Monday, June 8, 2020

Personal Message to my Followers


  1. What a very pleasant surprise to see your beautiful face this morning. Thank you for speaking to us 'live' today. I can tell by your earnestness that you truly do desire to offer a message of hope amongst the craziness surrounding us on all sides. I'll be the first to admit I'm more than a little fearful talking/hearing about the rapture. I know I'm a child of God, but the 'unknown' of how, where, and when still causes me some anxiety. I've been memorizing and praying Scripture and clinging to my faith and asking God for more were I come up short - holding fast to Him as He holds me.

    ASIDE: Your salt water aquarium behind you is looking great. I remember when you first started it and shared pictures. My, how it's progressed!

    1. Thanks Amy! I admit that the idea of the rapture can be a little scary. But Paul calls it our "Blessed Hope". I know when it happens, it will be glorious and not an ounce of fear will be left within us!
      Yes, I love my reef tank! it's a labor of love and work in progress! Blessings!

  2. Hi, amazing message once again... Do you have a link for a letter that you wrote for people left behind? You have such a way with words and I was wondering if I can use it as well for people in my life that could possible be left behind when the rapture occurs. Once again MaryLu I appreciate you and your honestly and love for the Lord!! Bless ya sister

    1. Hi Jody, I have my left behind letter printed out and put here on my desk for any family members who are left to read. It's rather personal and addressed to certain individuals but I have written a blog post that is scheduled to be posted here after I'm gone. I'm happy to share that with you if you want. Just Email me!

  3. Hey Precious MaryLu! Thank you SO Much for your Wonderful posts! Every One of them BLESSES me! I encourage you to Continue with them! God BLESS You Sweet Sister! ❤

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate that! God bless you too, Sister!

  4. What a treat to see your lovely face tonight! You know that not only do I love your books, but you as well! I don't always comment on your posts bc I'm a lazy southern girl, but I often read your posts to hubby as he's scrolling on his phone. He totally agrees with what I have read to him from your blog & he tries to warn peeps on his FB pg, but it's often like beating his head against a brick wall! One of our mutual friends (who's supposed to be a Christian) mssg'd us and said, God help us! Bring back Obama! He didn't cause strife. She lives in Australia & is obviously listening to the liberal media. So Paul had a field day explaining things to her, but I can tell she is totally clueless & didn't agree. Leaders in churches are going to be held accountable for not teaching the truth. She's been in church her entire life and her father was a rector til he was 88 yrs old. She sent me a video of their "beautiful" service on Pentecost Sunday and all I could think of through my tears while watching was "full of dead men's bones." And that's a scripture expression I never use. Thank you for caring enough about ppl to warn them & seek to draw them closer to Jesus. P.S. And keep writing fast for me! LOL!

    1. Lazy Southern girl.. no way I believe that. LOL However, I was glad to hear your hubby enjoys my posts too! It's hard to try and open people's eyes to the truth. I'm sorry he is having as much trouble as I am. So sorry about your friend in Australia... and her church. That's so sad to hear but I know it's everywhere... Jesus warned us! If people would only read the Bible for themselves. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!
