Thursday, June 30, 2011

If you're around tonight at 6:00 pm PT , 9:00 PM Eastern

Come join me in a live chat and enter to win one of my books free!
Here's the link. I think you have to join Gather in order to participate. There's a link to do so on the webpage. Please come if you can... I don't want to sit there all alone. LOL


  1. Sounds like fun, but, alas, I will be a bit busy all day. Our daughters are visiting because today is my hubby's birthday. So, have fun with the interview and I will try and read it later. *hugs*
    P.S. Wouldn't it be a blessing if Jack was hired ON his birthday! God's will! :-)

  2. Ah, please tell Swabbie Jack I wish him a very happy birthday!!! And yes.. a job would make a great gift!! I'm still praying!

  3. Thurs June 30th,
    "Afternoon, MaryLu."
    Oh MaryLu .... I am out for some of the evening (not sure "if" I'll catch the program or not). I so hope, you are not there 'all alone' ..... surely NOT !!! If I do catch it, it won't be to win one of your books for free though ... I have every one of them, "except" for the newest one coming out next month.
    Hope all goes well. You'll be great, no doubt about it !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  4. Thanks Brenda. Have fun tonight! I may be sitting her all by me lonesome! But hey, I'll get some writing done. Hugs...
