Friday, November 1, 2013

Elusive Hope - RELEASE day Party!!!

Welcome to the final day of ELUSIVE HOPE's Pre-release party!! Today is RELEASE DAY!!!  Please celebrate with me! 

Last Weeks Winner is: NatureFairy!!!
Thank you all for your GREAT comments!!  And for entering. But you still have one more chance to win!

Last Chance! I'm giving away one more Signed copy of the book or an E-copy (your choice) this week!!. In addition, I'm giving away to one lucky winner on the last day : 

  • Chocolate covered Brazil nuts
  • The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Butter
  • Package of Ground Brazilian Coffee
Come back next week when I reveal the Grand Prize winner!!! 

 Purchase from AmazonBarnes and Noble,,  DeeperShopping

Sorry, but winners of the paperback book and the final prize must be in US or Canada, but winners of the Ebook can be anywhere.
I'm pulling the winner of the grand prize from every comment, so if you comment each week, your chances are better to win!

Answers to last week's Guess what the character would say contest!!

I LOVED reading all your guesses!! I realized that I probably made the responses too difficult because I could see both characters answering multiple ways!  Sorry about that.. but hey, even so, some of you got it right!!   Without reposting the entire scenes, I;ll just do short snippets. The answer is in Blue

   “Apparently that’s the only language you speak.” She held the dripping mud up like a trebuchet about to release its fiery projectile. “I demand you give me the proper respect due a lady on this journey or you will not only be covered in mud, but you won’t be paid.”
     He chuckled. “I will be paid, Princess. The deal was to get you to Rio. There was no mention of licking your boots along the way.”

What does Magnolia say next? 

A.“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not wearing boots.” She lifted her chin. “Why, you may ask? Because my feet are swollen to twice their normal size.”
B.  "I would expect, being the lackey that you are, you would be quite familiar with licking boots!"
C.  She gave him a coy smile. "Mercy me, did I forget to mention that part of our bargain?"
D.  Tears pooled in her eyes. She tossed the mud at him, but missed. "You are a beast, Hayden, and no gentleman!"

Magnolia had never met a more obnoxious brute of a man. As soon as she relieved herself, donned some new stockings, and slid her slippers over her bandaged feet, she returned to the clearing and handed him her valise.
     His amused gaze shifted from the case back to her before one of his eyebrows lifted. “Why do I want this?”
     “To carry, of course.”
What does Hayden say??
A. Grunting, he turned and trudged down the trail. "I knew you were going to be trouble."
B. "I'll only carry it if I can keep all the money inside," he said with a wink.
C.“You brought it. You carry it.” He dropped it to the ground, then turning, he disappeared into the greenery.
D. Opening the case, he dumped all her belongings onto the jungle floor then handed it back to her. "There, now it won't be so heavy."


What would your spirit look like if you could see it in a mirror?

 One of the themes running through Elusive Hope is the difference between outward beauty and inward beauty.  All you need to do is turn on a TV or look at magazine covers and you'll see that our culture is obsessed with outward beauty.  People spend millions, even billions, every year on fad diets, exercise programs, make up, hair products, plastic surgery, injections, pills, etc....  just to look better on the outside, but how much time and money do we spend on our character? On our spirit??

We all know this life on earth is temporary. We know that we will ALL age, no matter how hard we try to avoid looking like we are. Compared to eternity, this life is a millisecond blip on the radar. It truly is nothing, yet we spend so much time and energy focusing on things that will fade away and be destroyed. What if I told you that your spirit being, which lives inside your body, reflects the beauty of your character and heart? In other words, the more you allow God to change your insides, to make you kinder, more loving, less selfish, more generous, less prideful, etc.. the more beautiful your spirit becomes. Those in heaven who have spent their time on earth working on growing more like Jesus will be the most beautiful in appearance, the brightest, the most glowing. And those who spend hardly any time at all allowing God to change them will be the dullest in appearance.

Now, I don't know if that's true, but there are Scriptures that speak of saints shining brightly, especially those who bring many to God. The Bible also talks about our clothing reflecting our righteous acts. (Rev 19:8).   But let's say I'm right. Then, what would happen if you had a special mirror that reflected your inward beauty instead of your outward?

This is just what happens to Magnolia, my heroine in Elusive Hope.  And believe me, for someone accustomed to gazing at the beauty of her reflection, she is not at all pleased with what she sees.  What do you think you would see??

As a special treat, here's the Book Trailer for Elusive Hope!

So, what did you think of the trailer??  And would you be willing to take a peek into a mirror that reflected your inward beauty rather than your outward??

Leave  a comment with your answers and you'll be entered in the last contest!!   I'll announce the winner of the book and the grand prize next friday.
Have a great weekend!

If you don't win a copy, I hope you'll help support my writing and buy a copy of Elusive Hope. I guarantee you won't be disappointed!!



  1. STANDING OVATION over here for that book trailer! It made my heart beat faster and I've already read the book!! That was SO excellent! (but it kinda looks like Magnolia and Hayden could be brother and sister LOL)
    Big big congrats on the release of this book! Please reset the book countdown timer because I can't wait for the next one and I'll be counting down the days along with it.:)
    Ah. Wow. I might just go read it again now; I'm so pumped up.


    1. ...and in all that enthusiasm about the trailer, I forgot to answer about the mirror and put my email.. :) ah oh well. I'm not sure if I would want to look in a mirror like that, but I'd like to have one on hand just in case I get up enough bravery! Thanks for the giveaway chances! I have so much fun at these, especially the "guess what the characters will say next"!
      genuinegagirl at gmail (dot) com

  2. Really liked the trailer. Can't wait to delve into this book and discover Magnolia & Hayden's secrets. I'm not sure how willing I'd be to look into a mirror that reflected inward. It's so easy to cover up the outward appearance and "mask" how I feel, but to truly see myself lacking in so many areas would probably bring me to my knees. But come to think of it maybe that's where I should be....on my knees asking God to help me improve internally.

    Thanks for a chance to win.


  3. Fri Nov 1st,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    "Congratulations to - NatureFairy" !!!
    Well -- to the "guess what he/she said" ... I got both answers incorrect ! That is just how good you made "all" the choices sound, MaryLu !!! Anyone of them 'could have been' the correct answer.
    Love the trailer, MaryLu .... really brings the book to life, plus the background music sounds so suspenseful.
    Answer to your question of whether I would be 'willing' to take a peek into a mirror that reflected my inward beauty .... "no", I would not be "willing" to. However, that being said, I believe that is exactly what the Lord will show each one of us, one day. (Maybe not by using a mirror ... but I believe we will see our inner selves ... hence the "wiping away of every tear".)
    No, I already know that I would not be pleased with the reflection staring back. Just being truthful.
    SO happy that Elusive Hope's release day, is "today" !!! We're all in for a special treat !!! Congratulations, MaryLu !!!
    Another job -- SO well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

  4. Excited for your release day! Congratulations. I liked the music best in the trailer. I like to picture my own characters vs. being shown them in a trailer or that weird? The temple looked interesting. I am willing to look in the mirror, but of course I know I am flawed. The key is being "willing" to grow and improve no matter how old we get. I am 43, and I see so many older people, much older than me who get set in their ways and are no longer willing to allow God to mold them. I find that sad. I pray I never get that way. Also, I find that an interesting question for today, Nov. 1. The day after Halloween when outward appearance was very important to many last night! ha ha!!!
    Have a very blessed weekend and HAPPY NOV. 1ST! LET THE FUN BEGIN!

  5. Well. The book trailer isn't working for me currently.:(. So I'll have to get back to you on that. I have a daughter..,and almost every day we discuss inward beauty. Leah and Rachel is what I'm using now . The Bible says that Rachel was beautiful, but she is the one who stole the idols. Obviously, those two don't go together. Were I to see my spirit in a mirror as God sees it, I'm sure I'd be broken and cast down. I kind of picture my spirit as being in Christ, the Potters hand, always being changed and formed to what I should be. Great thought to keep in the back of ones Monday at all times. Sounds like an amazing book!

  6. In a way, I feel that the Holy Spirit in my life is like looking into a mirror like that. The Lord is showing me a layer at a time that is flawed, and being patient with me while I am working to put off the old man and put on the new. It would be sad and depressing to see that flawed reflection without the love, instruction and hope of Christ! :)

  7. I pray that my inner self would reveal the beauty, but if it does it is only because of the Lord working in my life. It is the Lord who gives me the strength and enables me to serve Him. I am so wanting to read this book and hope that I will win the book.

  8. Congratulations on release day!

    And thank you for the encouraging post on inward beauty. I'm reminded how Martin Luther said he had to preach the Gospel to himself everyday. In our culture, I feel we need to preach truth to ourselves everyday--as women, especially concerning beauty. You've renewed my desire to focus on the Lord's work inside me.


  9. I like the music in the trailer, it really ratchets up the suspense! The mirror question reminds me of the book The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (actually I only saw the movie)---what we really look like despite the appearance we try to create. Thank God that Jesus' blood changes the picture so God can see us as He intended us to be! I wouldn't want to see a real image of myself, otherwise.

  10. I don't often watch book trailers, but maybe I should start. This one was great. I'm not sure if I would have the courage to look into a mirror like that. Sounds like a great book.

  11. YIPPEE! Congratulations on the release, MaryLu. I can't wait to read it. The book trailer was really good too. Heart flutters happening here ... :)
    The topic of the book - inward beauty - is something I've been spending a lot of thinking time on lately. Hmmm .... I think there's a message here for me. ;)
    Again, I can't wait!!
    Thanks MaryLu!

  12. Wow, what a GREAT trailer!! Every week you have me more and more pulled in to this story, very cool :) I would honestly be hesitant about looking into that mirror (reminds me of the mirror from the neverending story, but that one was full length and everything changed when Atreyu looked into it), but at the same time whatever it would reveal I would want to know. Thanks for having multiple chances to win, MaryLu, this has been fun! Have a great weekend and hugs to you :)
    PS. love that Michelle Griep and Teresa Matthews endorsed the book in the trailer!!

  13. What a great book trailer, totally makes you want to read the book. I don't know if I would have the courage to look into such a mirror, but I think that I probably would. Fingers crossed on winning a prize.

  14. Congratulations, MaryLu!

    Love the book trailer - the music says it all, excitement!

    Yes, I would welcome the chance to view my inward beauty's reflection. I pray, that I am the Christian example the Lord would have me be, to others, but I will never reach perfection - as I am an imperfect human. It requires striving, on a daily basis, to be more like Him, & the inward reflection would give me a more perfect checklist, from which to work! Thanks for your wonderful post/reminder!


  15. It is nice to see that publishing companies are putting more effort into making nice book trailers. The quality of the ones I have seen lately have really improved.

    Oh good gracious, I would not want to see what my inner beauty. I know I am a wretched sinner. I am just thankful that when God looks upon me, He sees Christ.


  16. Thank you all so much for your comments and for watching my trailer and reading my posts and helping me celebrate this new release!! I love all the comments about inner beauty.... Out of most people I know, it seems only the believers realize how horrible we are on the inside.. but the nonbelievers think they are pretty good people. Only when the light of God's Word wakes us up do we see the depravity of our true selves. How's that for a cheerful thought to take into the weekend.? LOL
    Have a blessed, relaxing weekend!

  17. I loved the trailer! It was probably one of the best ones I have seen! I could definitely picture Magnolia and Hayden like those people as well.

    I would be willing to look through a mirror like that. To be honest I would be scared to look, as I'm sure most people would, but I would do it. If I saw something that was not to my liking/showed I wasn't the person I should be then I would know that I had to change. I would no longer be oblivious to my mistakes/sins because they would be as clear as day.


  18. Loved the soooo anxious to read the book! Congrats on release day!
    Would be scary to look through that mirror.....always changes to be made in a Christian's life.
    Great weekend to all.....

    jacsmi75 [at] gmail [dot]com

  19. What a fascinating story line the trailer is a wonderful glimpse into the book! Really hope to read it soon.
    As for the mirror I really have mixed feelings on it but I probably would look , Then I think I would be extremely grateful that God only sees me as forgiven. Best wishes on your book. Thank You

  20. Trailer was interesting. I would look in the mirror to my soul, but only when I'm by myself, because I already know what it will reveal;.....and so does God! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  21. Congratulations, MaryLu, on your release day! Wow! This has been a fun month of meeting your characters, a scavenger hunt, playing 'Guess what the character would say', and a new book trailer. I have enjoyed all of it! The book trailer was awesome! The music, the visuals, everything gets you set for an adventure. Can't wait to read Elusive Hope! I'll be starting it this weekend.

    As for the mirror, I'm not sure I'd want to look because I know I wouldn't like what I see, knowing that I'm flawed. I think of the Holy Spirit as a type of mirror, shining His light on my heart, revealing what needs to be taken care of. And I'm thankful that God loves me and never gives up on me. Have a great weekend!


  22. Nice trailer. Yes, I would.

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  23. MaryLu, I forgot to say the Trailer was very neat, but now I need to win your book so I can read the rest of the story. Thanks!
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  24. MaryLu. this has not been my day with the computer. I just answered about the Trailer because I had forgotten when I was commenting about the Mirror. I did write a comment about me and that mirror, but it seems to have been deleted. I have looked and cannot find it so don't know where it went. I will just say now, I'm sure I wouldn't see what I would wish to see. But, maybe we should be able to see just once. Congrats on your new book. Love to win it. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  25. WOW! This is a great trailer! If I wasn't already interested in this book this trailer would have done it for me.

    I would like to be able to say I would absolutely look in the mirror. But to be honest it would depend somewhat on how I was feeling about myself at the time that I was given the opportunity.

    I loved Forsaken Dreams and I will definitely be buying this book IF I don't get lucky enough (Blessed by God) to win it.

  26. I LOVED the trailer! I think it pulled me in more than any other I have seen. It was very well done!

    And would you be willing to take a peek into a mirror that reflected your inward beauty rather than your outward??

    I think we would ALL be disappointed in ourselves in some way if we could see into our souls. I would be willing to see my inner self because then I would know where to make improvements. If you have things you need to work on sometimes you don't really recognize those areas on your own and it takes a family member or friend to point them out to you. I want to be the best I can be towards others so I would definitely take the chance and look into that mirror!

    Thank you for the awesome chance to read your book!

    Wanda Barefoot

  27. Wow...wonderful book trailer! As to the mirror, I know I would see my selfishness....and pray that God will continue to help me make my life more of HIm and less of me...thanks for your offer!

    --Connie Hendryx

  28. Sorry I'm late to the party...but that doesn't mean I won't whoop it up! This is a fantastic book! Congrats, MaryLu!
