Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Support our troops!

Got this from Tori Duemling... and wanted to pass it along. I'm going to definitely do this!

Xerox has apparently been doing this since 2006.  The site was great, the choices beautiful, and it seemed a very secure way to show appreciation to our soldiers.  I really enjoyed reading replies from the soldiers.
If you go to this web site, www.LetsSayThanks.com  you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!    It is FREE and it only takes a second.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?    Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.    Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do.  We can never say enough thank you's.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!


  1. This is really great! I wish there was more we could do to show we appreciate their service.I'm definetely gonna do this.

    P.S. I won the battle! We now have a REAL christmas tree in the house. :D

  2. Thanks, MaryLu, I sent a card out. I am going to share this site with friends and family. Have a blessed week. *hug*

  3. Thank you MaryLu! :) I hope this will help spread it to more people.
    Have a great day!
    p.s. I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean right now and I'm able to resit ALL the lines in it. lol Love it!

  4. Thank you so much for letting us know about this program! :D May the Lord bless our military men and women!

    I put the button they had on the website on my blog. :) Thanks again!


  5. Congratulations, Eszter, on your real tree!! We are getting ours on Saturday.
    And thanks everyone for supporting our troops. This was actually Tori's idea.. Thank you Tori. And a wonderful idea it is... I have two kids in the military, although neither is overseas at the moment.
    And Tori, I can recite all the lines of Pirates too! It's embarrassing...

  6. My father served in the Air Force, and made several trips over to Iraq. He's not doing that anymore, as he's retired, but many people in my church, many who are my friends, are now taking their turn serving our country. I have a great respect for these people and all the others who have made the sacrifice, and they and their families will always be in my prayers. I went ahead and I sent a letter because I believe and want to support our troops, my troops.

