Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Tell me a tale! What's happening here?


  1. Wed March 2nd,
    "Morning, MaryLu".
    Wow .. what an action shot !!! The ship in the middle, 'seems' to be faring okay ... but that can't be said for the outside two ! I can see even more ships, in the background ... colossal battle going on, for sure ! Love the colours, and, all the drama !!! (Methinks it is a much safer position to be looking "at" this photo, opposed to being "in" this photo !)
    Thanks for sharing, MaryLu.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Lovely! Is this an actual painting, or a digital drawing? It looks more like the latter, with the soft, blurred colors, but the detail is excellent.

    Well, being a triple-decker, the ship in the middle can and is holding her own well - but her success really depends on whether the ships in the background are friends or enemies. I'm thinking she must have friends about, though, because she could never have crippled the ship on her port side like that without help.

    Judging from the British flag and the fact that she's a three-decker, I would label this the Battle of Trafalgar and say the ship in the middle is the HMS Victory. I don't suppose the artist mentioned if he or she was trying to depict a real naval battle? I would love to know; it's a beautiful picture.

  3. Thrilling picture - I love all the detail, especially where the cannonball just hit the water! It reminds me of the final battle scene in POTC3.

    And to anyone within driving distance of Denver, Colorado, the Dever Museum of Nature and Science has a pirate exhibit opening this weekend. Here's the link

  4. Hi Ladies, I knew you'd love this! I have no idea whether it is a painting or a digital picture or what it is of.. but I loved it! There is so much action.. so much story here.
    Yes, Brenda, the ship in the middle seems to be the victor and the aggressor.
    Abigail, it could indeed be the battle of Trafalgar! Way to know your history. I'm impressed. :-)
    Oh Sapphire, wish I was close to Denver. Are you going to go?? I'm jealous.
    All good here. I'm working on the edits (returned to me by my publisher) for Surrender the Dawn. It's coming along nicely but I must have them done by Monday. Yikes! Hugs...

  5. I am not good at telling tales. But I must say this is awesome! I love love love it!

  6. Is it Wednesday already?! Wow.
    At first glance, I thought this was a scene from a Pirate's of the Caribbean movie(nothing personal, just business). But, upon closer inspection, I can see that the Flying Dutchman is nowhere in sight. That being said, I love this picture. This appears to be the climax of a very powerful and interesting story. I sure hope the good guys are winning......
    I will be praying that Surrender the Dawn gives you no trouble, Cap'n......smooth sailin'

  7. I forgot to mention to all of you who have been praying for my daughter, Jackie, she had her second prenatal appt. today. Mother and baby are healthy. Jackie got her first sonogram of the baby. She is 8 weeks and 3 days along. Please continue to pray for her and the baby. Thank you and God bless.

  8. Of course the good guys are winning! Anyway.. good news about Jackie! I'll keep praying...
