Does God care? I mean, does He really hear us when we pray, when we cry out to Him? After all, He's up there in heaven sitting on His throne with the universe to run. Why should He care if my heart is broken or if I'm sick or my son lost his job? I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like my words are floating into thin air when I pray. I don't feel like God is even there. I ask Him to talk to me and I still hear nothing. I read the Bible and it seems dry. How about you? Do you have days, even weeks like that? Where is God?
I believe that those "dry" spells are most likely my fault. Yes, God is silent sometimes when we haven't done the last thing He told us to do, but more often than not, He's talking to us, but our spirit-ears just aren't listening, our spiritual eyes aren't seeing all the signs around us. Why? could be a number of things.. maybe we have a sin we've yet to repent of, maybe we are too worried, too caught up in the things of the world. Maybe our faith had taken a nose dive. Those are the topics for another post. In this post, and in a very elementary way, I hope to bring encouragement by explaining to you just how close God really is.
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
The Bible calls us God's Children. For those of you who have children, you know that if your child needs to speak to you, you stop everything and listen. If you're like me, you'd do anything to help your children and you love to have them close. God is the same way. Actually, He's much better. He promises never to leave us. Ever. Which means there is no distance between us and God. He's not millions of miles away in some heavenly throne room. He's right beside you. Within inches. Here's how.
We live in 3 dimensions. Length, Height, Depth, plus a forth one, Time. But due to Super String Theory, Scientists are now saying that there could be up to TEN other dimensions past our own. This is incredibly exciting! Why? Because it means there's another realm past our own that we can't see, touch or feel, but it is as real or even more real than our own. (Hasn't the Bible been saying that all along?). I'm no scientist but the best way I can explain this is to use the example of Two-Dimensions. If we lived in a two dimensional world ( + time) we would be like stick figures drawn on a paper. We will ourselves Mr. and Mrs. Flat. We could only see to the right or left of us but not in front or behind because those exist in the third dimension of depth. Make sense? But those beings who lived in that third dimension could see us, hear us, etc. The only way we could see them is if they chose to reveal themselves. For example, if I'm living beyond the 2-demsional world. and I stick a pencil between Mr. and Mrs Flat, they will see only the circle where the pencil intersects their world.

So, why do I say this? Because I think sometimes we think of God as being out there far away somewhere too busy to deal with us. In truth, He's right beside you. He's watching you, loving you, perhaps even stroking your hair. He's within reach of us all, caring and pouring out His love on us. He hears every word, knows every concern, fear, worry, heartache.
The only thing keeping us in our 3-dimensional world is our physical bodies. When they die, our spirits step out of them like an old suit of clothes and enter the other dimensions of the spirit realm as naturally as if we opened our front door and walked out. It's that simple, that easy and nothing to fear at all.
Yes, The Spirit Realm is real, and now Scientists can prove its existence. God is but a breath away, in the very room where you are sitting and reading this now. I don't know about you, but this really brought me great comfort. So, if you're having trouble connecting with God, try picturing Him sitting right beside you and then pour your heart out and listen for His answer. Deep in your spirit, you may find a sense of overwhelming love and peace will start to well up that will amaze you! I pray it is so the next time you pray!
That's such a heartfelt post, Marylu! I love the idea of Jesus sitting right next to me in my room.:) The reason why we believe Him to be somehow far away from our problems is because we live in this fallen world with all its hassle and stuff and amidst our constant struggles, we may lose that "inner" sight of Him being right there with us.It's not always easy to keep the right perspective on His presence.There's a saying that I love that goes like this: "Regret looks back. Fear looks around. Worry looks in. Faith looks up!". More than often, our eyes are busy looking around us, back or within instead of letting them soar across the skies.Our help comes from the Lord, Who made Heaven and earth.:)
ReplyDeleteAs to why we can't hear Him speak to us, that may be because He chooses to remain silent at times. There is a "ministry of darkness" where God is silent maybe because He wants us to learn to trust Him more and when He's got something big in store for us. That may be a time of preparation and waiting...
Thanks, Rose! Yes, I agree about the ministry of darkness, though I'm not a fan of that name. LOL. In my life, God is often silent when I've failed to do the last thing He told me to do.. or when He's already answered and wants me to trust Him. Blessings!!
DeleteThank you for the beautiful, encouraging, and wonderful visual reminder of God's nearness & love. I do know it, but I really needed to hear it and see it "fresh" today. <3
ReplyDeleteI need to hear He's right beside me every day. So easy to forget, isn't it? Thanks Lora.. good to see you here. :-)
DeleteBeautiful, comforting reminder, MaryLu - thank you!! Loved the explanation of the scientists' theory.
ReplyDeleteLove, hugs and prayers!!
Hugs, dear sweet Bonnie!
DeleteBeautiful words MaryLu. Busyness is our biggest problem in our walk with Our God.
ReplyDelete30 some years ago I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. In that first month of my walk everything went wrong. My younger brother passed away, my knees and ankles swelled and the pain was unbearable. Then I came home from work and my husband never showed up from work. He left me and I didn't even know where he was for days. He left for the west coast and decided he wanted his 1st wife back after 20 years. My world as I knew it was in a turmoil. I shed many a tear in talking to Jesus- even so much as crying out in prayer--"Do you know what it feels like when your love is thrown in your face?"
Oh yes he whispered as it felt like a soft cloth wiped my tears away. What a glorious feeling that was. It was a very hard year but with the Love from my Savior I grew. And one night as I was praying -- I thanked Him for the good things going on in my life, and then thanked Him for the bad things going on in my life, then I thanked him for the things I didn't understand going on in my life. Then I sat with my head bowed in silence before Him. Then the most extraordinary and glorious moment I have ever had-- I heard this voice that I could not tell if it was inside me -around me - but knew instant unbelievable warmth and total love. The words I heard were ---" You gave your children Spinache when they were small-- they didn't like it but it was essential for their growth." Strange words you say? No they were words from my Father in Heaven telling me that what I was going through was essential for my growth as a Christian . So why do I tell you this? It goes along with your words of just how close God is to us-- and our love ones who have gone home-- that there is a fine curtain between here and there. Yes God in all His Glory is always with us. He knows our every thought and loves us always. He is just a whisper and fingertip away.
Wow, Elsie, that's quite a testimony you have! Praise God that He enabled you to stay strong in your walk with Him. :) For many people, the trials that you went through during your very first month after becoming a Christian might have been a serious stumble.But He's right there for us every moment. :) Thanks for sharing your story, this is a huge encouragement for all of us!
DeleteElsie, This brought me to tears. What an incredible story. Thank you for sharing it with us. My goodness.. as a new Christian, what you faced! And you still remained faithful. I'm amazed. I LOVED the part where God spoke to you and comforted you and how close you felt His presence! I've felt that very same thing.. Isn't it the case that often in our darkest hours, we feel His presence more strongly!
DeleteGod is amazing. He has blessed me. That was over 30 years. I believe the hardest times are when you have walked with the Lord and slowly the worldliness creeps in and then you wonder where is that warmth from God?
DeleteSo how do I find that warmth? I am in the word, doing research on things that I am curious about-- like the Remnant. And how and who brought the gospel to Briton, in the early days after Jesus was crucified? Or I do a complete verse by verse study of Revelations. Or wonder where the woman in Revelation went to in the desert-- was it Petra? I don't know but it will be researched and find its way into my many many notebooks. That's what I do daily. As I said I have been blessed over and over and I know my Father in Heaven watches over me.
Oh and I do find time to read MaryLu's wonderful words that she pens for us.💖💖💖💖💖
Yes.. spending time like you are doing.. real time delving into the WORD, is the key to staying close to God. I've noticed that in my own life. So COOL the things you are researching!! If you find the answers to those questions, I'd love to know. :-)
DeleteSome great stuff, my friend....a lot to think about.