Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A Picture tells a Thousand Words

 Wonder if this has anything to do with Trump's MAGA campaign? Things that make you go HMM

 More things that make you go Hmm..  Are those Devil's horns?

 Think Ukraine military and police aren't infiltrated with NAZIS?
How about Zelensky below? Think he's an innocent hero? Or are they all part of the same club, the club of Satan?

Then, of course, we have Disney

Did you know the Fluoride they put in our water and toothpaste is toxic? Remember how they told us this was good for our teeth?


  1. These devils are right out in the open and nobody seems to see them. If people only realized how programmed they've been to accept all of this!! I pray the Holy Spirit continues to open our eyes and fills us with the truth and wisdom that only comes from God, we need all the help we can get in this crazy days.

    1. People are lazy and don't research things anymore. They just believe what they are told.. and follow blindly.. But that's another sign of the end.
