Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday's Mad Mad World!

Greetings fellow watchers and warriors!  Here we go again!  See for yourself how crazy the world is becoming and how fast we are being propelled to that day when we see our Lord in the air!

Things that struck me
  • Drag queens reading stories to young kids in libraries. Seriously?
  • The earth is really groaning and spitting and shaking!  My, oh my!
  • 6000 Christians butchered in Nigeria! Have you heard anything about this on the news?
  • Lots of signs in the sky, including a huge blood moon this month!

I pray you all had a great 4th and thanked God for our great nation!  Blessings to you all and have a great weekend!


Wars and Rumors of Wars

US Intelligence believes North Korea is making more bombs, despite talks

Earth groaning

Evacuations ordered as wind fuels more California fires
Geologists choose likely site of next San Andreas quake
Intense dust storm hits Senegal, causing damage and killing livestock
Heatwave melts roads in Ireland and the UK 
West Nile virus found in Mosquitoes in Ohio and Washington 
6.0 Quake strikes off coast of Mexico 
Over 200,000 without power as storm strikes parts of US 
Denver beats all time heat record
Galapagos Island evacuation as Sierra Negra volcano erupts
Flooding in Vietnam leaves 23 dead, 11 missing 
Severe drought grips Mongolia
New eruption in Indonesian volcano disrupts air travel
Two earthquakes rock Israel 
Deadly wildfires in the West. Hundreds of homes destroyed 
Record-breaking rain strikes Lahore, Pakistan, leaving most of it underwater and without power
Heatwave hits Canada, leaving 11 dead in Montreal and 15 in Quebec
Abnormal earthquake swarm near Mayotte, Mozambique, sparks fears of volcanic eruption
Three major rivers above the danger mark in Nepal


200 Christians butchered in 4-day killing spree in Nigeria
Chinese government rips away religous freedoms from minors
Federal judge declares police officers cannot pray in public 
Churches slapped with shocking new taxes 
Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out "Jesus saves" pamphlets at a Gay Pride parade
Jim Carrey painting depicts Trump crucifying Jesus
Over 6000 Nigerian Christians slaughtered and no one is reporting it 
10 Christian families flee India after threats of being beaten if they don't deny Christ 
President of Philippines calls God "stupid" 

Global Gov/Big Brother/Mark of the Beast/Loss of Rights

Facebook censored band's song about the American Flag 
Twitter locked this commentator's account after he spoke out about Muslim slaughter of Christians
Muslims who immigrate to Europe become more religious, not less

Sodom and Gomorrah

School bans parents from viewing the LBGT film they show to the kids in Pennsylvania 
British monarchy celebrates first royal homosexual wedding 
Top 20 US cities highest in adultery 
Drag Queen story hour coming to a library near you
First transgender man to compete in Miss Universe Pageant 
Desmond the Drag kid gains popularity 
Girls in UK schools banned from wearing skirts so not to offend transgenders 
University students in Australia could be failed for using terms like "housewife"


A shocking sexual movie on Netflix parents should know about
Prepare for summer of rage as progressive leaders urge followers to rise up

Rise of the Beast

Erdogan to be sworn in as "emperor" of Turkey


Historian claims the US is well on its way to becoming as secularized as Europe
Episcopal church debates whether God is male or female 
Francis Chan calls out Western Christianity for losing its passion for the Gospel 
5 signs your church might be heading toward Progressive Christianity


Little House on the Prairie deemed too racist for kids 

Signs in the Sky

Bright fireball spotted by hundreds over the Netherlands 
26 Americans in 7 cities hurt by unexplained sonic sounds 
Ex-NASA physics professor says government has covered up many alien encounters 
Bright fireball recorded over China 
Another rare blood moon appears in July!

Good News

Unanimous Supreme Court ruling allows a woman to pray in her own home.  
Tennessee Tent revival in 3rd month as more and more come to Christ

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.   John 14:1=3

Woo Hoo! I can't wait!


  1. I can't wait to see the place He's prepared for me! Hugs my friend!
