Friday, January 31, 2025

2025: The Year of Redemption

Dear End Times Warriors of the Most High,

It's time to go home!  I sense it more and more each day. I know for some of us, this has been a long journey since we began looking for Jesus to return. There have been many ups and downs, many anticipations and disappointments. There have been many battles, which even now are only increasing daily. I know you are battle weary. I know you are tired of being alone, perhaps the only one in your family and group of friends who sees the signs of the times. I know how desperate you are for your loved ones to see the HUGE deception currently being foisted on the USA and the world. So many of us feel like the prophets of old who went about preaching doom and gloom to the Israelites, calling for repentance, but in reply they were ignored, mocked, and even stoned

Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city Matthew 23:34

Welcome to the Year of the Snake, which started when the new moon entered Aquarius on January 29th. How fitting to have the year of the Tribulation be called the Year of the Snake.

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” Genesis 3:1

And just like back then, Satan will appear as a snake and offer the same tempting lie. "Did God say?" and "You shall not surely die".  This is exactly what the Mark of the Beast will be. They will say "You will not die, but live forever and be like God!"

  Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

They must tell us what they are planning! It's in their code. You may have seen this clip below from X-files, but it speaks precisely to what they planned and what they are now finally doing. 

In fact, they have even told us the year they will bring their evil plans to fruition!

 I encourage you to watch JD Farag's last few Bible Prophecy Messages in which he discusses these things

But even MORE THAN THAT, we have Scripture

God has a 7,000 Year plan for mankind. The 7th day (7000) will be the Sabbath rest of the millennial reign. If this idea is foreign to you, please study the Bible or send me an email.  In any case, we are just past the 6,000th year , which happened in 2017 and was marked by the Revelation 12 Sign on September 23rd, and an eclipse over Babylon. That Sign had not occurred since the birth of Jesus and was a sign to the entire world that the 6000th year had come and Jesus would be returning soon.  In addition, Jesus said he would return to save Israel after the 3rd day (Hosea 6:2) and you can't deny that if Jesus was crucified in 32 AD (as many scholars believe) then He must return on the third day after 2000 years, which puts his second coming in 2032. Hmm. That's just 7 years away!  

Days of Noah. Jesus said that right before the end, it would be like the days of Noah. If you study the story of Noah in Genesis, you see that Noah was 600 years old when he entered the Ark (6000th year). Once he entered the Ark, God told him to wait 7 days for the rain to start. If the 6000th year began in 2017, then 2024 would be 7 years later. (a year for a day is Biblical) However, it's important to remember that the Jewish year begins on Nisan 1 in the Spring and not on our Gregorian January 1st. So, we are still within the 7 year range. 

Signs in the World

Have you paid attention to the number of earthquakes occurring all over the place and in very unusual places?

The Peace Treaty that kicks off the Tribulation is in the works! .THE PEACE CONFERENCE AT THE UN 🇺🇳 is taking place between June 2-4, 2025 with the purpose of putting in place a 7 YEAR PEACE TREATY between Israel and its enemies (Daniel 9:27)!
Trump is now our president and the leader of the Free World. As I've mentioned and proven in many prior posts, he is not who he says he is.  He may very well play a HUGE role, in the rising Beast Empire. 

This is how they do things.  Think about it. Biden and his administration was so over the top evil and ridiculous that even liberals were screaming to have him removed!  This was all part of the plan. Then they bring in Trump, the hero to save the day and people flock to him (ignoring all the warning signs) because they are so desperate for normalcy to return.

Trumps Golden Age is the WEFs Great Reset: surveillance, biometrics, digital IDs, crypto, etc. But in order to get people to accept this, Satan had to create and elevate the monster of "woke" philosophy
First 100 hours historic actions to kick off America's Golden Age

Trump and Elon's job is finishing the take down of the "woke" and "evil" leaders and society created by Biden and his people. And that's exactly what we are seeing. People are clamoring for America to be Great Again. However in order to do that, they must institute increased surveillance, centralize power, and take away freedoms. it's all smoke and mirrors

For example, people cheered when Trump pulled the USA from the WHO. But did you know that he actually increased funding to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and the UN by playing this "Shell game" with his supporters, including the Q believers. Trump takes money from WHO but gives it to Bill Gates and UN

Here's something you have no doubt seen. Eric Trump posted a threatening message on his X account on Sunday, Jan 25, which was deleted within 20 mins of posting it.

The message: “Any and all who dare to defy the American Golden Age, heed this warning: You WILL lose. Tow the line, or we WILL run you down! The gloves are off, and we’re not playing around this time. For now, it’s tariffs, but trust me: We can, and will, do SO MUCH WORSE.”

Lovely, huh?  Sounds more like a tyrant than a public SERVANT

Trump JR posts Baphomet Goat of his Father  If you don't know what the Satanic Baphomet Goat is, look it up. I've posted about it here many times. 

Here's another one. Trump signs an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to combat antisemitism and even deport anti-semites. Trumps cabinet picks have also signed legislation against anti-semitism and are all very outspoken in their support towards Israel. Sounds good if you love Israel like all Christians should, right? But since when do we export people based on their opinions? Even if we disagree with them. Next, he'll be combating and exporting Bible-believing Christians.

Do you see where this is headed? Trump has referred to himself as "King of Israel." He has openly called for the death penalty for all antisemites in the past. He reaffirmed Noahide Law. He was dubbed the “Champion of Noahide Law”.  This is just one more step toward Noahide Law to govern the Ecumenical World Religion. Once the populace embraces this, they will use it to persecute and kill Christians (It's written in the Noahide Law) That is the end goal…

Now, let's chat about the Mark of the Beast.  Last week I mentioned AI and how Trump has announced the creation (Actually, most are already done or in the works) of HUGE AI Data Centers. What will these be used for, do you think? Have you also gotten used to all the hideous "Cell Towers" that they installed across the country during Covid? These things look demonic. Then, of course Trump and Larry Ellison (from Oracle) announce that AI will be able to manufacture mRNA vaccines specific to your individual bodies that will eradicate cancer and all diseases

And the Snake says "You will not die"

In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. Revelation 9:6

Yesterday was the announcement of X money, partnering with VISA CARDS - to further the EVERYTHING X/Twitter APP - now to be connected to STARLINK - combining now with Apple IPhone Artificial intelligence…  

So, what they are doing is taking all your credit cards and putting them on ONE card, connected to Starlink and AI. Wow, that'd be so great! Then I don't have to carry around all those cards and this one card will handle it all. Really?  Don't you see how this is one step closer to putting this CODE under your skin?

I'm putting a few important short videos below. If you are reading this in your email, they won't appear here. so click over to my blog post to view

Do you see how close we are getting?  The Mark of the Beast Tech is already upon us and they are setting up the AI centers that will monitor and track everyone on the planet. Things are moving at breakneck speed since Trump got in office. Please do not be deceived. He is the False Light

I post a ton more news on my Telegram Channel, if you're interested in joining us over there

But back to my original statement. It's time to go home! 2025 is the Year they will start the Tribulation. I've never seen all these signs happening so fast and coming together so fast. I've never seen the enemy talking and planning for 2025. 

This is the Year of First Fruits, the Year of Redemption.
Prepare to Leave. It will happen suddenly. In the twinkling of an eye!
What should you do in the meantime?

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Titus 2:11-14


  1. Greetings precious Watchwoman in the sevice of our King,
    Wow, this is alot to take in !
    And yes I have been weary lately. So much so, the devil was trying to take advantage by whispering " why dont you just stop praying for your friends and family, they dont realy love you" ! But he only bolstered my strength.
    I love 2 Cor 2: 9 My purpose in writing you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. 10 If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And if I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven it in the presence of Christ for your sake, 11 in order that Satan should not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
    It speaks to forgiving, and I'll apply that to those who dont seem to love us as we wished they did. buy I also like the last part; dont let the devil outwit us with his lies, because of the Spirit of God within us we are totally alert and aware of his scemes !

    So I've always wondered about a passage in Rev 13:18 ,,,,,,,, let him who has wisdom calculate the number of the beast, it is the number od "a" man. Some versions say it is the number of man. Since I saw it this it in the latter, I've wondered about this DNA altering, if man himself becomes the beast ? Just a thought.
    The X-File video's are incredible!

    Lets see if I'm getting this 6 & 7000 years right. So the last few years of the 6000, with be the Trib ? And the 7k Christ's return and the millenium ?
    I will go back and watch some of JD's study.

    Eric Trump is a scary man with all that power, maybe worse than his father. And the youngest son is Nephilim? he's gettin up near 7 ft !

    Interestin pic of Trump gazing in at his multi sided mirror showing him as goat !

    Well I can see you've been busy Sister. Dont think your hard work goes un appreciated by us, or un noticed by our Loving Father. May He bless you richly this wee Sister.

    1. Hey Brother! Yes, it's difficult to forgive those who malign and mock us, but I always remember it's not necessarily a feeling.. just an action. Regarding the 7000 years of mankind, I believe we are past the 6000 by 7 years... and then another 7 for the Tribulation and then the last 1000 years starts... but I really am not sure. Seems there is a small gap in between the two.
      Eric Trump is very scary.. and I believe will play a huge role in the Beast empire. And I have heard prophecies about Baron being involved too. These people may not even be purely human! Crayz!! Blessings to you, Brother!

  2. This article was so informative and motivating! I sent to a few people who are asking me why I’m so leery of Trump because he’s doing so many wonderful things…. And he is…..but it doesn’t mean he isn’t paving the way for the Antichrist….It just seems so clear to me but maybe I’ve been reading a lot of articles and watching clips like the ones you’ve provided! ❤️

    1. Thank you for sharing it! My prayer is that the Lord uses me to help open some eyes to the huge deception going on right now! Blessings!
