Monday, February 24, 2025

The Rapture in the Stars!

 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Genesis 1:14

God put all the stars and heavenly bodies in the sky for our use, the Scripture says. Of course, Satan perverted it with astrology and gods. Why? So we wouldn't study it, thinking we were disobeying God. The truth is, God put the entire Gospel in the Stars we see every night. 

There are 12 Constellations, each with 3 decans (smaller constellations within them). If you're interested in seeing how they display the Gospel story, this is a great article. And I highly recommend the book Witness in the Stars by E.W. Bullinger. I'm only going to focus on two of the constellations here in this post. Why?  

Because we are about to enter these constellations! The first one is: 

Pisces - The Redeemed Blessed Though Bound, Deliverance Out of Bondage. deliverance out of bondage, Messiah the Liberator.

Pisces contains that point in the sky occupied by the Sun during Vernal Equinox, the day on which the hours of daylight and night are equal, which falls about March 21. So Pisces claims the number one position of importance among the twelve constellations.

Pisces represents the fishes, the blessings of salvation delayed.
The three decans of Pisces: (Decans are smaller constellations within the major one)
  • The Band represents a cord, the Redeemed bound.
  • Andromeda represents the chained woman, the redeemed in bondage and affliction
  • Cepheus represents the crowned King, the deliverer coming to rule.

The Two Fish in Pisces represent believers. 

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I shall make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

And He said to them, “Throw the net on the right side of the boat, and you shall find.” So they threw, and they were no longer able to draw it in because of the large number of fish. John 21:6

Hebrew name: Dagim, the fishes

The fish are depic­ted as joined by a band at the tail; one fish is facing the North Star, and the other swims against the path of the sun.

When we entered Pisces (February 19), we are now at the seventh constellation of this series and halfway done. What is the meaning of the two fish? Some believe it is the Gentiles and the Jews. The Gentile fish is the one facing up toward God. The Jew is the one whose focus is still on the world. Or, alternatively, it could represent the believers who love the Lord with all their heart and the believers who love the world. 

The Band. Pisces is fastened together by a band and is considered a separate constellation. This band is fastened to the neck of Cetus, the sea monster, depicting that our enemy attempts to keep us bound while on Earth. We are indeed bound by our flesh and sin, oppressed by our enemy until the Lord rescues us! 


Andromeda is a woman with chains fastened to her feet and arms, in misery and trouble, bound and helpless. Can you relate? This, I believe depicts the Bride of Christ in need of rescue. And just in time, here comes The Crowned King!

Cepheus, a human figure holding a branch - The Crowned King

Here is the Glorious King, crowned and enthroned in the highest heavens with a scepter in his hand and his foot planted on the Polar. His Greek name Cepheus means the branch and is called by Euripides, the king.

Without a doubt, this is Jesus who comes to the rescue! 

And it was so, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favour in his sight: and the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre  Esther 5:2

We will be in Pisces from February 19th - March 20th. Within these dates is the Feast of Purim, celebrated on the Jewish Month of Adar, the 13th day. (March 13-14) Could this be the month of our deliverance? Let's see what happens next in the story. 

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them Esther 9:1

The next constellation after Pisces is Aries which will happen from March 21st-April 19. 

Aries - The Crowned Lamb and His Bride. Aries represents glory out of humiliation, Messiah the Crowned Lamb. Aries represents the Lamb, deliverance realized!

The three decans of Aries:
  • Cassiopeia represents the enthroned woman, freed and preparing for her marriage to her Deliverer.
  • Cetus represents the sea monster, the great enemy subdued and bound.
  • Perseus represents the breaker, the mighty Deliverer.
saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb having been slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and respect and esteem and blessing! Revelation 5:12

First DecanCassiopeia – the enthroned woman, the beautiful
The true church, the woman glorified, holding a branch in one hand and adorning herself with the other. Preparing herself for a coming public ceremony. Delivered from evil.

The ruling sceptre is being offered to Cassiopeia from the king on her right. Her beauty was lauded by the Greeks. She is indeed the spotless bride of the Lamb.

Second DecanCetus – Leviathan (sea monster), bound serpent

This is the dragon, the serpent, the devil, Satan. Our great enemy bound.

Third DecanPerseus – the armed man. Perseus (Greek) “the breaker”
He holds the head of the serpent. He holds a sword in his right hand.
He who upholds the fishes and subdues the enemy.

So, you can clearly see that as we enter Aries, the bride has been freed and is preparing for a wedding and given a scepter to rule. We also see that Jesus has defeated the serpent. So, it would seem that the "deliverance" should occur in Pisces. 

Am I saying the rapture will occur before or on March 20? NO.  But I think there's a pretty darn good chance. I've always believed that the Scripture clearly portrays a Spring rapture. Not to mention I also believe the Bride is part of the Barley harvest of which the first fruits normally appear before Nisan 1 (The Jewish new year). Nisan 1 falls anywhere from March 19-March 30th of this year. 

Yes, we know these constellations pass overhead every year, so why do I think this could be the year? Have you been watching the news? Have you been reading my Friday posts? ALL the signs foretold in Scripture about the end are here... and honestly past here. I'm actually surprised we haven't left yet. I still believe 2025 will be the start of the Tribulation.  The Essenes also believed that. So do the Satanists in charge of this world because we see it in their writings. And God's Word is also corroborating IF we are correct in our interpretations about the 6000 years of mankind.  

I'm truly AMAZED at the signs and proofs.  And now we have these amazing constellations passing overhead right as we switch from winter to spring, enter a new Hebrew year, and come upon the Barley harvest!

I know times are tough. Stay close to Jesus. Hang out with Him. You'll feel His peace and love permeate you and steal away all your frustration and fear. 

Soon, we will all be home! 



  1. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ,
    This is pretty cool. I think you are right when you say, satan has perverted the signs of the stars. If I'm honest I would have to admit I alawys avoided this subject thinking it spiritualism ! But I have been learning from you and others, and from my own studies how prevalent satans grip is on this world. How he perverts even the scripture through ungodly and greedy men.

    But this is cool to me because my birthday is March 15 !. And I have always viewd it from my passion for gardening as the turning point from the seemingly stillness of life and the harsh cold winters, to the "all things made new" season of spring. It seems like all life starts there. I can imagine God created us in spring !
    It has been an extremely cold winter up here, consistently in the single didgets or below zero with the winds. But these last two day's have climbed to near 30 degrees ! whoopi ! And you can smell spring.
    I always loved this verse this time of year; Job 14 : 7“At least there is hope for a tree:
    If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail.
    8 Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil,
    9 yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.

    Jesus is that living water !!!!!! Hallelujah

    Have a blessed week Sister

    1. We just stick to the Word, Brother... and God often mentions the constellations in the Bible... but so many avoid the topic like the plague. I used to do the same.! How we have been misled by our modern day church in SO MANY ways! as you often point out. Like you, I look forward to Spring. It's not too cold here in Northern CA, but it's gloomy and damp and this Florida girl is not happy. But I already see signs of spring! Come, Lord, Jesus!

  2. Good Morning Sister,

    This is very interesting how constellations play a role in deciphering how close the Tribulation is. I always believed in the past to never associate Greek mythology, especially constellations and deity names, with the Bible and its prophecy due to the fact “there is only one true living God, all other Gods are false gods,” per the 1st Commandment.

    It would amazing if the Rapture is to take place in the Spring, if not next month. However, I was wondering about a few things concerning it plus some following questions. Please bear with the length:

    1. Sometimes I believe April might be a suitable time considering that it is when Good Friday and Easter take place to commemorate the Lord’s crucifixion, resurrection, and conquest over Death. Then 7 years later after the Tribulation would symbolize the resurrection of all those worthy of going to Heaven.

    2. Sometimes I also wonder if May might be another possibility, particularly this year since May 14 will be 77 years since Israel’s recognition as a nation (birth) and because the numbers 7, 70, 77 are emphasized various times in the Bible. It will also be exactly 7 years since the 70th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation in 1948 back in 2018, when some people thought was going to initiate the Rapture/Tribulation, but it never materialized.

    3. If I remember correctly, there will be a period of time between the Rapture and start of the Tribulation. There was a post from a commenter in one of your past posts stating that Yom Kippur might be ideal for the Tribulation to start considering it is the Day of Atonement and for God to acknowledge who truly have repented of their sins and acknowledged Him. Also, would the Fall be ideal since 3.5 years later in about the Spring of 2029 when the star Wormwood be cast onto the Earth from the Third Trumpet? I have seen articles where scientists predict a giant asteroid might have a chance of striking Earth at that time, so I wonder if Wormwood might the cryptic source being mentioned.

    4. When the Rapture takes place, is it going to be a visible sight or a sudden unnoticed one? Like the image at the beginning of this post, would people be visibly repaired as spirits or would it suddenly happen in a vanish of thin air? Think of those would be working, flying in airplanes, driving in cars, studying in school, etc. - would that result in crashes and startled commotions? Then some people may finally acknowledge the Rapture has happened and Tribulation will start soon while others go about in confusion.

    5. If the Tribulation does start this year, then does this mean the Third Temple would have to be finished by later in 2028 or 2029 (about 3.5 years) in order for the Abomination of Desolation to take place? That means construction has to start later this year and one of the Red Heifers have to be sacrificed soon. It would be interesting to know if the Temple can be built without distractions considering all that will happen as a result of the Seals being broken during the first half of the Tribulation.

    From your previous post about the Rapture, I saw your response to a commenter saying that people who do not have their dreams fulfilled in this life will have the opportunity to do so in eternity. In other words, the Millennium Reign and New Heaven will be when people will still work, have kids, take care of their families, pretty much still living everyday lives like in this world only with longer lifespans, rescued and eventually eliminated crime/evil/sin, the disappearance of Satan forever, and God’s permanent presence forever?

    Would little kids (toddlers and infants) be automatically raptured or does a believing parent have to pray for them too? Since they are innocent in nature at those ages, would this mean they are special in God’s eyes?

    Thank you Sister for your constant dedication to posting God’s messages and I believe the promised reward (eternal life in Paradise with all truly loving Brothers and Sisters in Christ) from God is coming soon! Have a blessed day and week!

    1. I'll do my best to answer your questions.... by the leading of the Holy Spirit. so here goes.
      1. Yes, April is a great possibility for the rapture as well! I agree.
      2. I believe Israel becoming a nation in 1949 was a pivotal event in Biblical Prophecy. However I don't see in Scripture anywhere that connects the rapture with Isael's current age except to say that the generation which witnesses this rebirth will not ALL die out before the Lord returns in the 2nd coming. But the string of 7s is very interesting.
      3. Yes, I tend to believe that there will be a gap between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation... up to 6 months. This is based on Scripture in the OT where David reigned from Hebron for 6 months before moving to Jerusalem (I don't remember the specific Scripture) Also, there's nothing in the Bible that says the Tribulation starts at the Rapture. The 7 year Tribulation starts with the signing of the Peace Treaty between Israel and many nations. I believe the Tribulation starts in the Fall because 7 years later, it also ends in the Fall with the Fulfillment of the Fall Feasts. So, yes, this wormwood prediction would fall in 2029, which would be around the point of the middle of the Tribulation.
      4. Jesus says He's coming as a thief in the night, so I tend to believe no one will actually see Him in the sky. As far as how we go up, I have no idea! will people see us lift up? Will they see anything.. maybe a flash and we are gone? How about someone standing in a cemetery? Will they see graves open up? The Scripture doesn't give us any clue. We do know that Elijah was "raptured" up in a chariot of fire in front of Elisha... so that would be cool, wouldn't it? But yes, chaos will ensue because there will be many accidents happening all over the world. Planes crashing, cars crashing, etc.
      5. Yes, absolutely right. The Temple will have to be built soon after the Tribulation starts. I tend to believe that part of the peace treaty the AC signs with Israel will include the building of the temple, which, by the way, is all ready to go. The Temple Institute believes they can have it erected and running in 6 months or so. And yes, the Red Heifers must be sacrificed this year of they will be too old! But I suppose they can use their ashes anytime.

      As far as the millenial reign... yes. We will be back here on Earth for 1000 years. We will be in our glorified bodies and ruling and reigning with Jesus, and the world will be ruled with righteousness. There will still be sin because there will still be humans alive at that time, but I imagine because Jesus is in charge, things will be incredible! Our unfulfilled dreams will be realized here and also throughout eternity, which is wonderful to think of. The purpose of the 1000 year reign is for those humans who are still alive to have a chance to choose Jesus. That's why Satan has to be released at the end so they have a clear choice.

      Good question about children going in the rapture. From many Scriptures I believe all children of the truly saved will go... let me clarify.. children of the righteous who are under a certain age. What that age is, is up to God. Scripture doesn't tell us... could be even up to 20 years old because God didn't punish the Israelites under 20 in the wilderness. only their parents . As far as the children who are underage of the nonbelieving parents, I don't know. I know the Lord is very merciful and these kids have not even had a chance to know Him.. so I would think so, but I'm not sure.
      I hope all this helps!! God bless you and yours.. and see you soon!

  3. Hello Sister in Christ,

    What an interesting post about the Rapture! I am sure that many of us true believers are constantly looking up for signs or omens from the Lord that it is ever closer.

    Like the commenter above, I am also intrigued about what the Rapture would be like. Imagine we would all be taken into the air while everyone else left behind is in a state of turmoil due to “unexplained” disappearance of believers. Would those who pass during the Tribulation but came to know the Lord be resurrected and given another chance to enter Heaven? Is it like those who pass during the seven years would go through Judgment or will Judgment be saved until the final Throne Judgment at the end of the age?

    For the Millennium Reign, since we will be reigning with Jesus on Earth, would we get to see family members again who were not Raptured? Would it be much easier to make new friends since hate and resentment will be greatly reduced due to the Lord’s presiding over? Also, would certain places in the world like Los Angeles be cleaner, safer, and friendlier to live and work? Would the places we knew and often go to while growing up remain intact, be changed, or possibly obliterated due to the effects of the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls? I am hoping that with the Lord present, people would be able to resist sinful urges and we do not need to fear coming across any mentally unstable people, predators, or criminals.

    For the previous commenter’s question on children being Raptured, would it work if one parent believes but the other does not? Also, is there no requirement that both parents have to believe for kids to be saved?

    Thanks again for the insightful post about the Rapture and have a good night 🙏🏻

    1. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the post. There will be MANY, actually countless people who get saved during the Tribulation. Unfortunately most of them will be martyred. We know this because in Revelation 7:9, John sees a GREAT MULTITUDE standing before the throne praising God and when he asked the angel who they are, he replies "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." So, we can assume that the moment they are martyred they get their glorified bodies and are escorted to heaven. As far as the Bible says, there is no other "resurrection" until the last one after the millennial reign, but that's only for the Lost. Will these Tribulation Saints be judged by God for their works when they get to heaven? Like we will be doing after the rapture. The Bible doesn't say. Or maybe just making it through the Tribulation without denying Jesus will be enough. And yes, we will be judged but only for what we did for Jesus, not for our sins.

      If your family members who were not raptured make it alive during the Tribulation, then yes, you will see them again on Earth when we return with Jesus. Most likely, however, they will be included in the above group of martyrs, so you will be reunited with them in heaven once they get there.
      I would imagine Earth will get quite beat up during the Tribulation, so it may not look the same as when we leave, but yes! Any city will be vastly different during this 1000 years than what we see now. No more pollution, crime, ghettos, etc. Remember Jesus will be King over all the Earth. Any crime will be swiftly dealt with and also Satan and his demons will be bound up, unable to tempt man anymore. I'm sure there will still be those humans who sin, but my thinking is that with Jesus on the throne, they will quickly repent and change their ways. I believe we will walk around cities and parks with no fear of anything. Remember we will be in glorified bodies that never get sick or die. The Bible describes a marvelous world where the lion lies down with the lamb and a child can stick his hand inside a snake hole and not get bit. It will be a time of peace and joy like you can't imagine. And that's only the beginning!

      Paul says very clearly in 1 Corinthians 7:14 the following:
      For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.

      So, it only takes one believing parent to make your children holy! God is so merciful!


  4. Thank you so much MaryLu, for your insight, knowledge and guiding hand. We have learned so much! How truly blessed all of us are, knowing you! ❤️ There will be a group of people in heaven you won’t know, waving and running towards you but don’t be alarmed, it’s just us from Cross and Cutlass.

    1. Wow. Thank you so much for the kind words. It's all the Lord! I never wanted to start this blog! LOL But Jesus will have HIs Way... particularly with me cause I love Him so much. I look forward to meeting all of you in heaven!! Won't that be a wonderful reunion?
