Friday, February 7, 2025

Racing Toward the Beast Empire!

Dear Greatly-Loved and Protected Remnant of the Most High!

What another crazy week!  I'm not even sure what to report on or if it's even important anymore. Anyone with even a tiny knowledge of End Times Scripture should be completely awake by now and see how close we are to the end and the start of the Tribulation. What else needs to be said?  Yet, apparently, the deception is so thick and the people so dumbed down, that very few are getting it. That's not to say that I am any genius, because I'm not. I do know the Bible, however, and I do know and love Jesus, and I do seek the truth even if it's not what I want to hear. So, perhaps that is the key to waking up. 

There's been a ton of prophetic news this past week. Those who are on my Telegram channel can attest to that! In order that I don't repeat all the news, I'm switching the format slightly on these Friday posts and will just pick one or two of what I think are the most important events that have happened as they relate to the soon coming Beast System and our departure! Also, I hope to warn as many as I can from the massive deception already clouding the entire Earth. So, here we go!

10 World Regions of Daniel and Revelation

In Revelation 17:12-13 and Daniel 7:24 we are told that this final World Kingdom will consist of 10 regions and 10 kings. I find it interesting that these regions were defined by the Club of Rome in 1973. AND more importantly that now, Trump is trying to acquire Canada and Greenland for the US. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Why now? And why would a president all of a sudden do such a thing? Because he is tasked to do it! This is his job to usher in the One World Government OR AKA The Golden Age.  I know these countries are resisting for now, but let's wait and see what happens. I find it very interesting also that Trump has been able to bully several countries into taking in Palestinian refugees from Gaza against their will. It amazes me how much power this one man has. That alone should be setting off alarm bells in everyone.  See proof in this 5 minute video that this has been in the works for a long time!

Israel and the Middle East

This is huge! As you may have heard Netanyahu and Trump met earlier this week and discussed many things about the Middle East.

This is where many many Christians get tripped up. Our pastors have done a great job at conditioning us to never say anything against Israel or the Jewish people, and if we do, we will be cursed. I felt this way for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I love the real Jewish people. They are God's chosen and many of them living today will end up getting saved during the Tribulation. I pray for that nearly every day. But there are some things that need to be said about Israel. 

Israel as a state was set up by the Rothchilds. Who are they? They, along with other elite families run the world under the direction of the Fallen Angels. (And yes, that's Biblical too!) God knew Israel would become a state in 1948. He also knew who would start it and for what nefarious purpose. This may be hard to believe, but Israel will be the Capitol of the Antichrist Empire. Yes, you heard that right. And it's Biblical because we know the Antichrist loves to mimic God, right? He wants to do what Jesus is supposed to do (and will eventually) and that is to rule and reign from the Temple in Jerusalem. (Matthew 24:15, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:4)   

Many of the leaders and even many of the people who live in Israel today are not even of Hebrew heritage. Yes, I believe that. I've seen way too much evidence to deny that. These "Jews" are rather the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus describes in (Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9).  There is a remnant there of true Hebrews. These are the ones who will escape Israel with the help of the 144,000 when the Antichrist takes his throne in the temple and will flee to Petra where the Lord will keep them safe until He returns. 

So, we should be looking for anything that shifts power to Israel and anything that sets up the peace deal in Daniel 9 that we know will usher in the Tribulation. Guess what? We are seeing both happening today!

The Trump peace plan, officially titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People" was released January 28, 2020 and it contains the plans for Israel and the new Two State Solution between Israel and the new state of Palestine. Here is a link to the document itself so you can verify.  He was already involved in this 5 years ago! 

One of the major things to see in this document is that it requires 
"Freedom of access to all religious sites of all faiths in both states should be agreed to and respected by the parties. The State of Israel and the State of Palestine should enter into an access agreement to ensure freedom of access to and prayer rights at all religious sites within the State of Palestine and the State of Israel."  This includes all three of the major religions having access to worship ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT.

We know that a third temple will be built on or near the Temple Mount because the Antichrist needs a place to enter and blaspheme and proclaim himself god.  Trump's election will make that happen. Here's just a few news items. 

And don't forget the Red Heifers are now of age to be sacrificed. Their ashes are required to cleanse and purify those who come in contact with the dead and therefore necessary for all Temple practices. According to these beliefs, the red heifer's ashes would play a pivotal role in the temple's dedication and the restoration of sacrificial practices.

But here's the Kicker!
These five unblemished red heifers can be sacrificed anytime during their third year of age after they reach two years and one month. If they have not been sacrificed yet, they must be sacrificed before Sept 2025, or it will pass the fourth year of age limit.

Did you get that?  Do you see how close we are? There are no other Red Heifers around and to find another group who are completely without blemish and wait for them to reach 2 years could take many more years. Why because just finding these pure ones has already taken years. We are there!

GAZA cleaned up and run by the USA!  This is an extremely important and shocking announcement made by Trump this week. He says that the USA will go into Gaza, find all the tunnels and bombs and weapons and clean it up for development. But whose development? And why would Israel want such a powerful nation to come in and run or even own such a prime strip of land? It's bizarre. but it makes sense when you factor in that the Antichrist comes from the USA and will want to gain power and land in Israel.  There is a plan that's been in the works for a long tine called The Greater Israel. It is a movement for the Jews to acquire all the land that God originally gave to them when King David was on the throne. Even Israel soldiers wear a patch on their uniforms of "The Greater Israel".  In the article linked above, (The Greater Israel) the title is "Zionism 2: Themes and Proposals for Reshaping World Civilization"  huh?

Below is a map

Take aways from Trump's conference with Netanyahu

1. Gaza is dangerous to live in, there are buildings there that are prone to collapse and are collapsing. Gazans will not want to live there.

2. Approximately 1.7-1.8 million Gazans will evacuate from Gaza.

3. The Gazans will emigrate to Egypt and Jordan, as well as to other countries.

4. The Palestinians' move from Gaza will be permanent. They will not want to return there and will live in a quiet and non-dangerous place.

5. Saudi Arabia does not demand the establishment of a Palestinian state in order to achieve normalization 

6. The PA will have difficulty controlling Gaza.

Trump: People from all over the world will live in Gaza. It will become the Riviera of the Middle East.  America will own Gaza for the long term! (Much is this is coming from the prompting of Jared Kushner)

"Netanyahu is a great leader, the two of us individually, a winning team." "I'm talking about the displacement of all the Gazans. They won't come back after they leave."

Trump is now saying NO to a Palestinian State,

Trump also said that Iran should never have a nuclear weapon, and if they assassinated him, he'd leave orders for them to be destroyed. Whoa

MaryLu Here: Coming from a purely Zionistic Christian viewpoint (which most Christians have) this all sounds like good news. But I'm telling you and warning you as a watchwoman, that this is all part of their plan to make Israel the capitol of the Beast Empire. 

Please Watch this 17 minute video which explains all of this! Must see!

THE UN PEACE CONFERENCE AT THE UN is taking place between June 2-4, 2025 with the purpose of putting in place a Peace treaty between Israel and its enemies (Daniel 9:27)!

This "Peace" Covenant could go down any day now and doesn't have to wait for the summer. So much is happening now regarding Israel that we all should be constantly looking up for our Lord. 

Add to that the mass shootings, airplane crashes, drones and UAPs, earthquakes, rising prices, violence on the border, mass protests, and well, all the signs are here. 

Trump is not who you think he is!  It's all a deception. Open your eyes! Just the term "Golden Age" should send the hair on neck standing at attention. It's all New Age/Satanism. Ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment and trust no one in power.

If you are reading this in your email, please CLICK over to my blog to view the video below. It's very very important in regard to Trump

One more thing. Check this out. Click HERE to go to Amazon's page to buy Trump 100 dollar bill bank notes. I really have no idea what these are for, but zoom in on one of the bills and look what number is in the right bottom corner. Do you see it? Comment on my blog if you do.
What does all this bad news mean? That we will soon be with our Savior. How exciting is that? Honestly, there are days I want to just turn off the news, sit on my porch, watch the birds, and listen to worship music. This world is not our home. And the place to which we are heading will far surpass anything we can even imagine!

Just make sure you're leaving by having a personal close relationship with Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit, and walking in the Light!  That means having no idols before Him, walking in obedience and repentance and spending time with Him. It's a win-win situation! You'll be blessed now and full of joy and hope and then end up in eternity in a new immortal body in a paradise beyond your imagination! 


  1. I'm with you Sister ❤️ Birds singing and worship music filling the air. This world is not our home! This was a 💯!! One of the richest men in the world (not elected) given power with Trump and with Kushner in the middle of the Gaza deal? 🤔 WARP speed all the way. Labor in the last stage... Rothschild family behind Israel becoming a nation! I didn't know that, makes perfect Biblical sense! See you soon 🕊️🕊️🕊️🙏✝️🙏🆙🆙⬆️ Sister Cillie ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Yes... labor in the last stage!! Amen. Can't wait to go home! Hugs

  2. What's up with the 99999999?

  3. WOW!!! Jesus only! Come quickly, Lord Jesus. See you in the clouds, maybe today...

  4. Boy can they be any more obvious the number of the beast on the Trump money any time now would a good time to leave. Pam
