Friday, December 13, 2024

America Was Started in order to Bring Forth the Antichrist!

Dear Greatly Beloved Children of the Most High,

I know that's quite a statement to make, but if you bear with me through this post, I think you'll see my reasons. Before I begin, let me summarize a few of the news highlights this past week. Again, if you come over the my Telegram channel, you'll get a ton of information during the week and you can chat with me too! 

This week we saw Syria fall. Several Rebel groups stormed across that nation, burning, pillaging and murdering. The tyrant leader Assad took his money and flew to Russia where he was granted asylum.  News reports indicate that anyone associated with the Assad regime is being systematically butchered. The muslim rebels who took over are Sunni muslims, different from the Shiite muslims who are in Iran. This is bad news for both Iran and Russia, who have both lost territory and support. Israel continues to invade Syria and destroy and/or confiscate all military posts and weaponry. They are now threatening to take this opportunity to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. What could go wrong? 

NATO is warning that war is coming, and Russia just issued an alert for all its citizens to leave the US, Cananda and EU countries. If you don't think a world war is coming, you have your head in the sand. Oh and don't forget that China now has Taiwan surrounded for "military exercises". 

There's a lot of other news but I'll mention one more thing. The weird influx of drones flying over America, in particular our military bases. Our government is telling us it's nothing, while some are saying they come from an Iranian mother ship. Either way, don't trust a word our government says. I tend to believe these drones are really important and we should pay attention to them. Something isn't right. 

Okay back to Bablyon America. I have been doing some research and I'm fully persuaded that our nation's purpose (among other evil things) is th birth the AC. Oh how they have duped us Americans and in particular, us Christian Americans! But it cannot be denied. Our history books have been rewritten, and we have been lied to. I'm not saying there haven't been a large number of Christian citizens here in the USA over the years. That is very true.

Yet, funny how so many can overlook all the pagan statues all over DC, the Statue of Liberty itself, the way DC is laid out, the Washington Monument, and the Dome (A similar obelisk and Dome found at the Vatican). We see these things and just shrug and still believe that America was founded on Christian principals. Yes, there were some Christians in our early government but the majority were Deists, atheists, and FreeMasons. Most of our presidents, including Washington, have been Freemasons. The creator and god they spoke about was none other than Lucifer, the Light Bearer.

Let me just relay a couple of quotes here from a few of our founding fathers. 

Here's more:

Thomas Jefferson. 

"I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved--The Cross"

Regarding the book of Revelation. "It is between fifty and sixty years since I read it and I then considered it as merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation then the incoherences of our own nightly dreams."

It gets worse with Benjamin Franklin, who was one of the most influential Founding Fathers. He belonged to Secret Societies in Three Countries. He was the master of the Masonic Lodge of Philadelphia. He joined a political group in England called the Hellfire Club whose purpose was to mock traditional religion and conduct orgies, including satanic rites and sacrifices. In 1998 the bones of four adults and six children were discovered beneath Franklin's home, most showing signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. 

Inside the Capitol Dome, look up and this is what you'll see. George Washington being deified and surrounded by pagan gods! Why do we overlook this?? 

George Washington was a Diest and a 33rd Degree Mason. Even his pastor of many years stated that Washington was a Diest and not a Christian. 

Everything about our founding and everything reflected in D.C. and on the Great Seal and the dollar bill was created for the purpose of fulfilling the Baconian dreams of a New Atlantis by establishing America as the capital of the New World Order. 

There's so much to say here, but I want to focus on the Inauguration Ceremony that has occurred for every president since Washington. The US Capitol building is a religious temple and represents the womb of Isis and the Washington monument is the phallus of Osiris-Apollo. Inaugurate is from the Latin Inauguratio and refers to the archaic ceremony by which Roman soothsayers approved a king or ruler. 

During the Inauguration, the president stands at the dome while across town at the House of the Temple, Freemasons simultaneously conduct the "Raising of Osiris" ceremony to call the seed of Osiris-Apollo from the underworld through the Washington monument and then over to the Capitol Dome (womb) where the new president stands accepting his role as the living representative of Osiris. This is all done in anticipation of the day when the true Osiris-Apollo will be raised and possess the new American President to become the Antichrist. 

There is a lot more to it than that, but I encourage you to watch the short video below (must go to my blog to see it)  and/or read Tom Horn's book Zeitgeist 2025 which lays out everything in great detail, with proof. Also check out the documentary Belly of the Beast.  It's only 20 dollars on Amazon for the DVD. I just ordered it 

Why am I telling you all this? It's depressing!  I'm telling you this because I believe the coming inauguration on January 20th will be the final one, and the one they are looking for in which the demonic being of Osiris-Apollo and/or Satan himself will possess the new president and usher in the "Golden Age" (they actually use that term) of the New World Order. We are that close!

Please watch this Short YouTube video linked here called "Creepy Events that occurred at Presidental Inauguration"

Also for more detailed proof and information, here's a 52 minute video about the Dark Secrets of DC

I'm not trying to depress you. I know for some this is a real shock to discover that you've been lied to your entire life, that what we once believed was our great Christian nation is, in fact, Babylon, a nation that has done countless evils across the Globe and the nation from whom the Antichrist will be born. But if you're like me, you'd rather know the truth, even if it hurts, then be walking about in the darkness. 

If, indeed, this is the final Inauguration and rising of Apollo to possess the AC, then we are about to go home! So, buckle up and get ready to fly!


  1. Hi MaryLu from Susan. Everything you say here is 100% true as revealed in Tom Horn's books and videos and historical ceremonies, architecture, Masonic books/rituals and words from our "leaders". There is their exoteric words, but double meaning secret esoteric (black/white) only meanings"the initiated" believe. Their sorcery is real.
    Everything in my spirit has warned me for years about Tr umps real connections and powers behind him. One can't ignore he is a Jesuit trained/mason (Fordum school)and his tower, 66th floor penthouse, words, gestures all point to the possibility in his own words, he is the chosen one, the snake we took in, the "last president "Christians who vote for him will have.
    All prophecy is being rolled out quickly since cv, deception, and now Elon Musk fast tracking AI transhumanism and skynet tracking/control.
    Our only escape is believing in God's provision for our lives through faith in finished work of Jesus on the cross and sanctification through God's Holy Spirit in us and obedience as best we can while still in our bodies, yeilding our wills to God, not ourselves as Jesus, The Messiah taught.
    This info is needed to help people not to believe in the false light, a "golden age" but the true light of one and only Jesus who everyone will see at his coming and not be deceived by one who says he is Christ in middle of last 7 years trib.
    Thank you for standing for truth/exposing the deception.
    God bless!!

    1. Amen Susan! Thank you for all you said here. I think you've been awake much longer than I have, but now that I'm diving into the pool of truth head first, the water is shockingly cold and uncomfortable. But people need to hear the truth even if it's painful and challenges their worldview! Jesus is the Only Way out of this mess! Yield to Him and trust in Him before it's too late!

  2. Greetings Valiant Watchwoman of the Most High God,

    Blessing to you Sister for you due diligence in bringing the truth to light. And blessing to Susan for her fortifying comment.
    Indeed; something isnt right !

    Trump himself said " dont worry, if you vote for him it would be the last time we would have to vote" (something like that). He was called out by Dems who accused him of threatening them with this statement ! That was an advertisement that appeared over and over on the internet, almost like it was asecret call !

    The short video (both) on the capital were chilling. Something I found particularly interesting for me, was this word " Apotheosis"= to become god ! As you know the reason I left the church was because I heard Christians, even pastors either saying this out right or eluding to claiming this "god" title for themselves !!! Why it strikes me so, is that I seem to be the only one hearing this amongst such a spirit filled, prophesying, all knowing people !
    Nicholas Cage made a movie some years back about these secret society's than Ben Frankling and others were steeped in. National Treasure was the name. Looking for this secret treasure led him through a maze of Freemason clues to secret messages.

    I recently read; "I'd rather be hurt by the truth, than decieved by a lie !

    Just want to add, people that voted for Trump because they saw it as a vote against the greater evil like abortion and transgender etc, should not feel badly. We made the best choice we could for life. We cast our lots knowing God will determine the outcome. We did it with a pure heart. We knew he was a bum, but we also knew God would use him to fulfill His greater purpose. And by that I dont mean MAGA.

    May the Lord keep us humble, watchful and prayerful for one another as we wait for His appearing. Blessed is the name of the Lord God Almighty, forever to be praised !

    1. Hey Brother! I had some trolls so I changed the comments to me having to approve them. Sorry about that. I remember that movie National Treasure.. and the freemasons. And your old church sounds worse and worse. Glad you left! Thank you for your always encouraging comments! May the Lord bless and protect you and yours until we meet in the clouds!

  3. oh well, it seems my comment was not allowed !!! Some privacy thing displayed when I hit publish. Maybe I'll re write later. But know that you are much appreciated for bring this to our attention, and I pray that the gracious hand of the Lord is upon you to keep you in all you do ! And to Susan also for her fortifying comment ! May we walk humbly yet steadfast as we follow the voice of our True Shepherd and Holy God.
