Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Let's put our thinking caps on about George Floyd

I don't know the man, nor anything about him. But that's not the point of this. Since this horrific incident is all over the news and is being blamed as the reason for all these riots and violence in America, I thought it best to maybe mention a few things on my mind that may shed some light on what happened.

First of all, this is all my opinion, but what I like to do is step away from the narrative, ask the Lord for discernment and watch what's going on with new, fresh eyes.  As I watched the video where the cop is killing Floyd with his knee, I always wonder what in the world was he thinking? He is standing there, hands in his pocket as if he's taking a stroll in the park. From what I've heard there were many people all around him shouting for him to get off of George, shouting that he is killing him, including his fellow policemen!  This cop, Derek Chauvin, knows that he is being filmed. He sees all the phone cameras pointed his way. He also knows that he is killing George Floyd. He knows that he will be not only fired for doing what he's doing, but convicted of murder. He has to know that. So I begin to wonder. There's only two possibilities here..

  • Derek Chauvin is insane
  • Derek Chauvin was paid to kill Floyd

No sane person, whether he was a racist or not, whether he hated Floyd or not, would willingly murder him in the sight of all those cameras. It would be suicide!

Now, I want you to watch this video. It's only 7 minutes long. And look at the rest of the evidence that is presented about this cop

Did you watch the entire thing? Are you convinced that the man in the mug shots is NOT the same cop who killed Floyd? I'm not sure what to think. It seems so. However, I don't know this person who made the video, so I'm not sure where they are coming from. But something strange is definitely going on.

Here's my theory and it's only a theory.  I try to use my reason and look at all the other things that are currently going on before I come up what I think occurred.  It is my belief that they planned and staged this entire incident. That the cop, whoever he is, was paid to do what he did. Whether or not he actually killed Floyd or that part was all an act too, I have no idea. But I seriously doubt this cop is currently in prison or will ever be convicted. Why would anyone do such a thing?

They are trying to create chaos and divide our country! They want Donald Trump out of office, but it goes much deeper than that. This is the Global Elite, the Illuminati, the Deep State, whatever you want to call them. They want a global government, a New World Order. They want a global reset that will put them in charge. And the United States of America is in the way. With Trump out of office, they can put their own puppets in charge, those who will go along with their plan of open borders and socialism for all.  These people have been planning this for centuries. I've done enough research to fully believe they exist and to know what they are doing. You can write me off as a conspiracy theorist if you want, but I urge you to do your own homework. Couple this incident with all the other strange things going on, the Covid virus and all the weird information around that, the call to defund the police!, all the attempts to get rid of Trump thus far, the strange New World Order websites popping up everywhere, the bricks being shipped in to help the rioters, those who fund the rioters and bus them into cities. And how could we forget all the talk of a chipped vaccine and the inability to travel without one.  If you don't think something strange is going and there has to be another agenda, there's nothing I can say to wake you up!

When and if these riots don't achieve their goals, they will throw something else at us. Mark my words. A global famine or a nuclear war would be my 2 guesses.  I'm not trying to scare you. I just want to open your eyes to what is going on. Deception is everywhere. Yet, we as Christians, already knew this was supposed to happen. The Bible speaks of a One World Government, a final Empire that will rule the world during the Tribulation. We see it rising right before our eyes. What does that tell us?  That Jesus is coming soon!  So, don't be afraid, don't be discouraged. Our Prince is coming!


  1. You're absolutely right Marylu, it one in the sequence like, Epstein didn't kill himself! Greetings, Johan

    1. I also believe Epstein didn't kill himself either! I'm not even sure he is dead.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting to say the least

  3. I believe you are absolutely correct!

  4. I believe it’s time to call the church to a corporate fast. We need razor sharp discernment in these times. I’m with you. This is a skillfully crafted, manufactured crisis with the end goal of throwing over our government in a hotly contested election year. Their candidate shows all the signs of cognitive loss, and just a week before this televised “murder” disenfranchised the black vote by a racist remark.
    Not a coincidence, no. Be alert saints!
    Thank you MaryLu. Stay strong.

    1. Completely Agree, Kathleen! We all need to get on your knees and pray for God's intervention and for our leaders and for the upcoming election. I wish there was a strong Christian leader who would put forth the clarion call!

  5. As I went to watch the video- which by the way has been taken down- in it’s place they had Dt. Ben Carson speaking in a auditoriumst that was full if hundreds of Doctors. Graduating . I listen to his whole speech and he is a remarkable man of God!! Never did see the video but yes- there are things going on in our country that points to -pardon my words— something stinks in Denmark- and when one thing fails- they throw another thing in the way- of truth and righteousness . I find it hard to believe that things keep going on to divide and conquer and if that doesn’t work -don’t be surprised because something else will happen. I myself will not get the vaccine— I remember a video of some people getting the vaccine and the man Got it then went to a snack machine full of snacks put his wrist up to a bag of chips that came tumbling down and he was thrilled- he would never need money again— all he had to do was run his wrist over the snack machine. My stomached curled, scared me to think - “ to be able to buy or sell with the mark on your hand or forehead.’” It’s coming - keep your lamp full and wait for the Lord. He is coming- He promised and His Words are True !!

    1. So interesting they removed the video! There wasn't anything in it that was controversial.. the man was just presenting facts and asking questions. Wow! Dr. Carson is great! I would have voted for him as President if he hadn't stepped down. Yes, our Lord's words are coming true before our eyes... yet so many still sleep. Blessings Elsie!

  6. Hmmmmm can't watch the video you tube removed it wonder why.

    1. Yes, I saw that. You tube has been doing that a lot lately. There is no more freedom of speech in this country.

    2. Another thing that has astounded me is how many of the very elect are being deceived! Supposedly Spirit-filled Christians!! You really see a person's true colors as they post the most ridiculous hate filled things on social media --
      Forget tolerance!! If you don't absolutely agree with the mainstream narrative they've so easily fallen for, you become an enemy... whatever happened to civil discourse?

    3. I agree, Christy. I was just lamenting over that fact recently. It's usually the Christians who are nasty online with their hateful comments. Civil discourse is gone.. along with our freedom it seems. :-(
