Friday, May 21, 2021

MaryLu's Friday Musings and Important Links!


Dear Precious and Beloved Saints of the Most High. 
Are you as weary as I am? Wow. Must be something they are spraying on us or putting in the water, but  I'm running on fumes these days. I got some interesting emails after my Monday Post on Freemasons. I think many were in shock at some of the names. If I've come to know anything in these last days, it's that ONLY Jesus and the Bible can be trusted. Someone may be preaching the Gospel, saving souls, doing charity work, but if 1% of what they say is from Satan and that one thing could lead many people astray OR lead many people to trust a system, government, or person who they should not trust, then Satan wins.  Case in point, the article on Franklin Graham below.  Need more proof on Graham ? Another article (don't click if you are easily offended)
Is any of this true? Honestly, in this day and age, I don't know for sure. But we all must be careful WHO we listen to. If you do listen to sermons, it's vitally important that you know your Bible intimately. That's the only way you're going to be able to pick out the subtle lies of the enemy. 

The War rages on in Israel. I hear they are starting peace talks again. I do not expect these to do much good. Why? I believe I heard from the Lord that this war will lead to the Gog-MaGog War of Ezekiel 38.  The weaker Biden appears, the more he supports Israel's enemies, the more emboldened they will become. 

We are hearing of shortages everywhere and upcoming famines, etc. The Lord wants you not to fear these things. Yes, famine is coming and riding upon the 3rd horse of the Apocalypse, but the Bride is gone by then. Even so, God will always provide for His beloved!

The persecution of the unvaxxed. This is beginning and will continue to grow in intensity. First those of us who refuse the poisonous vaccine will be required to wear masks. How will they know whether we are vaxxed or not? They will issue some sort of Vax ID card, probably on your phone. Then,  they will not allow us into sporting events, concerts, movies, etc. Then they will restrict us from going into any store. Then, they will quarantine us at home. And finally, they will round us up and send us to FEMA camps. This is exactly what they did to the Jews in Germany. They started off small, then slowly, bit by bit, they took away the Jews' freedoms..... They Jews complied, thinking.. "I'll just obey this time. It can't get any worse."  Yet they eventually found themselves on trains to camps. We may see some restrictions before we leave, but I DO NOT believe we will be here for the final ones. 

UFO Revelation
Coming to a city near you. I expect to see some very interesting news on this in the next few weeks. They've been preparing us for this for a few years now, and I can just imagine all the New Agers and Alien fans foaming at the mouth to discover our alien brothers and sisters!  Unfortunately, they won't realize that these are demonic inter dimensional beings and fallen angels in disguise.  I still believe that our disappearance in the rapture will be linked to these "aliens" who will remove us to be "reprogrammed" since we are obviously holding back human evolutionary progress. 

High Watch Time!
Remember we are in a VERY high watch time for our rescue. There are so many calendars, it's very hard to know the exact timing of Pentecost, etc.. but I truly believe the rapture will occur during the wheat harvest in late spring, early summer. Jesus referred to the saints as the harvest of the wheat and also used the phrase "Summer is near" in Matthew 24:32 when He was discussing the final generation and His return. There are many other references to this time of year in connection with the rapture throughout Scripture.. i.e.. Song of Solomon, Micah 7... and too many others to list here. There are so many signs converging. Do not fear or be discouraged. Just be ready to meet your Prince!
The V
 Great Deception


  1. As always great blog!
    Thank you for the info. Looking forward to Christ's soon return. As I have said before, praying for my lost loved ones.
    Have a good weekend and may God continue to bless you!

  2. I also wanted to say that I am so weary of this world and the blindness of people to what is really going on. I'm so glad that I have Jesus as my Saviour and that God is on His throne and in control. Without that I would have no hope. My hope now is that Christ's return is any day now! 🙏😊

    1. Any day now, Barbara! Many blessings sent your way! Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus's love and soon return!! HUGS

  3. Oh weary alright, the last of the labor push I pray. So much of what you just shared here Sister, was what we've been talking about the past few days too. I really got some food for thought though about the 1% of satan's influence can be all it takes to lead people over the cliff. Like the Churches and their leaders advocating the vaccine. Keeping their doors locked for ministry but opening them for the JAB?? I question their lack of knowledge and discernment right there. Thank you again for all the research sites to go too. We know we can't believe everything, but praying for God's truth as we read it, will help filter it out. Feeling more than ever the necessity to be devouring the WORD, WORSHIPING and PRAYING will be the safety we need from the chaos and confusion growing like a wild fire around us. "Be still and know that I am God." Anyhow I just love the affirmation when we see those who are called to be "Watchers" and "The Bride" all coming to the same place with God. Praise You Jesus for showing us the WAY HOME...

    1. Bless you, Sister! We are almost home. Word, Worship, and prayer! That's all we need right now... and to keep following the ONE who paid it all for us! Soon all our tears and exhaustion will be gone! Thank you, Jesus!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Micah 7 is all about the rapture and those left behind! It's so incredible, isn't it? So during your work with the government, you heard about aliens? Interesting. Yes, I'm very sad that so many races will be lost.. many in my own family. If you're already warned them, sometimes the best thing to do is just pray and let the Lord deal with them. Blessings!

  5. I'm scared. Are the aliens going to take us up.

  6. I so look forward to your posts. You and J.D.’s sermons are helping me get through. After the passing of my sweet dog (my friend) I have felt so lost. I feel like God took away the last of the things holding me to this earth. I am ready to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father. I feel like I am holding on by a thread. My hands are naturally holding on to the thread (we are still on the earth) but the rest of my body is floating towards heaven! Currently, one of the things that I just can’t wrap my head around is that I don’t see how Christians want to be here. I have friends and extended family who are planning their life for things that are 5, 10 even a couple of years down the road. I don’t think we will be here! They don’t understand how I am so looking for my eternal home. I am made to feel weak and “looking for a way out”. I feel like I am in a foreign land, which as Christ followers we of course are, but even so lately... It’s just a heavy feeling like I won’t be here much longer. I am glad you touched on the UFO situation. I too completely agree they will use that to explain why we left.... Saddens me to hear that about Franklin Graham. Things are just mind boggling but I’m thankful for Holy Spirit’s discernment. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not here for “me” and that I need to keep being a light for Jesus and share, share, share. Keep the posts coming. They are helping this sis in Christ along! Plus I am able to share some of these points with family. :-) God bless you. <3

    1. Yes, I AM SO WITH YOU! You are not alone. I feel the same way. EVERYONE I know is planning their lives years in advance. Christians! A few I've tried to tell, most won't listen. Every time one of them says something about planning a trip in the future, I want to scream! "We won't be here!" LOL I, too, sense my spirit floating up to heaven. That's where I want to be. It's getting hard down here with all the lies and deception and EVIL! There's nothing here on earth for me anymore. I only want Jesus. But while we are here, let's shine brightly for Him! You can contact me any time.. just email me if you'd like. We need to encourage each other during this time. Enjoy JD today! Blessings and hugs!
