Friday, January 10, 2025

2025. The Beast Empire Rises


Dear Victorious Saints of the Most High,

Don't feel so victorious? Don't worry. If you know and love Jesus, live in repentance of sin, and do your best to follow Him, it doesn't matter what is going on in your life or around you. You are a child of God and He has His eyes on you and your loved ones. And you are an overcomer!!  Never forget that. If only God could reveal to you what you look like in the Spirit realm... like a warrior, armored up, sword in hand, and riding a battle steed!  Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise! 

I had no intention of writing the above paragraph. I just sat down, prayed, and that's what came out! So, it's for someone out there. 

There's a few items of news I want to address before I talk about where we are on the prophetic timeline. One is the fires here in California. No, they are no where near me, thank God, and I've been praying for all who are in the path of this vicious disaster. Yes, Hollywood is evil and much like Sodom and Gomorrah, but as Christians, we should not gloat in any evil, but rather use it as an opportunity to pray for everyone there to come to know the Lord. Who knows if He didn't allow this to happen as the only means some of them would turn to Him?  So, we pray.  And yes, I believe it's highly possible that our own government set these fires using Directed Energy Weapons. You may remember they did this in Maui so they could confiscate the land for cheap. They have the ability and technology, and we know they are fully capable of such evil. They've already done something similar here in Northern California years ago. 

There's also an initiative called SmarLA2028 with plans to transform the region into a highly digitally connected city. Interesting. However, I have no proof of that, and it doesn't matter anyway. The satanic Globalists will do what God allows them to do. Notice I said "God allows". Because satan and his minions are only controlled opposition. They can't do anything that God doesn't allow. Our God is on the throne! 

The other news event of interest is Trump's announcement that he intends to acquire Canada, Mexico and Greenland and add them to the United States as a North American Union. This is huge news prophetically! 

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. Daniel 7:24

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Revelation 17:12

This has all been planned. When the Anti-Christ Beast System forms, the Bible tells us the world will be divided into 10 Kingdoms with 10 Kings who will rule with the beast for a time. Trump is just getting a head start on this. If you're new to my blog, it may surprise you that Trump is just one of the Satanic Elite playing the part of the Good Cop or the False Light that will lead MANY well-meaning patriots and Christians to follow the Beast. I've posted about this here several times. Anyway, this is just more proof that he is under submission to those who are ruling the world. 

Here's a brief video that explains all this. You need to be on my blog to view it as it doesn't come over through email. Sorry.

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I believe the Tribulation will start in 2025. I could be wrong, but I want to list below two proofs, one from the Essenes and one from Satan's minions. My hope is that this will encourage you, fill you with hope and keep you focused on Jesus as we approach the finish line.

I'm taking the information below from JD Farag's last Sunday Prophecy update. He referenced a government document entitled

Written in cooperation with all of our alphabet agencies.
This document was written in 1998!  Keep that in mind as I list the important bullet points that JD pulled from it.  TWENTY-SEVEN years ago!  This is what they projected for the year 2025!  As you read through the list, ask yourself how could they possibly have known these things? AND especially in cases where the technology didn't yet exist. 
  • Fast-mutating viral disease pandemics  
  • Genetically developed vaccines
  • Smart IDs
  • DNA database tracking
  • DNA chips
  • Gene-based pharmaceuticals
  • Transmitting genetic instructions for a disease process
  • Artificial Intelligence to determine gene patterns
  • Robots for genome sequencing
  • Using recombinant DNA for making Spike proteins
  • Smart homes and cities
  • By 2020, people will be working from home
As you can see, all of these have or are happening now and most were not even possible 27 years ago!

Now, for the ones that haven't happened yet, but we can bet WILL HAPPEN in 2025
  • WW3 will break out in 2025
  • Nuclear devices causing widespread devastation
  • Nanotech devices
  • Digital currency
  • Vaccination programs run by the WHO for a global killer that has yet to emerge
All this proves that Satan and his minions have been planning his beast kingdom for a very long time. They are patient and cunning and it appears that 2025 is the year the AC will take the stage and start his very short reign. Which is great news for us!!  Because those of us who love Jesus and follow Him with all our hearts will be rescued before that happens!

The Essenes.

I recently got a book by Dr. Ken Johnson called The Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes. I've only just begun to dive into it but here's what I know so far. Why am I telling you about the Essenes? Because they are very important and they also predicted that the end of the age would start in 2025

The Essenes 
  • Were Jewish believers who descended from the order of Zadok. They were a sect of the Pharisees, but not part of them at all. They are believed to have been the ones who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • The famous historian Josephus reported that the Essenes were 100% accurate in their prophecies
  • Two hundred years before Jesus was born, the Essenes predicted where he would be born, when, what He would do, and that He would die for the sins of the people (They studied the Scriptures)
  • They also predicted that the curtain in the temple would be torn from top to bottom at the Messiah's death.
  • John the Baptist, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were Essenes
  • The Essenes were called "Sons of Light" after the order of Melchizedek
  • They called the Pharisees "Sons of Darkness" (Jesus said the same)
  • They prophesied that a son of Bejamin would persecute the new church after the Messiah, and he would witness to the gentiles. (The Apostle Paul)
  • They have a calendar that is considered to be the most accurate and was used by the early Hebrews. This calendar predicts that 2025 will be the year that starts the end of the age. 
There's more, but this should give you an idea of who these Essenes are and were and how reliable they have been in their prophecies. Not that we need any more proof that we are in the very last minutes of this age.  Just get alone with Jesus and ask Him yourself. If you're patient and truly seeking the truth, He will quicken your spirit as He has mine. I've definitely been sensing an excitement in Jesus as all of heaven awaits our arrival.  

Just make sure you are going! Set aside anything and anyone that you've put ahead of Jesus, spend time with Him and in His Word, and be quick to repent for sin and quick to obey. Have a relationship with Him. It's not about works, but about knowing Him! 

Have a blessed weekend. Maranatha!


  1. Dear sister
    The comment from the Lord is for me. I'm waiting for the rapture but in the meantime I feel so useless.
    What you said there is really encouraging. Thank you and be blessed in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    1. I'm so glad the Lord used me to speak to you, Christian! Wow, that blesses me. Be encouraged!

  2. Greeting Beloved Daughter of the King,
    I think many of us can share in that opening statement ;) And good reminder that satan is NOT in control, but our Heavenly Father is !

    ohh, thats right about the ten kings !!!

    The "Pair" of 2 differnt kinds is a very powerful tool for deception. I think I can see that a bit in my vote for Trump ! The lesser of two evils is still evil ! Interesting that CS Lewis wrote that.

    Hmm, I suppose the two party's could be in cahoots. We can see they are both evil, both pushing an unwanted agenda on the people. Two dark thoughts speaking out of both side of one mouth !

    Essenes, wow !

    Christ's peace to you Sister

  3. I’m sure this article was for many of us, but it really resonated with me. On New Year’s Eve I went to a medieval show and dinner and was thrilled to see all these medieval items for sale. One especially caught my eye and I had to buy it…..a figure knight in full armor with shield and sword in hand, since I’m always saying “I put on the full armor of God….” now I can physically see myself in this knight and it motivates me to press forward in battle!!! Thank you MaryLu for your encouragement and teaching us so much!! We’re all so blessed to know you❤️✝️⚔️🛡️

    1. That's so cool!! I love it when the Lord encourages us in this way! I need to find a knight figure I can look at as a reminder of who I am in Christ! He's so wonderful and loving to remind us. Blessings to you, my dear friend!!
