Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pictures of models for my pirate series book covers!

I found these old pictures of the actual live models they used for Captain Merrick and Charlisse Bristol, the hero and heroine in the first two books of my Legacy of the King's Pirates series.  I thought you'd enjoy them.

Can you see the resemblance to the covers?? 
This was the only time my publisher allowed me to approve the models used. At the time, I thought it was normal... but I guess not. 


  1. That is really cool to see what they look like.
    They did a great job picking people!!

    Shelby Z.

  2. At first when I saw the picture on facebook I thought that was a young Josh Brolin. He kind of looks like Jimmy off the Young Riders. But after reading what it said I did see the resemblances.

  3. That's awesome! I was actually searching your blog archive a couple days ago to see if you had any pic.s posted for the King's Legacy characters like you did for Surrender the Dawn.

    Very cool.

  4. Wow. I never would have guessed that these two were the models for the cover. Of course, after looking at the cover, I can see them now. It's amazing how they can take ordinary people and turn them into extraordinary characters. Thanks for sharing.

  5. These are acutally high school kids from Ohio. Funny, huh? But yes, they did a great job picking them. It must have been fun for these kids to dress up like pirates for a photo shoot!

    Oh, and Joleen, if you want to see the actresses/actors I picked, you can go to my website and click on books, then on Redemption, then on More on the characters, or something like that.

  6. Wow-the transformation is cool. They looked a lot older on the cover. I never would have guessed. So the publishers don't usually let the author pick the cover photo? I never knew that before. Why is that?

  7. Oh wow, that is so neat! I was surprised to find out that the writers don't have much say in who their cover models are. You would think the person who created the characters would have a little pull! I always appreciate when the cover models resemble the characters, as in same hair color eye color, and what not. I love a good cover! I thought the models for the Pirates Series were a good pick! :)

    I had no idea you had those descriptions on your website, MaryLu! I am reading through them right now!

  8. Eszter, no publishers don't give authors much say at all in the cover. I fill out a form with my "hoped for" ideas and then the publisher does what they want. LOL
    Not sure what their reasoning is except it costs alot of money and they don't want picky authors to get involved. :-)
    Yes.. Emma. they did good with my pirate series. And I love the covers for my destiny series.. .. the others.. not so much! Oh, I'm glad you're enjoying my website!

  9. Wow, that's really cool! Do you think you can figure out who the models were on the cover of your book 'Redemption' I thought Captain Kent was a pretty handsome hero!!! lol! Just gotta say that i am a HUGE fan of yours marylu, and am absoloutly in love with your books! God has given you an amazing talent!!! Looking forward to your next book!!!

  10. This is soooo cool!!!!! I would love to be a book cover model. I think it would be so much fun, but I don't know how to do it~:)

  11. Thank you, Anonymous!! I really appreciate your kind words! And no, I have no idea who the model was for Captain Kent Carlton... :-( My publisher never included me in the process again. And Yes, He is handsome. :-)
    Heather, I don't know how you could become a model??? I suspect you would need to belong to an agency or something..? That's a good question. I can ask my publisher where they get their models from if you'd like

  12. Yeah, that's really cool. I see the resemblence.
    Don't really picture them that way...just tweak their faces and hair a little bit. lol
    -Rebekah xD

  13. That is sooo cool! I always wanted to see what 'their' models looked like. How neat! Yeah I see the resemblance, I find that really interesting. I wish they would let you pick your own models or have some say because you (being the author) has the perfect pick, the best pick, since they are your made up characters! Are you going to show more models from your other books?

  14. I wish they would let me choose my own models too!! It's very frustrating to have a picture of a character in my mind so clearly but have no say in the cover. Arggggg.. Anyway, these are the only models my publisher ever showed me. So, no.. can't show anymore for my other books. :-(

  15. Well, now I completely get the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." I had no idea the authors didn't get to choose! :(
    I really liked the covers for your Charles Towne Belles series, though!
    And I didn't know about the character descriptions on your site, either. SO COOL!! That's why you are such an amazing author, because you don't just write a book and tell people to read it. You take the time to make them seem real, and to let your readers in on the fun of creating a story : )

  16. Totally see the resemblence...especially on the cover of The Reliance. Really cool!
