Thursday, June 16, 2011

Surrender the Heart is free on Kindle through July 31st!!!

If you own a Kindle or know someone who does, the first book in my Destiny series is free for the next month!  Please pass the word!


  1. I own a Sony eReader, but I already own this on e-book. I will spread the word as best I can, MaryLu, and I put up a special prayer on our crew's blog. It's already all over Facebook, thanks to you, Ronie, Sheri and myself. Have a great weekend. I am going to spend today with my girls and grandson and the baby shower is this weekend. Keep me in your prayers. :-)

  2. Thanks so much, Debbie! I already prayed this morning for your baby shower.. and I will on Saturday too! Please let us know how things go... I know it will be fabulous!

  3. This is great news, MaryLu! I don't have a Kindle (have this in book form....on tbr shelf), but have sent this to a dear friend who just got a Kindle. She will be so thrilled. Thanks!

  4. Thanks, MaryLu, I will let you know how it goes and I will be posting some pictures, too.
