Monday, December 21, 2009

Spend less, Worship more

Recently, I came across a campaign that really struck a chord with me. I don't know about you, but every Christmas I spend the entire month of December running here, running there, decorating, baking, going to parties, church functions, spending money we don't have, wrapping, cooking, dealing with family and essentially getting really stressed.! Each year, I vow to myself that I will do things differently next year and spend more time focusing on the reason we celebrate Christmas. I mean, how often in all they mayhem do we really take time out to think about the birth of Jesus and what it meant to the world and what it means to us? What a glorious sacrifice our Heavenly Father made by sending His Son to save us, but instead of letting that be our main focus, Satan has made us so busy with meaningless things that we forget. Then Christmas is gone, and we're exhausted and wonder what it all was for.

Think about what would happen if every Christian in this country spent even half as much on Christmas as they usually do and gave the rest to people in need??  Could we change the world?  Possibly!  At least we would we walking the walk, instead of just talking the talk. And maybe someone would sit up and take notice and wonder if there isn't something to this Jesus, after all?

You can find out more about Advent Conspiracy here:
Another great place that I trust to give money to is Samaritan's Purse:  where you can purchase livestock and medicines for people in need.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. I completely agree with you MaryLu!! My favorite part of that video was when they said, "It began with worship", because it did!
    People are always gloating about when they are getting 3 TV's for their homes, video games to play all day or hundreds of clothes as if they need more.
    I was actually thinking about this last week. I asked myself 'why do we spend so much on ourselves for Christmas when it's about Jesus?' My mom said she might even start next year by only giving us one gift each for Christmas and just go crazy on our birthdays. It's silly, we shouldn't be getting gifts for Christmas, we should be the ones giving the gifts to others as Jesus would.

    Thank you for reminding us MaryLu. That is definitely the true meaning of Christmas.
    God Bless you and Merry Christmas!!

  2. Just read your post this morning, and I would say I was inspired if I wasn't too tired to GET inspired! It is so true about all the running around. Not that we spend lots of $$--because we haven't got it to spend--but even the myriad of parties and wonderful church functions can become exhausting. Our many ministries are exciting opportunities and I wouldn't want to miss any of them, but this morning with yet ANOTHER dinner party to prepare for on the day's schedule, I am beginning to feel leg cramps! One of our daughters, who hasn't been home for a year and a half, arrived four days ago and we have yet to sit down together for a really profound conversation! Well, my point usual, you are so right. As soon as dinner is over, I'm propping up my feet and reading the Bible. And maybe just vegetating!

  3. Thanks, Ladies! I'm glad the post blessed you. This year, we cut the kid's gifts in half and gave to Samaritan's Purse. You can choose to buy livestock for poor people or medicine, chickens, Bibles, .. whatever you want. I'm still pretty busy this year, though! I think next year, I'll do even less and focus on God more!
