Friday, May 14, 2021

MaryLu's Friday Musings - War in Israel and High Watch Time!

 Greetings Saints of the Most High,
Things have been overly busy in my life lately. My husband and I are watching our granddaughters every day so there's been little time for anything else. No, I haven't been writing my next book, but I feel that the Lord would rather me keep posting here for the time being. I do this blog as an act of love to anyone reading it. I make no money at it, nor do I gain popularity. But I have always felt my ministry is to wake up the sleeping church. IF and I say IF we are still here this summer, I will finish my book, When Angels Battle, and release it this fall. But for now...
Many of you reading this already know that we are in a High Watch Time. From today, which is May 14th (The anniversary of Israel's Birth as a Nation) through June 20th, if the Lord is coming this year, I would expect Him to come around this time. Why?
1. Jesus said in Matthew 24:34 that the Generation who saw the rebirth of Israel would NOT all die off until He came in His Second coming. That includes the 7 year Tribulation. So, Israel is now 73. You do the math. 😉  In Psalm 90:10, a generation is specified as 80 years. But even if we don't go by that, the Average worldwide Human life Expectancy is 72.6 years
2. Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost has always been a very high watch time for the Rapture. For the Jews, this is a very important feast called the Feast of Weeks, which marks the beginning of the Wheat Harvest and is determined to be 50 days after First Fruits. (The day Jesus rose) For us Christians, Pentecost is the Birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit fell upon the Disciples in the upper room. Pentecost has many many things associated with it that lead us to believe it would be a good choice for Jesus to come collect His Bride. I'll put an article and video below if you're interested. I'm not going to duplicate here what so many have done elsewhere much better than I could. However, I will tell you that there are many different calendars out there.. the Torah, the Enoch, the Gregorian, and others which make it very difficult to pin point the actual day of Pentecost. Some say it is May 17-18, Some say May 23rd-24th and some are pushing it all the way out to June 20th. If you're interested, a great book about why the rapture must occur on Pentecost is  Summer is Near by T.W. Tramm

3. SIGNS - SO MANY Signs all around us. It is my personal opinion based on what I've heard from many doctors that those people who got the V will start dying off in the fall and next winter. They will blame it on another strain of Covid.  But this week, another huge sign occurred The War in Israel. Yes, we've had these skirmishes before, but I've not personally seen this many rockets fired. And now, as I'm writing this I just saw that Israel has called up all its reserves and is lining the border with Gaza with tanks. Could this be the start of the war described in Ezekiel 38? The War they call the Gog-MaGog war? Only time will tell. We will know more if Turkey, Lybia, and Northern Sudan join in the fray. We already know it's Iran supplying the rockets to Hamas. It's unclear whether Russia is also involved in this war, but quite possibly. So, we watch. The very exciting thing about this war (if there can be anything good about any war) is that I have it on God's authority that this is the war that will cause the Antichrist to come out of the woodwork and strengthen a peace deal with Israel for 7 years (After Israel, with God's intervention, kicks all their booties to the curb) So, pray for Israel. Pray for her protection and for wisdom for her leaders and for God to have His Will. And pray for the Palestinians, those who are innocent and caught up in this conflict without their consent. Pray for minimum loss of life and for people to be saved!

4. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the oil pipeline hacking as I know many of you are suffering. I heard they have it repaired now, but it is my opinion, though I have no evidence, that this was done on purpose by the Globalists. Perhaps they are testing out something or gauging the citizen's reactions? I have no idea. But nothing that happens from here on out is an accident or coincidence. These disasters are all planned.

5. FreeMasonry.  I'm learning a great deal about Free Masonry and it ain't good. In fact it's downright terrifying, but I feel it's something we Christians MUST be aware of because it's a HUGE deception and may be the very one Jesus warned us about. My plan is to post about it on Monday, time permitting. I only plan on giving an overview and then listing some resources for you to check out. The information is not for the faint at heart, but must be known if you want to keep yourself from being deceived by the greatest deceiver of all.. the Father of Lies. 

Keep your lamps full of oil and your eyes above. Don't ever let go of Jesus!  See you here, there, or in the air!🙏

New World Order
The V and V


  1. Hi Mary Lu,
    The you tube channel Body Language Ghost had a good video on the gas shortage yesterday. She showed the White House spokesperson being gleeful, and talking about the clean energy push. She also showed reporters predicting a gas shortage back on April 30 due to the shortage of truck drivers, (since they are of course sitting at home collecting government handouts). Yep, all carefully planned.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I'll check out the channel. I have no doubt this was planned. These people are evil!

  2. Dear MaryLu, I was waiting to read your take on the current events as you are led by the Holy Spirit to explain its relevance in scripture. God bless you more and more. Lots of love

    1. Thank you. God Bless you and your family! Keep clinging to Jesus!

  3. Thank you for your insight. It's such a strange time. So hard to plan for anything.

    1. At the moment, I'm not planning too far ahead. Katy I'm praying for your son! Let the Spirit lead you what to say, if anything, this weekend. Blessings!

  4. Hi there MaryLu! Another great post of TRUTH. I also know quite a bit about the Masons and have done some studying on them. They got on my radar in the early 1990's when I was living next to one of their mountain resorts or hideaways. They are EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING, under the influence of satan for sure. And satanist at the top. SICK that these people are also the elites putting this Global take over and genocide together. satan hates all of us so much and he wants to kill everyone, any means possible. He is doing this out of pure hatred for God's Children and Creation. Father of lies and fueled by hate...
    I was thinking of how this war is starting against Israel and this thought occurred to me. China and other countries including ours, have been sending money to Iran more so recently. I believe the money is being used to pay the HITMEN... Their terrorist army, Hezbollah, Hamas etc. I was reading that Hezbollah is one of the largest world wide terrorist armies there is. No surprise there. So if these other countries are paying for the war against Israel, it seems the same as they are sending the missiles themself. Pulling the trigger or dropping the bomb... without showing their "hand." Which makes me think that Gog-MaGog war looks different than I've always imagined it. I figured it would be all these countries actually firing on Israel and sending troops against them. But if they are paying this terrorist "army" to do it, its at the door. Just a thought there. Thank You so much for sharing the Truth and the Light with all of us that are seeking it in our Lord and Savior Jesus. So may sites to check out. Also I have been on a site that I'm not sure how FB hasn't shut them down, but it's people telling the truth about the jab and what it's doing to their loved ones. So many dying. Oh please Lord Jesus WAKE THEM UP those that are willing. God Bless you Dear Sister!! Cillie eternally family through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

    1. Good thinking Cillie. The right players seem to be mostly all there, just not firing the missiles out front. But if they are involved and calling the shots, then they are major players. I do tend to believe that the Gog-MaGog will involve nuclear missiles based on what Scripture says about the aftermath. But time will tell.
      I'm surprised FB hasn't canceled that page too. They were banning me all over the place. But maybe they no longer care what we know. Like you, I pray people wake up to see what is truly going on!!! God Bless you too, Sis!!! Hugs!
