Friday, April 30, 2021

MaryLu's Friday Musings and links

Hello Saints of the Most High!
I pray you all had a good week rejoicing in your eternal salvation and soon rescue from this place! For me, it has been a week of enemy attacks. I guess last Friday's post was not one that made satan happy, because the attacks came swift and hard. Not from people online or people I didn't know. but from family and people I love. I'm sure many of you can relate. Satan knows our weaknesses, our areas of struggle, and he also knows how much a loved one can hurt us. So, it's natural for him to come in through loved ones when he can. Did I pass the test? I admit to losing it a few times, but in the end when I realized what was happening, I was able to pick myself up and stand on God's Holy Word and promises. I tell you this only because I know many of you are also struggling with all sorts of issues, money, job, health, depression, fear, and problems with loved ones. Some of these may very well be attacks from the enemy. If you are a true follower of Jesus, Satan hates the very air you breathe, and even though he probably knows he can't get you to deny Jesus, he can certainly try and get you to be as miserable as possible and maybe sin. Remember he knows the Word of God, probably better than you, so as I kept saying, it's so important to stay in the Word, memorize it, and use it against him. Jesus did that very thing during his wilderness testing, setting a great example for us!

Below, I've listed a few news items from this past week that stuck out to me. It would appear that even with the vaccine, many people are still getting Covid. And, of course we still have to wear masks, which makes zero sense. Yet, not many people seem to question it. More and more doctors and Scientists are coming out to say the jab is dangerous, yet again, people just don't seem to care. Now, we are seeing variants rising, more deadly variants, which is what many of these truthful doctors have said. As I understand it, the vaccine basically takes over your immune system and makes it so it can only fight Covid-19, but when variants come, it is unable to fight them because it has been taken over only to fight the original virus. This will lead to many sick and dying in the next few years. If you've taken the jab, don't fear. Just pray the Lord's protection over your body. 

I often wonder why so many people don't see this when the information is readily available. I have been asking the Lord that question, and I am sensing from Him that in order to see the truth of what's going on, people have to have a good knowledge of End Times Biblical Prophecy and to know that we are, indeed, in the end times. Once you realize that, you only need to follow along in the Scripture to see what is happening. For example. If this was 100 years ago and this virus hit, say like the Spanish flu did, people would have a reasonable expectation of fighting the virus, taking medicine, and getting back to normal. Not only were we not in the timeline of the end, but we did not see the Global Government rising, nor all the immorality and wickedness we see today. 
But today since we know we are in end times, we know that Satan is plotting and planning a One World Government with him in charge. We also know he hates mankind and wants to kill off as many as he can. So when we see our government forcing a vaccine on us in addition to doing a host of other things which will destroy our country, then we stop and use our deductive reasoning to realize that this is the Beast System rising and we can't trust anyone or anything, particularly not something from our government or Big Pharma. (Have you ever seen such a media PUSH for a vaccine for a virus that doesn't kill most people?)  Once you are aware of the nefarious intent of not only our government but major corporations, media, entertainment, and social media, then you see things through a different lens. You see the truth. But if you have NO idea how late the hour is, no interest in Jesus returning, no idea of Biblical prophecy, and you think things are going to work out great, then that deception leads to other deceptions. Once you buy into the first deception, you are ripe for the next one. This is why we see so many warnings from Jesus and the Apostles about deception, particularly in the last days.
Yet, in truth, we see many many signs that we are very close to the beginning of the Tribulation. In fact, I don't see a single sign that hasn't come to pass that has to happen before the rapture. If you're old enough like I am, just think back 50 years to how the world was then. What was on TV, radio, music? Mostly family-oriented wholesome shows. We trusted our newscasters. People got married and didn't live together (that was shameful)  Trans and gays were very few and stayed in the closet. People went to church.  People didn't cuss all the time. People treated each other with kindness, even strangers. Police were respected. Children could play outside by themselves. I used to ride my bike alone for blocks when I was little. There was no fear of being kidnapped and sex-trafficked. But I digress. The Bible told us things would get worse and worse and evil would increase. 
Now, we see war on the horizon as hostilities rise between nuclear nations. Food prices are going up. Our courts are no longer just and fair. The left hates the right and the atheists hate the Christians. Racial tensions are at an all time high, though America is truly not a racist nation, despite the lies the media tells. Riots and violence plague our streets. Police are quitting in droves. Illegals flood our cities, bringing with them drugs, disease, unemployment, and violence. (none are vetted. Many have covid. Some are gangs and cartel and terrorists) Gas prices are up and will get worse as The Obiden administration implements the Green New Deal, Which by the way is just another method of theirs to destroy our country. There is no Global warming and if there was, the warmer it is and the more CO2 in the air, the more plants grow. And then there's the great Alien disclosure coming up this summer. Fallen Angel technology will deceive most of the population. We truly live in a time of great deception. 
But God....  He warned us, He told us not to be afraid. He told us He would never leave us. He told us He would come for us and snatch us just in the nick of time. He told us He prepares a place for us so we can forever be with Him. So keep your eyes above. Keep your focus on Jesus and occupy until He comes. We have a grand, unbelievable future! Just hang in there for a little while longer.


 The Satanic Jab and the virus
White Evangelical Resistance is Obstacle for Vaccination efforts.  (Why White? I mean, Evangelicals come in all skin colors. Seems racist to me. LOL)  
This is just the beginning

 Globalism and the NWO


Persecution of Christians

Pope Francis hangs picture of a naked Jesus caressing the dead body of Judas. Catholics, please stop following the Catholic church! 







  1. I am so sorry to hear you were attacked for last weeks post. I had wanted to write to you to let you know how much I appreciated it and never got to it. Thank you so much for continuing to post! You are using your gift to encourage so many who are “ like-spirited”.

    1. Thank you so much! I love your Google name! Blessings to you and yours.

  2. I’m sorry to hear that about your family and loved ones MaryLu! I pray that God will soften hearts and Holy Spirit will intercede. But I sure am grateful that you continue to do these posts to keep us informed. Ah, I heard about some of these bulletin points in JD Farag’s sermon last Sunday. (Thank you also for introducing me to JD!) Even though the “bad news” seems so scary, the “good news” is that our redemption draws nigh. So much so then we even realize. I just have to trust God and wait a little longer. I love how he says “But God”....! It reminds me that He is absolutely in control! Much love to you sister!

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. They mean a lot to me! Yes, I had planned on not posting as much and writing more on my books, but God had other plans. At least for now. You are most welcome about J.D.! I love him too. He is spot on! And he always gives encouragement and the gospel too. God's timing is perfect... even if it isn't our timing! Much love and hugs to you, dear sister!

  3. Mary Lu, Yes so sorry to hear of your attacks. Yet we believes know the truth and need to boldly proclaim it, even against ridicule! We are all so glad that, YOU are boldly declaring Biblical Truth thru your nearly daily postings, and your writings are done in a loving and articulate manner. This is what we need, as This Fig Tree Generation is in it LAST moments before the Church Age door forever closes! My own view: with Israel celebrating its 73 year about the same day as Ascension day, we are in the window of time for the Church, conceived on Pentecost to shortly be Removed and CAUGHT up) during this May 2021 Pentecost season. 70-80 years is a Generation, then 1948 plus 80 is 2028, Minus 7 for the Tribulation gives us 2021. I along with so many other believers are longing for our Rescue/Rapture, receiving our NEW Glorified bodies and to be forever with the Lord! If their is a further delay.... WELL, really how much longer delay can there be, with so many pre-Trib signs converging and the saturation of global EVIL reaching a tipping point? TITUS 2 V 13 MARANATHA!!

    1. Ron, you are an encouragement! Thank you. I agree. We are close. Whenever I get down and wonder if I'm way off on how close we are, I remember that Jesus Himself said that the generation who saw Israel become a nation would be the generation who would see His return. I will admit to being disappointed if we don't leave this year, but like you said, how much longer can it be? The Antichrist System is rising and rising fast. Jesus won't leave His Bride to be swallowed up by this evil tide coming ashore. See you soon, brother!

  4. I love how we are seeing the same sites etc Sister!! It's just affirmation we are heading up that narrow path, praise Jesus. And Pastor JD I love his prophecy updates and preaching. A Brother that loves God more then the world for sure. Every day I pray for TRUTH with Christ and I believe that is what the Bride does. She just wants to be in line with God's perfect plan. To be found worthy... I love how God is using you to share so much TRUTH to us all. Praise God. I have to say that your books are great, but your passion to do God's WILL is far more important to you and right now this seems to be the direction that's needed. I haven't been writing book pages either. Just a few new ones here and there. My mind is just not here in this world, except to witness to as many as I can. We have to be so close to going UP to our Heavenly home and be with Jesus FOREVER, I am so excited. Much love to you and prayers that our loved ones start getting out of the world and start looking UP before they are LEFT BEHIND. Nobody wants to be here when Jesus pulls the Restrainer out and His Bride UP.

    1. Hi sweet Cillie... we are both on that narrow path.. though I can't see you, I know you are on here somewhere.. maybe ahead of me! LOL You and I also share the utmost desire to please our Lord and be found ready for Him when He returns. Nothing in this world, except my loved ones, means anything to me anymore. Perhaps the Lord will lead me to write later on if we are still here but for now my purpose is to warn others, help save the lost, and keep myself undefiled from the world. Sending you love and hugs!

  5. Thank you for another great post! I echo the others and say how sorry I am you have been attacked by your family no less. Pray for them!
    Yes, so much is going on that I can't see Christ tarrying much longer to snatch us out of here. Very disturbing about what is currently going on in our world, God did warn us. What is going on now makes me long even more for my eternal heavenly home. I can't wait, but will be praying for my lost loved ones that they would accept Christ's free gift of Salvation until then.
    Don't lose heart about the attacks. Jesus suffered greatly on our behalf. You are loved! If God is for us, who can be against us?
    Blessings to you. ❤🌷

    1. Thank you, Barbara! You are such a blessing. I don't know what I'd do without my online bothers and sisters! I can't see Jesus holding off much longer either. I'm very excited, but in the meantime doing all I can to save the lost. Blessings!!

  6. Hi MaryLu I refreshed this page and Pastor Wilkerson's sermon came back up. Strange it was gone when I made my last post. Just wanted you to know, as I'm sure that didn't make sense since it's here now. GEEZ... mind technology...
