Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Turn your eyes upon Jesus!



  1. Beautifully comforting verse. Praying for your mother's recovery, and comfort for you as you're far from her.

    1. Thank you, Amy! She's in hospice now. I'm praying the Lord takes her in peace. I may be flying out there soon.

  2. I'm still reading through Acts, and this Psalm was quoted today in my passage. Then I see your post, and it felt like a kiss from God. I will not be shaken because He is by my right side with all His authority. So comforting to get the double reminder today!!!!

    1. Love it when the Lord confirms His Words to us!! Praise the Lord!

  3. Sorry to hear about your mom. Praying for God's comfort to give you peace.
    You are so blessed to have had your mom for so long. I lost my mom when I was 22. I'm 57 now. I wish I could have had more years with her. She was the one who pointed me to Jesus.
