Wednesday, September 22, 2021




  1. Thanks, MaryLu! I especially love the second one. Instantly a song popped into my head that I was surprised to realize a month or two ago seems to talk about the Rapture. Bobby Darin (and likely others) did a rendition of "The Lonesome Road" in which there is a line, "Look up! Look up! and seek your Maker, before Mr. Gabriel blows his horn..." I don't know if Bobby Darin was a Christian or not (of course, I hope everyone is) but I was excited to realize that song talks about the Rapture. Thanks for reminding me of that and putting an upbeat song in my mind to start the day. It will be a glorious day indeed when the Father tells our Lord "it's time..." Can't wait!
    Have a blessed day, Rebekka

    1. I have never heard that song, but it sure sounds like he's referring to the rapture! We are close. It will be a glorious day!

  2. I literally can’t wait. I’m so wearing. But, onward!

    1. Patricia, we are all tired.. the weary bride.. the Lord knows and understands. We cling to Him as we wait for his call to come home!

  3. I have a friend who is just starting to wake up. But now she's beside herself because she wants everyone to know and no one wants to listen to her. I said yes, that's the problem we all have. It is exhausting and depressing, but when my bridegroom comes I will be full of joy.
