Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another chance to win both books in my Destiny series!

Hey everyone! I'm featured on the Romantic Times blog with an article on writing from your heart! They are also giving away the first two books in my destiny series... head on over to enter. 


  1. I read the blog. You did a great job, Cap'n. Enjoy the rest of your week. Is it raining there, it has been on again off again rain for about a week now here.

  2. Thurs March 3rd,
    "Morning, MaryLu".
    I just read this blog yesterday, and enjoyed it thoroughly, and of course, appreciated all you shared.
    I am going to 'attempt' to send it to myself, via e-mail. Don't know whether or not this will work, but I am MOST definitely going to 'try'.
    Thanks for sharing !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. @Brenda: You can always highlight the entire blog, right click the highlighted part, then save it to your computer. I do it all the time. Hope this helps.
