Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain and uphold you;
He will never allow the righteous to be slip and fall. 

 Psalm 55:22


  1. Such a wonderful scripture to keep around.
    I try so hard these days to remember this and trust my days will get easier and the pain will lesson.
    Trust in God is my only hope.

  2. I love this picture and verse. The ship that is leaning way over reminds me of the last few months I have had. Overburdened with family situations that was very sad for me with having troubles . I shed many. Tear and many times in prayer and spending time in God's Waiting room. Just this last Sunday- I finally learned the lesson --once again-- of letting God handle the things He handles better than I can. The peace and joy and excitement was once again mine. And I wonder if God just shakes His Head at me-- saying Elsie--I got this! I know He has it -- but tell that to a Mother who wNts to fix things. So I know that God -- with me out of the way-- can I pray- pull that family to Him.

    1. Your post here, Elsie, helped me a great deal. I, too, have family issues that cause me pain... but you're absolutely right. God's got this! Us mothers so much want to dive in and be mothers... but what if we are preventing God from doing His mighty work?

  3. Keep strong, Evelyn! God loves you immensely. My prayers are with you. :-)

  4. maryLu, the problem was exactly like Luke12:53. I have been living that verse since July. I gave them all over to God. The problem is not me, nor can I fix it --Only God can. He has shown me once again -to let go and let Him fix it and He will mend the brokenness in my sons family also. God is a Faithful God.
