Friday, March 14, 2025

Where is the Promise of His Coming?

 Dear Warrior Remnant of the Most High,

Happy Purim! This was a day of great feasting in Persia when the Jews were saved from annihilation by the plans of their enemy. As I'm writing this on Thursday, I hear many rumblings of imminent war from Israel as they plan to attack Iran. Oddly Iran is modern day Persia and I find it fascinating that these same two nations are once again at war on the very day the Jews were delivered from them so many years ago. We all know that one day soon the Ezekiel 38 prophecy will be fulfilled and Iran, Turkey, and Russia along with a few other countries will attack Israel, so keep your eyes peeled. 

Early this morning we had a total blood moon eclipse that happened on the Jewish holiday of Purim. What's also interesting is that this Purim eclipse also happened last year and will happen again next year, which is beyond coincidental. Here's an excellent article discussing these things: As The World Prepares For World War 3, The Second Blood Moon Purim Eclipse Will Appear In The Sky

As I've mentioned before, I'm always astounded how many Christians cannot see the writing on the End Times Wall!  I even hear many say that the rapture and Jesus's return is years and years away.  While I realize most of these people have been taught incorrecte eschatology, even those who have a truthful view of end times seem clueless
I often hear this:  “People have been saying the world is going to end for years”

Yup, that’s true… However, YEARS AGO, THERE WASN'T: 

mRNA gene editing and artificial general intelligence (soon to become artificial super intelligence) And as of recent, Trumps “Stargate” executive order details plans of COMBINING artificial intelligence and mRNA technology to create “personalized vaccines”

Musk has repeatedly said ‘we are on the "event horizon” of the singularity,’ most recently on February 23, 2025. Singularity is the merging of man and machine. The “Event Horizon” is the point of no return. The event horizon also correlates to portals and black holes

The ECB’s Digital Euro is set to launch in October.

Since the 2020 Op Warp Speed rollout under Trump, the Taiwan company TSMC, which is the largest chip manufacturer in the world, has been partnering with Big Pharma to put these nanochips in the mRNA jabs. Trump announced that America will be the crypto currency  center of the world. 

Pre-manufacturing of nanochip technology to put in the 2020 vaccine. See video below for proof positive that nanobots that release toxins were in the vaccine

“The world’s first “biological computer,” merging human brain cells with silicon hardware, has been launched, ushering in a new era of AI technology…”

“…Fluid neural networks form an ever-evolving organic computer that learns faster and more flexibly than the silicon-based AI chips used to train LLMs like ChatGPT”

Basically, computer running on living human brain cells which classifies as a “HYBRID BEING” (Symbiosis between human and artificial intelligence)

Palantir: Palantir isn’t just another data company—it’s the neural network of the Beast System, integrating AI-driven surveillance, predictive policing, and total information control into a single, dystopian package.

From pandemic tracking that became bio-surveillance to smart cities doubling as digital prisons, Palantir is the all-seeing eye, the unblinking stare of the Beast System. 

It doesn’t just watch you. 
It predicts you. It profiles you. 
It turns your movements, transactions, conversations, and even thoughts into raw data, feeding an intelligence machine that decides in real time who is compliant and who is a threat. 
With AI-driven policing, financial and communications blacklisting, and even automated enforcement. 

Please Watch this short Video below (excuse the language) where a man asks ChatGpt what is the agenda of AI. It will shock you!

YEARS AGO, THERE WASN'T this amount of wars across the Globe AND the worldwide threat of nuclear annihilation 

When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. Revelation 6:3-4

God's Word never fails. After the Antichrist makes a covenant with the "many", war is coming. Not just any war, but world war. So, we carefully watch how the Globalists are aligning all the chess players in battle array.

Here are just a few of the most recent happenings. 

  • A world wide pandemic and now more pandemics on the way, dozens of them
  • Talk of merging countries into one. 
  • Trump proclaims the annexation of Greenland will happen no matter what…
  • Digital currency being implemented across the globe
  • Talk of worldwide food shortages
  • Extreme inflation
  • UFOs everywhere
Have you heard about the Christians being butchered in Syria? By the hundreds!  Please pray for our bothers and sisters!

Then there's this:

Recently at the Crypto Summit, Trump was gifted an arcane looking gold Dyson sphere that looks oddly similar to the Ophanim (wheel) Angel seen by Ezekiel. A celestial calendar is engraved on the sphere with moon and eclipse cycles. The sphere Trump was gifted seems to resemble the blackhole/portal shown in the movie “Event Horizon”

Trump holds up a gold “key” after receiving the sphere

All of this brings Rev. 9:11 and the “Angel of the Bottomless Pit” to mind…


And I'll end with this. The incredible amount of deception. 

We Christians have read the repeated warnings in Scripture against being deceived, but I don't think any of us were prepared for what's happening now.

I'm talking about the False Light that's luring so many of my brothers and sisters down a dark path. How clever our enemy is!  Yet, how much wiser is the Holy Spirit, if we'd only listen to Him!! 

All the horrible things that have been exposed recently (and are now being dealt with)  Like chemtrails, GMO food, fluoride in tap water, govt. tyranny, crimes against humanity, pedos, the WEF Great Reset, the deep state, 9/11, etc.

Unbeknownst to most, all of these fringe topics are being exposed (by design) to lure the masses into Lucifer’s false light.  The “Satanic Deep State” and all the wickedness it produced is being set up as a scapegoat, which the Luciferian Truth Movement (which masquerades as “Christian”) will eliminate.

Through the disillusionment, a new one world “religion” and “government” will be offered as a solution.  It will wear a Christian cloak and many believers may unknowingly fall victim to the initiation into the Antichrists “enlightened” New Age Or "Golden Age"

The famous occultist and Theosophist Helena Blavatsky once said, “For let it be distinctly known, nothing of that which is printed, broadcast, and available to every student in public libraries or museums, is really esoteric” (secret knowledge for only a few)

This further confirms the that “conspiracy/truther” movement is serving a sinister purpose. The information that’s touted as “being exposed” was always intended to be “exposed”

If we are not prioritizing Jesus and studying the Word, we will be deceived

I truly believe the Tribulation will start soon, as in this year, most likely in the Fall. I also believe the Church leaves before then, according to Scripture. So, don't lose heart, Saints!  I know times are tough. I and my family are being severely attacked and I know many of you are as well. You would not be attacked if you weren't a threat to satan, so abide under the Lord's wings and stand tall. Demons tremble at the presence of the Holy Spirit within you. Remember that! 

These last days and minutes here will be the hardest as we approach the finish line. Don't ever give up! Remember what you are fighting for? Keep your eyes on What your Future will be! From my monday post. 

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19


  1. Good Morning Sister,

    I was amazed to notice the repeated phrase: “Years Ago, There Wasn’t.” This is exactly the same mindset I have when I tell people about what is coming (implied or hinted) and they would state that it has been like this throughout time. Yes, but have they noticed how more frequent and evil they have become? This has to be part of the plan of the Great Deception, for people to scorn such warnings. That is why it is just tragic to hear that they claim to believe in God, yet reject these important warnings.

    Regarding the Red Moon this morning, someone posted pictures of it on Ring for all to see, and they got likes and comments on how spectacular it looked. Isn’t it sad that most people praise the sight but have no idea or clue about the real significance of the red moon? Mentioning this would not be recommended for it is almost certain to generate backlash.

    About the events that never took place before, so they will materialize during the Tribulation period. So this means the seven Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls will all take place during this seven year period? It is also mentioned in Scripture that the vast majority of people will still blasphemy God and refuse to repent, despite all those horrors. I guess whoever is meant to be saved, will be saved? Whether it is by the Rapture or being martyred during the Tribulation, those people will be saved either way?

    When you brought up the Ezekiel War, that reminded me of an article back then stating that this war is when the neighboring Arab countries surrounding Israel will seek Russia’s help in destroying Israel due to the failed Psalm 83 War. It also said Russia will agree without hesitation, but the real intention is to seize resources, as stated in Ezekiel 38:12. Additionally, the article said that the invading armies would be “supernaturally destroyed by God with earthquakes, brimstone, hailstone, and fire,” as stated in Ezekiel 39:4 and Ezekiel 38:19-22. Is the above account true, Sister?

    If the Tribulation is to start later this year in the Fall, what support from scripture said the time-gap between the Rapture and Tribulation is 6 months? I am not sure if it had to do with 2 Samuel 5:5 where King David ruled in Hebron for six months before ruling Jerusalem. Also, May 14 this year will be 77 years since Israel became a nation, and 77 is I am sure another important number in the Bible, but I am not sure if this has any bearing on when the Rapture actually takes place.
    Does this also mean that there may not be a Thanksgiving or Christmas due to all that would happen around then and people are impacted to the point that they would not even think about any normalcy or celebration?
    It would be interesting to contemplate that there may not be the Olympics in LA or Election in 2028 considering that may be when the effects of the four Seals and I think at least the first two Trumpets, if the Wormwood prediction of the Third Trumpet is accurate for the Spring of 2029 (April 13 is the projected date of the event). Would this be true?

    Thanks Sister for another informative post on Scriptural signs and warnings. Keep the faith strong and Blessings! 🙏🏻

    1. Yes... the Bible even predicted that people would mock and scorn those of us who were warning of the Lord's coming. I just never could have guessed it would come from Christians.
      Yes, it is my understanding that the 7 Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls occur during the Tribulation. I believe that because the Antichrist is the first seal and the white horse that rides out and Paul tells us in 2 Thess 2 that we would depart before the AC is revealed.
      Yes, Scripture tells us that many will be lost and take the MOB and yet many will also be saved during the Tribulation. In fact, whosoever calls upon the Lord and doesn't deny His name or take the MOB will be saved. There is hope!

      I'm not sure about the Psalm 83 war. Some believe it has already occured in the past.. some believe it is yet to occur. But we do know the Ezekiel 38 war has yet to occur. And yes, Russia, Iran, Turkey and others will attack Israel for a spoil, and yes, the Bible clearly says that God will supernaturally intervene and destroy those armies. In fact, I tend to believe that after this happens, the 7 year covenant will be made with Israel by the AC.

      Yes, exactly, the 6 month gap comes from the time King David ruled in Hebron before ruling in Jerusalem. There's also a 6 month time period mentioned in Esther 1, which is interesting. We do not know if this will happen this way or not... I mean, the rapture could occur only moments before the Tribulation starts.. there's nothing entirely specific in Scripture.
      It is interesting the Israel will turn 77 this year. That's a good number! As far as Christmas or Thanksgiving... I have no idea. IF the Tribulation does start in the fall, it depends on how bad things are at the start. I imagine ww3 will break out but will it impact the US? Maybe not at first. I've also heard that we may be nuked here on the mainland. So if things get really bad right off, I can guess people won't be celebrating the usual holidays
      And I can bet the Olympics may not happen as planned. That would be around the mid tribulation when all hell is breaking loos.

