Monday, December 30, 2024

The Night is Far Gone and the Day is Almost Here!

 Besides this you know what (a critical) hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah).

Over the past week through many gatherings for Christmas, I was unable to shake the strong sense I've had for some time now, the sense that this is a Critical Hour. And then during my Bible Reading on Saturday, I was in Romans 13 and came across this verse.  I love the Amplified Classic because it expounds on the Greek meaning of phrases and words, and of course the "critical" word leapt out at me. As I read this, the Lord prompted me to post these verses to you, the remnant Bride. Why? Because we are all so weary of this world and of waiting for our Lord's rescue. But the Lord is saving, your salvation is nearer now than when you first believed. It may seem like the wait is endless, but as each day passes, we are closer and closer! 

And, of course, there's that nasty word "Believed", which does not mean an opinion, idea, or mental assent, but as it was translated to Adhere, trust, and rely. What does adhere mean? To Cleave To, to be Devoted to. Hmm. 

The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put on the [full] armor of light. Let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the [open light of] day, not in reveling (carousing) and drunkenness, not in immorality and debauchery (sensuality and licentiousness), not in quarreling and jealousy.

We are to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. Why does Paul warn us to put them away in light of the lateness of the hour? Because those who practice these things will not be taken in the rapture. 
I love where it says put on the armor of light! How do you put on light? Jesus is the light, right? So we put on Jesus, as it says in the next verse. 

 But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for [indulging] the flesh [put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [gratify its] desires (lusts).
Romans 13:11-14

How do you clothe yourself with Jesus? Think about the clothing you wear. What is its function? It keeps you warm, protected, and modest. It moves with you and stays with you during the day.  So, to clothe yourself with Jesus means to have an ongoing relationship with Him during your whole day. Not just a 10 minute devotion in the morning or a simple prayer over a meal. No, this is an attached-at-your-hip kind of relationship where you are in constant communication. This is the ONLY WAY you can stop the evil cravings of your flesh.  Because with Jesus right there with you, you will be unable to give in to sin. 

The rapture is coming, and soon. It's not years away. One Christian lady I follow had a great analogy. We are on the plane, all buckled in, and waiting for the final people to board. Once they board and the door is shut, we are ready for take off. The signs are all around us and are exponentially getting worse. But if you love Jesus and follow Him, you are already safely on board the plane. Take a deep breath and sing praises to Him while you wait. The plane will take off on time! God's Time.


  1. Greeting Precious Daughter of our Heavenly Father,

    That first quotation brought a fond memory of my old Pastor friend. When ever someone would ask him when Christ would return he would always say " well I dont know exactly, but I'll tell you this, it's closer now than when we first believed" ! :)

    I have been asking God lately what I am doing wrong. I've always been a strong man, strong in my convictions, not easily swayed. Kind of a loner. Even in the days when I ran with the pack I never joined a pack, if that makes sense. I guess I can come off at times as a hard man, some might say stubborn.
    So I've been asking the Lord to show if I need to change my strategy. Though I have for several years now tried to just be quiet. Mmm, maybe I should say, when I try to tell family and friends about the false preaching going around, they say, "I dont want to hear that", sometimes they even put their hands over their ears ! So I just dont say anything. And it kills me inside.
    So Lord, is there a better way I can go about warning those I love of the impending danger ? Search me Lord, root out any pride or unclean motive. Create in my a clean heart O Lord, and let me not walk in my own understanding, but in obedience to your will Father.

    May the Lord of truth be our guide, and the Holy Spirit give us utterance to speak that truth. In the Name above all names, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    1. I am very much like you, Brother. I have never run with the pack. Sounds like you have tried with your family and friends to speak the truth and warn them. I have done the same. I have spoken to every family member about the Gospel and the Soon return of Jesus, and I've been ignored or also told they don't want to hear it. Now, I sense from the Lord that I am to just pray for them. However, I have asked the Holy Spirit to lead me when I am with them... IF the Lord wants me to say something, to say it. Only the Lord knows when their hearts are ready to receive. So, I'm waiting for His leading. Otherwise, I'm just praying. These are difficult times. The remnant is small. Blessings!

    2. I Totally understand how you feel, Joe. My family is much the same. They do not like the way I speak to them about Jesus. I have 3 granddaughters who say that I am crazy, live in a cult, and should be put away somewhere. I have two sons who seem to believe that the tribulation will be nothing. One has amassed a culture of weapons, (guns) , thinking this will protect him. The other seems to think that if he is left behind, it is for him to teach the others about Christ. But he himself does not know Christ, so how can he teach others about Him?? He has no knowledge of the scriptures. He has no knowledge of what the tribulation will be like. I fear for all of them, but the Lord tells me that it is their decision and not trust in Him, and so I am trying. Blessings to you Joe, and your family. See you soon in the rapture.

    3. That's so sad about your granddaughters! I do believe many of my family feel the same about me, but they just don't say it. Also sorry about your sons. It's so hard to see our loved ones so deceived! We've tried to tell them.. now all we can do is pray and trust the Lord. He is faithful!

  2. Hi MaryLu, I love the analogy of the plane. It makes me think about being in the airport and at the gate area. When it’s a while before the plane is boarding, people are walking around getting something to eat or drink, looking at their phones or laptops. They are immersed in all kinds of things.. When it gets close to boarding time and they are ready to call different rows onto the plane everyone stays close to the gate and pays attention because they do not want to miss getting on that plane. It is getting really close to takeoff so you are absolutely right that we need to focus on Jesus and our soon departure. This is not the time to be wandering around trying to find something else to occupy our attention.

  3. Joe, you’re doing great….. there’s only so much we can say to family and friends, but I believe at some point, after we have been raptured, and they most likely will have stayed behind, what we tried to tell them or warned them about, will be amplified in their minds, weighing heavily with the worst regret of their lives…..
    Mary Lu, hope all went great with your family and it wasn’t too bad😉

    1. Yes, I agree.... plus I've left a ton of instructions and supplies. They will remember and get saved, even if it's a tad late for the rapture. I believe many many many people are going to get saved during the Tribulation. That's what the Scripture seems to indicate. Family was good. relatively peaceful and fun. Just hard for me knowing what I know and not able to speak about it. Plus no grace said over Christmas dinner... ugh.. but I survived. Thanks for asking!
