Friday, February 27, 2015

Medieval Romance Giveaway! Sword of Forgiveness!

Today, please welcome my good friend and fellow writer, Debbie Lynne Costello!  Debbie Lynne has a new release coming out TODAY!!! Yay!! It's a Medieval Romance (one of my favorite genres!) complete with a handsome Knight. Who could ask for more than that?  I had the privilege of reading an early copy, and I guarantee you're going to love it!

First, a little bit about Debbie Lynne

Debbie Lynne Costello has enjoyed writing stories since she was about eight years old. She raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina. She has worked in many capacities in her church and is currently the Children's Director. Debbie Lynne has shown and raised Shetland Sheepdogs for eighteen years and still enjoys litters now and then. In their spare time, she and her husband take pleasure in camping and riding their Arabian and Tennessee Walking horses.



Sword of Forgiveness

After the death of her cruel father, Brithwin is determined never again to live under the harsh rule of any man. Independent and resourceful, she longs to be left alone to manage her father’s estate. But she soon discovers a woman has few choices when the king decrees she is to marry Royce, the Lord of Rosencraig. As if the unwelcome marriage isn’t enough, her new husband accuses her of murdering his family, and she is faced with a challenge of either proving her innocence or facing possible execution.
 Royce of Hawkwood returns home after setting down a rebellion to find his family brutally murdered. When all fingers point to his betrothed and attempts are made on his life, Royce must wade through murky waters to uncover the truth. Yet Brithwin’s wise and kind nature begin to break down the walls of his heart, and he soon finds himself in a race to discover who is behind the evil plot before Brithwin is the next victim.

Order from Amazon   !!

Thank you so much for allowing me to visit your blog! A great big Ahoy Mates to all your crew!  You’ll find a common theme in Sword of Forgiveness. Forgiveness as you’ve probably guessed is what both my hero and heroine struggle with, but they struggle with different types of forgiveness.
Let’s start with Brithwin. She was raised by a cruel father who enjoyed making her life miserable. Even in his death Brithwin can’t let go of what he did to her. She hates him for it. In our own lives don't we find this same thing? Someone has wronged us and the first thing we do is recoil in self-protection. It’s not easy to show mercy, and grace when someone has hurt us. Why should we be understanding when they are the ones who wronged us?

I’m sure many of you have heard this saying, unforgiveness is like drinking a bottle of poison and hoping it will kill your enemy. When we harbor unforgiveness, we relive it, we think about what we should have said or done, we think of what we’d like to do to that person, which causes conflict inside us and affects our walk with the Lord.

But the bible is quite clear on the subject. Forgiveness is a choice! The Lord’s prayer says forgive our trespassors as we forgive those who trespass against us. Colossians 3:13 tells us to bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Sometimes we have to lay the desire to stay angry at the Lord’s feet every day and choose forgiveness until it gets easier and easier to say, “that’s behind me and I’m not going to think about it anymore.”
Royce’s struggle with forgiveness was different from Brithwin’s in that Royce didn’t believe God would forgive him of his sins. He’s committed some sins that cost lives and Royce didn’t believe God could see past that. Do you know anyone like that? They don’t think God will forgive them? Well, I have to ask Royce this. Why did Christ die on the cross? To forgive our sins I think we all will agree. So if Christ’s blood washed away all our sins how can God hold it against us? Is Christ blood limited? No! So if Christ died for all our sins that no matter what your sin is God can and will forgive you if you repent with a true repentant heart.

I said there were 3 different types of forgiveness in this story you see Royce struggles with another forgiveness and that is forgiving himself. That’s a tough one. Sometimes we do something we really regret and we are so sorry for what we’ve done but no matter how sorry we are we can’t change the consequences of our actions, thus we have a hard time forgiving ourselves.

What we have to remember is that we were created by an awesome God. A God of mercy, and grace, and love, and forgiveness. And if a God who knew no sin can forgive us than who are we to say we will not forgive EVEN if it is ourselves that we must forgive? I’m just so glad we serve a Father who loves us so much that He forgives us and wants us to forgive ourselves.
So what about you? Do you struggle with any of these types of unforgiveness? What are some of the consequences you see from people who don’t forgive?

Answer one of the above questions to be entered to win a choice of paperback or ebook of my new release, Sword of Forgiveness.

MaryLu Here:  Thank you Debbie Lynne!!!   What a great story! I loved this book!   Enter your comment below, along with your email address, and I will choose a winner next Friday March 6th!



  1. Friday 27th,
    "Morning, MaryLu and Debbie Lynn".
    Medieval history/romance novels are totally my favourite genre. I'm always looking for novels written back in those centuries ... and trust me, there aren't enough of them out there !
    So thrilled Debbie you have one .... "Sword of Forgiveness" sounds like a great story !!!
    I personally struggle with -- forgiving myself. I know God has forgiven me, and I know others can forgive me. But I am my own toughest critic, and really find it difficult to forgive "me". You know when the Bible says that -- when God forgives our sins, He removes it as far as the east is from the west, and, that He remembers it no more ? Well, I wish, that I (we) was able to totally forget it and remember it no more, too !
    I would love to win this paperback !!! (And I have a U.S. postal station address, if that helps.)
    Thank-you so much for introducing us to your new book.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda Hurley
    ( )

  2. Hey Brenda! I'm so right beside you on the forgiveness. I wish we would remember our sins no more, too! But I supposed even though God remembers them no more, He allows us to remember them so we can learn from our mistakes and maybe help others not stumble where we have. It is such a hard thing to forgive ourselves. Satan wants to keep dredging up the past to keep us from a close relationship with the Lord. Praise the Lord we serve an all knowing God and He sees our struggles and understands!! Good luck in the drawing and thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. This book looks amazing and after high praise from Mrs. Tyndall I'm even more interested in reading it. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

    I myself am battling a forgiveness situation with my brother who tore our family apart through choices he made years ago. Yes, I've forgiven him because if I don't, God won't forgive me (scary thought). But now comes the difficult part of knowing how and if our relationship can be restored. Does forgiveness mean that I have to have interaction with him, even though his lifestyle is one that I do not approve of? That's been the difficult question I've been struggling with. I know that I am by no means sinless and have no stones to cast and thank God He has spared me the wrath I truly deserve, but not knowing how to proceed is the challenging part. Forgiveness is hardly ever easy whether in others or ourselves. I'm so grateful for God's patience with me - even though at times I think I can hear Him sigh at me :-).

    1. Hey Amy! Thank you for sharing your struggle. I actually have something of the sorts I deal with. The forgiveness is an ongoing thing because this person constantly brings turmoil and hurt to our lives and I've had to keep bringing it before the cross. It is a hard thing. A constant walk of obedience. Our pastor told us to write down, I forgive ______. So we can read it and remind ourselves. I don't have to do that but its the idea that forgiveness sometimes is an ongoing thing with some people. Good luck in the drawing and thanks again for sharing!

  4. This is a wonderful book, DL, and I am SO happy for you to have this novel out! I've shared this post. I love the whole theme of forgiveness in this novel!

    1. Thank you, Carrie! And thank you for coming by and for sharing. ;o)

  5. I mostly see broken relationships when people won't forgive others and themself. It has been going on a lot around me lately, everybody thinks they are changing and unwillingly falling away from their friends. They then get frustrated with the other person because they believe he/she should be putting more effort into the friendship. When in reality, they are not doing anything to bring the person back either, instead they are hardening their heart against the other one believing they are not at fault. It hurts me to see friends like this, because has it not only hindered their relationship, but also their walk with God.

    1. I think that is where the bible tells us to take the log our of our own eye before we try to remove the sliver in someone else's. Isn't it kind of strange how we might have a hard time forgiving ourselves but at the same time we feel like we've been wronged? I guess that is why we need true repentance and humbling ourselves so we can see ourselves as we truly are. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Salyna. So thankful we serve a God who forgives and forgets!

  6. Hey Kate, I think we do tend to be harder on ourselves. We know our motivations and so its harder to forgive ourselves. I think the thing is Satan likes to dredge up things to make us feel unworthy of forgiveness. I know for myself I can think everything is fine and then suddenly I have something happen that triggers a memory and there is the guilt. Just so glad God is merciful and full of grace!

  7. MaryLu, thank you for hosting Debbie Lynne. Debbie Lynne CONGRATS on your release of the Sword of Forgiveness. This is so exciting. :) I struggle in the area of forgiving myself. Since "I am with me all the time", it can be difficult to surrender hurts and wounds from my own actions. I am grateful that the Lord is helping me grow in this area step by step.

    I would enjoy a print copy of the Sword of Forgiveness.

    Blessings :)

    1. Thank you for coming by, Caryl! Amazing how so many people struggle with this. I'm so thankful that God's word talks so much about forgiveness. I believe I read that forgiveness or its derivative is in the bible over 100 times! Now that's an important subject. :o)
      Good luck in the drawing!

  8. Hi MaryLu and Debbie Lynne.

    I enjoyed your post MaryLu, as always.

    Debbie Lynne, your book sounds interesting. Forgiveness can be difficult sometimes if we try to do it in-ourselves. I experienced that years ago with a family member who I wanted to forgive but couldn't-not without the Lord's help. He gave me the desire to forgive and as I prayed for that family member I was finally able to forgive them. Forgiveness frees -us-, not necessarily the person we are forgiving.


    1. Amen, Tina! Forgiveness is for ourselves and our walk with the Lord, more than for the person we forgive. Isn't that wonderful? God cares so much for us that He wants us to forgive so that 'our' relationship with Him will be better!

  9. Forgiveness is key to life. It took a hard look at how Jesus wouldn't forgive me if I didn't forgive then the realization that I couldn't do it without HIM! So, when I became a vessel for His forgiveness, He taught me to forgive myself and the one who had harmed me so. It was freeing as if the prison doors were open and so worth the surrender and trust of our Savior. Thanks for the giveaway and I can't wait to read the book!!! Bless you!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Chris! I think these are life lessons God wants us to learn. And sometimes there are those who cross our paths that we can forgive easily and others who will continually reinjure us. But God wants us to learn to forgive those people as well as the easy ones or He wouldn't have said to forgive 70 times 7. It is like you said, its freeing and God knows it and He does want us to be free from the chains that bind.

  10. Hey Debbie Lynne and Cap'n MaryLu! I SO want this book...if I don't win a copy, I will definitely get it one day (hopefully I will be able to get you to sign it, Debbie). As for the question, forgiveness has to be one of the hardest things to do in life. I've struggled with it throughout my life and still, at times, struggle with it. We need to see people through the eyes of Christ and learn to forgive just like Him. Yes, it's hard, yet it is possible. Hugs and God bless. Chappy debsbunch777[at]gmail[dot]com

  11. Hey Chappy! (Love that name!) Thanks for coming by and helping me celebrate with the Cap'n. ;o) There are a lot of things in life that some people do and some people don't struggle with but I think forgiveness is something that at some point in everyone's life they've struggled with. And I will be happy to sign my book for you! BTW if you don't win it here, I will be giving away books on Monday so watch FB and the announcements!

  12. Ahoy MaryLu and Debbie Lynne! This looks like an AMAZING book! I love medieval stories, especially when the female lead has a strength of her own, so I'm really excited to read this book. I have to say, I'm usually pretty forgiving, let things roll of my back, but there comes a time when someone hurts me so deep that I really have a hard time forgiving. There are still some things from several years ago that I struggle with forgiving and letting go. I've found that until I do forgive and let it go, it continues to hurt. Still difficult sometimes, but if God can forgive me then who am I not to forgive others?

    1. Hey Karen! I hope you get a chance to read Sword of Forgiveness. I love a strong heroine who butts heads with an alpha male. So much fun in the mix! Yes! that is the bottom line isn't it. We are hurt and it continues to hurt when we can't let it go. Well said. Thanks for coming by. Hope to see you at some of my other stops.

  13. i find it much harder to forgive myself, than forgiving other people. I don't like to let other people down and I know that I fail at that sometimes. Even as a Christian knowing I am forgiven, I still struggle with it.
    Thank you for your interesting comments and your book looks wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Jackie! I"m super excited about the release. Forgiveness is such a daily part of our lives and has been since the beginning of time.

  14. Hi MaryLu and Debbie! People that don't forgive other people always seem unhappy. I say that you need to forgive, even though it is hard to do. I would rather live a happy life where I forgive, than one that is miserable because I don't forgive people. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a great weekend.

    1. Me too, Debra! And you are right, people who won't forgive are unhappy and it is like a cancer. Good luck in the giveaway. Thanks for coming by!

  15. Such a pretty cover! Will definitely be putting this on my TBR list! :D thanks for the giveaway!


    1. Yay! So glad to hear it is going on your TBR list. Good luck!

  16. At this time in my life I don't have anyone that I need to forgive for anything - so I am very lucky. It seems that if people do not forgive then it seems that they can not move on with certain aspects of their life. griperang at embarqmail dot com

    1. Unforgiveness sure can stall God's blessings in your life! Both Brithwin and Royce learned that the hard way. Thanks for coming by, Angela. Good luck!

  17. This sounds very interesting I'd love to win, read, and review it! :)

    I think we all struggle at some point in our lives. I try REALLY hard not to be unforgiving, but sometimes it seems there are those people that when you just get to where you've forgiven them they do something else hateful and hurtful. (deep sigh) I pray very hard and try to forgive every time though. I do love how God has taught me over the years that forgiveness is a conscious decision, and how Jesus helps you when you cry out to Him! I don't mean to show case another book, but Sanctuary for a Lady is another excellent example of forgiveness being a conscious decision!

    Blessings, Amada (pronounced:

    1. Thanks for sharing, Amada. It is definitely a conscious effort! Thankfully He is there for us when we decide to obey! Good luck!

  18. My brother and dad, neither are Christians. In my family, when you messed up, that was it. To this day they are filled with bitterness. ... for folks who totally changed their lives after the messup.

    1. Thanks for sharing Melody. That is sad. Bitterness is such a terrible poison and prison. So glad our Lord had the keys to set us free if we are willing.

  19. Ahoy Cap'n and Debbie Lynn. Congratulations on your new release, Debbie! "Sword of Forgiveness" sounds very intriguing. Definitely putting it on my wish list.

    I always pray that the Lord will give me a forgiving heart, because He forgave me of so much when He went to the Cross. But, like others here, I find that I'm harder on myself than others when it comes to forgiveness. Thank you so much for your wonderful post and for the giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. :)


    1. Hey Angi! Thank you for sharing and for coming by! A beautiful thing to pray and I think I will start praying for a forgiving heart.

  20. I have trouble with forgiveness. My ex husband cheated on me with a close acquaintance. We lived in a small town and it was a big scandal since my husband was well known to everyone. He filed for divorce and drug it on and on and tried to make it look like it was my fault. We have been divorced a number of years and I am VERY happily married again. Whenever I see either of them now, I am still instantly furious. I never confront them but I'm upset for days after I see them. Any suggestions how to move on? I want to and have tried so hard but can't make it work.

  21. Thanks for sharing that. I think infidelity has to be one of the most painful hurts that a person can receive, and I think because a spouse is supposed to love, cherish, and protect you, its harder to forgive them when they destroy those trusts. I do understand what you are going through. Although not quite as closely as you have experienced, but my husband and I have had to walk one of our children through this same thing. We've never had so hard of a time forgiving someone. But it is possible! What I can tell you is how I think about it. When the unforgiveness wants to rear its ugly head I have to remind myself that my child is much happier now (granted it took two years but she is now). I have to tell myself that God knew this was going to happen and although divorce is not His will, He loves His children and HE turned what Satan meant for evil into GOOD! Try to think of it as God's blessing for something Satan meant for evil. You have a very happy marriage now, God GAVE you that! If you were still married to your ex you wouldn't have the man you do today. So the next time you see your ex, when the anger starts to rise, stop, take a breath, and remind yourself that God blessed you with a good faithful man that you never would have had. Of course pray. I loved Angi's prayer of praying for a forgiving heart. I sure hope that helps! Good luck!

    1. *Good Luck was meant for the drawing! I'll be praying for you PBClark. :o)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks for your words of wisdom. I do have a wonderful husband now and I am so thankful for him. I love your advice for the next time I see my ex. Thanks for praying for me and I too will continue to pray. I always enjoy your books, Debbie, and Sword of Forgiveness looks like it will be another great one.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Sorry for this - somehow it didn't look like my comment was going through and it kept repeating it!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. You're welcome! I pray things will get better. I truly do know how hard this is and unless you've experienced it closely it is hard to understand the pain and hurt it can cause. God bless! And don't worry about the comments repeating. :o)

    10. Rubynreba, Just wanted to let you know you were on my heart this morning and am praying for you. May you have a blessed day. HUGS!!!

  22. CONGRATULATIONS, Debbie Lynne! I look forward to hosting you and your book on my blog! It's great to see a new medieval on the market, as I love that time period. I know readers will really enjoy your book, because I did! Don't enter me in the drawing since I've already had the pleasure of reading it, but it's nice that you're doing a giveaway. And hello, Mary Lu! Blessings on your debut novel, DL, and may we see many more from you!

    1. Thank you, Linore! I'm glad you enjoyed my story. I'm looking forward to being on your blog.

  23. Debbie, the medieval time period is one of my favorite historical periods especially because of the horses. :) My mare is a Walker Arab and I LOVE her.

    This theme of forgiveness is such an important one. I am like Royce, I don't have grace for myself but I am trying to learn how to believe Jesus and what he says about me.

    Would love to read your book. Congratulations on your debut! How exciting!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Jessie. I'm amazed at how many people do struggle with forgiving themselves. I'd love to see a picture of your Walker Arab! We have 2 Walkers and 2 Arabs. One Arabian is a Straight Egyptian. He's just beautiful.

  24. Oopsie, you might need this jessie at jessiegunderson dot com

  25. Congrats on "Sword of Forgiveness", Debbie Lynne, and thanks for your inspiring post!!

    I struggled for many years with forgiveness of pain caused by both family relationships and that of an abusive x-husband - and also in forgiving myself for the many mistakes I made, due to my bad choices because of the pain and not following God's plan for my life. I'm blessed to say that turning my life over to God has allowed me to forgive all those involved, including myself.


    Shared post!!

  26. Praise God! That is so wonderful! I know that had to be a hard thing to do, but we serve a living God whose words are true and so it is possible. Thank you so much for sharing that and hopefully giving others hope that it is possible.

  27. DEBBIE!!! SUPER CONGRATS on the new book, girlfriend, although I am a wee bit miffed I didn't know about this release date!! But I "forgive" you, my friend, and look forward to reading it. Just downloaded it and MaryLu's Tears of the Sea (I know, I know, I am soooo behind!!), and as soon as I finish my Rita books and endorsements, you two are up in the queue. :) Can't wait!!


    1. JULIE!!!!!! I did tell you! LOL!!! I'm so excited that you have it on your TBR list! Thank you for stopping by and for celebrating with me!

  28. I think unforgiveness can cause illness in some people. It is certainly not healthy for anyone emotionally or physically.

    1. KD, I think you are right. I think our emotions really can effect our health.

  29. Hello ladies. Debbie, congratulations on your new book. Guess we'll be having you on a Tea party soon, huh? MaryLu, thanks for having Debbie today. Quite a subject of discussion. It's for sure not always easy to forgive, especially when the other person is not sorry. But GOD says to and I've sure needed His forgiveness many times. So if that is to happen we must forgive. BUT, I don't believe like some that if we remember it we haven't forgiven. GOD does that but we aren't GOD. I would love to win your book Debbie. Thanks MaryLu for having her visit today. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  30. Hey Maxie! Carrie is having me on for a party on Monday on OWG. God's word doesn't say we will forget if we forgive. But we are commanded to forgive. I think it is wise sometimes to remember because we can avoid having repeated incidents. But you're right because we remember doesn't mean we didn't forgive. Our heart knows if we forgive. Good luck in the drawing.

  31. Congrats on your new release Debbie Lynne! I think being unforgiving and holding a grudge hurts the one holding the grudge more than anything. Bitterness builds up and makes you a very unlovely person.


  32. Good Morning, Patty. Bitterness is a sad disease. But with amazing healing through our Lord! Thank you for coming by.
