Monday, October 24, 2011

Did you know you are a Priest?

You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth Rev 5:10

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Rev 1:5-6

I guess I've read this Scriptures a thousand times before. I always thought. Oh, how cool! But I never took the time to stop and reflect on what it meant to be a priest. If you are born again and have the Spirit of God living within you, then guess what, you are already a priest.

So, what does a priest do? Here's what I came up with.

A priest offers sacrifices to God on behalf of others
A priest spends a lot of time in God's presence to discern His will.
A priest is God's representative to the people
A priest studies the Word of God
A priest knows the Word of God and teaches the people
A priest comforts those who mourn
A priest encourages those who are weak
A priest warns those who are lost
A priest loves the unlovable
A priest forgives
A priest cares for those in need
A priest offers Godly counsel

Can you think of other things a priest does?
I don't know about you, but as I went through this list, it really convicted me.  Am I any of those things? Well, maybe I do some of them on occasion, but do I take my role as priest to a dying world seriously? Or do I spend most of my time thinking of what God can do for me? 

No, we can't offer animal sacrifices anymore, but we can offer the sacrifice of our time in prayer for the lost. We can fast and paray for a world that's going to hell. It's so important that we remember that the minute we toss our feet over the side of our bed in the morning, we must put on our priestly robes. Whether we go to school, or stay at home, or go to a job, we are priests to every person we meet.

It's a new mindset for me. A different way to look at my purpose on earth. But it has changed the way I look at life and at people. I am God's representative! What an awesome responsibility! And I must know God's Word so well and know Him so well, that I am ready with a good answer to anyone who questions me, that I'm ready with a word of comfort, of love, of forgiveness. That I let people know I'll pray for them.

I must be Christ on earth.

Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?  2 Corinthians 1:14-16


  1. Mon Oct 24th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well this was a most enlightening and humbling insight. It always 'seemed' to me that considering myself a "servant", was easier. But, to consider myself "a priest" ... that is an awesome responsibility, and one that is much harder to grasp.
    Do I do 'some' of those things you listed (that a priest would do) ... yes. But after reading the verses you shared, this is a major eye-opener as to 'what' is expected of me (us). This definitely changes my perception and outlook on how I will view people ... 'trying' to be more -- conscientious, thoughtful, loving, caring, and prayerful ... for others, and, their eternity.
    Thanks so much for sharing, "yet another" timely Word in due season.
    Hope all is well.
    (Job is "still going" ... I'm trying to 'hang in there'. Thanks for asking.)
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Mon Oct 24th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well this was a most enlightening and humbling insight. It always 'seemed' to me that considering myself a "servant", was easier. But, to consider myself "a priest" ... that is an awesome responsibility, and one that is much harder to grasp.
    Do I do 'some' of those things you listed (that a priest would do) ... yes. But after reading the verses you shared, this is a major eye-opener as to 'what' is expected of me (us). This definitely changes my perception and outlook on how I will view people ... 'trying' to be more -- conscientious, thoughtful, loving, caring, and prayerful ... for others, and, their eternity.
    Thanks so much for sharing, "yet another" timely Word in due season.
    Hope all is well.
    (Job is "still going" ... I'm trying to 'hang in there'. Thanks for asking.)
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. “I must be Christ on earth.”, to that I give a heart Amen! It is interesting at how most Protestants believe in the priesthood of all believers, but I never really thought about how much more there is to it than just simply being able to read and interpret the Bible for yourself. As you pointed out, being a priest includes so much more! You have given some things to look into! Your posts are so encouraging and thought provoking, MaryLu! I thank you much for sharing so much wisdom with us.

  4. Great post, MaryLu. It's important that all Christians know the difference between a priest that leads a church and themselves as priests. I totally agree with everything you said about us being priests. It does weigh heavy on me a lot of the time, but through Christ I know that I will do my best to please Him.
    Our church does Prayer Walks the last Sunday of each month. We all adopt streets in Anderson and the surrounding towns, and we go out and actually walk those streets and pray for them. There is no service that Sunday, just prayer and fellowship. In Sunday School, we are going to start a new series for the children. It will help them in their own 'walk' with God. To help them to pray for others in their schools, activities, etc. We are taking back Anderson for Christ! Please keep us and our town in prayer. On our street, Shady Lane, just last week, there were three incidents involving the police. Needless to say, Jack and I adopted our street and the surrounding streets.
    Thanks again for the great post.

  5. Wow. Reading this, I realize just how much I'm lacking in this area. Like Brenda, its much easier to picture myself as a servant than as a Priest. Its a real eye-opener for sure.

  6. Brenda, so nice to hear from you! I think we are all lacking in the area of priesthood. I convicted myself with this post! So glad you're hanging in there with the job. I'll keep praying!

    Emma, yes, typically protestants don't really think of priests, but there is so much about them in the Bible.. particularly in the Old Testament regarding the Jewish Priests. Glad my post blessed you.

    Debbie, I adore your church! The way you describe the things they do is phenominal. And here in CA! What an awesome thing to do .. going through neighborhoods and praying. We will never know the impact of those prayers! What a great priestly duty. Yes, Take back Anderson for Christ!! I need to pray more for my city. Sometimes it seems hopeless. :-( But nothing is impossible with God!

    Thank you Eszter, it opened my eyes too!

  7. I never thought of it that way before!

  8. WOW - thanks for this post; I've always kind of glossed over the priest verses before without thinking much about them.
