Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Ah, sweet bliss!


  1. so pretty...makes me want to find a handsome ship captain who loves Jesus and marry him...That would be a great romantic story :) :) :)

    I love all the photos you inspiring, romantic and beautiful!!!

    I'm still thinking about that mermaid photo, too. That would make an interesting story!!!

    Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. I think this is my favorite "Wordless Wednesday" picture so far! Just the color of that water - wow! It looks a lot like the cannibal island on POTC2, which I found out was actually the island Dominica (I looked into it then because I thought it was so gorgeous). Maybe I should travel there someday...:-)

  3. The strange thing about this image popping up in my FB feed on Sunday was that I'd just written a scene Saturday night in which I have a pirate ship hiding out in a cove surrounded by high mountains/bluffs. So imagine my surprise when the next morning I see this picture---the exact scene I'd been imagining!

  4. Very realistic...and beautiful.


  5. Thanks everyone! yes.. I fell in love with this picture when I saw it!! Such a wonderful, dreamlike scene. Yes, indeed, Heather, a handsome captain who loves Jesus.. sounds wonderful! And Sapphire, perhaps you'll make it to Dominica some day. Kaye!! I'd say this scene is a sign from God that you're on the right track with your current book! Can't wait to read it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Inspirational at the least!
    Would be good inspiration for a poem, I think.

  8. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comJuly 7, 2010 at 2:01 PM

    Permission to come aboard, Captain!

  9. ohhh you know how to pick 'em!!!
    wow! the water is such an incredible turquoise!!

  10. Beautiful!!


  11. Oh my goodness, this picture is so beautiful. The water is gorgeous and the ship is awesome! I love this.

  12. perfection:) and btw i can't pull up your tuesday post o.O

  13. This is a beautiful picture. I love the exquisite color of the water.

  14. This picture makes me want to go there soooooo badly. I just want to jump into that beautiful water! I'll bet the water is nice and warm! LOL! I love the ship! It reminds me of pirates, which I love! LOL!

    -Amber Minnehan

  15. its so beautiful!
