Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all my blog followers and Facebook friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

I encourage you to do two things on this special day. First, no matter how hard your year was, give thanks to God for all the blessing He has bestowed on you. If you're alive and have food to eat and a roof over your head, then you have just about as much as the pilgrims did at their first Thanksgiving!

Secondly, Give. The last half of Thanksgiving is giving. Do something for someone else today, whether it be helping out at a soup kitchen or offering to do the dishes at home, go out of your way for someone else. Perhaps think of a compliment to give to everyone at your table, or pull aside a family member who may be discouraged and comfort them. Or maybe phone a friend who may be alone and invite them over for dinner.. or pie!  Ask God to show you something you can give today.

Enjoy this short video on the true meaning of Thanksgiving!!


  1. Thurs Nov 24th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    "Amen, and Amen" !!! Excellent blog, and excellent video. We ARE a blessed people and Nation ... we do have SO very much to be thankful for !!! Let us give thanks, unto the Lord !!!
    And, thanks for sharing, MaryLu. Enjoy this special day ... to "all" of my fellow-Americans !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, MaryLu! God bless you and your loved ones! :)

  3. Thank you, Brenda!! I feel a strong tie to my Canadian friends as I celebrate our Thanksgiving... Have a blessed day too!
    Thanks Emma!! Same to you and yours!

  4. Awesome! Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your turkey!

  5. I'm kind of really late, but thanks for this post.
    I did thank God, and I brought my friend some cookies! We also went on skype and talked to our family that lives thousands of miles away! =D Teared up a little for my family's so far away.
    -Rebekkah xD

  6. Ah, sorry Rebekkah... Thank God for Skype, eh? In the old days, they had to wait for letters to arrive. :-( And good for you to bring your friend cookies!!
