungry and thirsty, we are poorly clothed, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.…
    We may not be hungry or thrst or homeless in the material things, but we certainly hunger and thirst for the righteousness of Christ, and often feel un welcome in our own homes !
    Yet later Paul says' Phil 3: 7But whatever was gain to me I count as loss for the sake of Christ. 8More than that, I count all things as loss compared to the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God on the basis of faith.…
    and it hurts !

    Dark MAGA, wow ! That kinda puts another piece in the puzzle ! Yup, Musk and Trump together concern me to!

    " A Christ rejecting world" 1 Cor 2: …7No, we speak of the mysterious and hidden wisdom of God, which He destined for our glory before time began. 8None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
    And consider this; It would have to have been in God's plan that they didnt know, other wise they would not have crucified God's Son, who for the love set before Him endured the cross on our behalf ! Nothing happens out of God's good and perfect will.

    So much more to say about all of this, but I'll end with something that stuck out to me here, and several other places this week.
    You mnetion "disruption". So I read a news headline saying that the government to deal with voting "disruption". The definition of this word is alarming. Andduring my studies tis week Paul keeps talking about disruptin in the church. So prevalent right now isnt it. Had a deep discussion with a couple who I consider both of them my best friends. As I listened to the wife describe the Ladies Bible study she had just come from, I could not believe how liberal what she said sounded to me. The Bible study was conducted by my ex pastors, wife's mother who is pastor in a church in France. Now my friend has always been a sound and solid woman of Christ, and her husband as well. They came to my ex church from my wife's encouragement. But oh how liberal she has become. And I just see how much this applies to the "disruption", that I've been hearing all week, and how satan is using disruption in the chruch ! And he is luring many away, even those who seemed so rooted in the Word ! But when you try to warn them, and her husband doesnt see it, they kind of look at you with this patronizing "Stepford Wives look !
    Not sure I see "revivals" coming MaryLu, I think we've had our chances, and the Trib is on the way.

    By the way, Psalm 46 is one of my favorites.

    Q: are there really, actual bloodline descendants of Aaron still with us ???

    Thank you Sister for your diligence in His service. May the Lord of all grace shine His favor on you this week.

    1. Yikes sorry about your friends. I am finding that as well in Christian friends whom I once thought were solid in the faith. How smart and crafty our enemy is. I fear for them. Revivals? I'm not talking about huge ones. I suppose I should have used the term Harvest instead. I'm sensing a big harvest right at the moment before the rapture and then other big ones during the Tribulation. God is so merciful!
      As far as the descendants of Aaron? Yes, I believe there are. I believe they've done DNA testing and found some who are in the bloodline. But I can't say for sure.
      God bless you, Brother. I guess we'll be nuts together! It's a good club to be in.
