Thursday, July 14, 2011

A free online writers conference for writers under 20 years of age!

I know some of you are under 20. (Ah... those were the days.. a far memory for me!)  But if you're under 20 and you are an aspiring writer, here's a free online conference that you might want to check out.  I'll be one of the presenters, along with several other great authors. Just click on this link for more information:


  1. This sounds absolutely PERFECT - it's exactly what I've been looking for!!! I'll sign up first thing tomorrow morning; thanks for posting this to let us know. :-)

  2. I'm under 20, have signed up, and can't wait for August to get here!!

  3. I'm so glad Katy and Sapphire! I hope you enjoy it!

  4. Hmmm.........I am a bit older than 20. LOL
    Katy and Sapphire, I hope you have fun and learn a lot.

  5. Very cool! Sharing with young friends.
