Monday, April 11, 2022

Do You Sense the Lord's Return? Be Rapture Ready!


I have been watching for the Lord's return and studying the Scriptures ever since I got saved over 25 years ago. In the past five years, ever since the Revelation 12 Sign, I have gone into overdrive. I keep up with world events and apply them to Biblical prophecies as well as study the Scriptures for more clues as to the timing of these end times events. The Lord marked me as one of His Watchmen long ago, and I've tried to be faithful to that calling, even though at times, as many dates passed, it has been difficult to keep going. 
Yet, I can unequivocally say that I have NEVER felt the closeness of the Rapture as I do now. Never.  It's more than a list of prophecies that have come true. It's more than looking at all the signs around me. It's even more than the "generation will not pass" prophecy of Jesus. It's spiritual. It's deep inside me. It's the Holy Spirit causing my spirit to get excited. It's a sense of sitting on pins and needles, of constantly looking up into the skies, a sense of the Lord's closeness and of His protection. So, I'm wondering if any of you are feeling the same? 
I find it amazing that all the evil of the world is being exposed in these last days. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed what I know now to be true. I'm almost thankful for the innocence with which I went through most of my life...believing in the goodness of most people, the purity of childhood, the wholesome family, the integrity of government. I knew there were "evil" people, but they were on the outskirts of society, and we never saw them. Little did I know that those "evil" people were running the world and enacting a host of unimaginable horrors on mankind. But now we know. And in the knowing, our faith grows as we are assured the Bible is true. But also in the knowing, we find our souls disturbed, disquieted at the evil we see around us. Much like Lot whom Peter tells us:

Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked  (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds) 2 Peter 2:7-8

Yet neither Lot, nor Noah and his family, nor Rahab, nor anyone else the Lord rescued before destruction was harmed. That's what I believe the Lord wants me to convey to you first. That despite what is going on around you, if you walk with Him in the light, you and your family are protected. Do you sense the warrior angels surrounding you and your family? If not, ask the Lord to help you sense their presence.  Only recently have I sensed that extra angels have been dispatched to protect me and all those who are going to be raptured. God does not want His Son's Bride to be harmed in any way before the wedding!  So, He wants you to know you are safe beneath the shadow of His wings. Safe in His Love. 
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord. Isaiah 54:17
Maybe you're starting to worry about the upcoming famine. You're worried if you'll have enough food for you and your family. Maybe you're worried about the pandemic or the vaccine your loved ones have taken. Maybe you just got diagnosed with cancer or some other disease. Maybe you're worried WW3 is about to break out or you'll lose your job or all the people flooding over the border will do this nation harm. Let's face it, there's a million things to worry about in these days. 
But the Lord is saying "Do Not Fear" He has dispatched extra warrior angels to keep you AND your family safe. The enemy cannot touch you. All he can do is lie to you and try to get you in fear. That's all. 
Listen carefully: I have given you authority that you now possess to tread on serpents and scorpions, and the ability to exercise authority over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will in any way harm you. Luke 10:19 
You are protected and blessed as long as you stay in the light, as long as you stay under God's mighty wings. Which brings me to my final point. 
Stay ready to go home!  How do you do that? You stay in the light, which means you stay in close relationship with Jesus, which means you spend time with Him and in His Word and you walk in obedience. Which means you do not willfully live in sin or willfully commit sin. If you sin, as we all do, you immediately repent and do your best with God's strength to not do that sin again. 
I do not believe everyone who confesses Jesus will go in the rapture. Only those who walk with Him, who know Him, who obey Him and who have a relationship with Him. It doesn't mean we are perfect. It just means we love Jesus with all our heart.  This is not about works, but about a relationship. I've written about this topic often because it's dear to my heart to wake up the lukewarm church and warn them!!  Here's a couple of my articles. You can argue with me, but you can't argue with Scripture
Please get alone with Jesus and make sure you're part of His Bride!
I would love to hear if any of you are sensing how close we are to the end and/or sensing angels around you. Please leave a comment!! 


  1. Yes I have sensed the extra protection around our home and feel that the rapture is very soon. I know the pins and needles feeling too and I am so excited. Bless you Marylu and see you soon. Pam

  2. Wow, this post was Holy Spirit lead. I believe I saw an angel on my security camera in February. I was a couple of weeks in to health anxiety. I thought I had breast cancer, but the mammogram was fine. Then I had a panic attack, but was told maybe I had a mini stroke. My brain is fine. I have had heart issues, but they haven’t found a heart issue. I still need a stress test though. I have had neuropathy symptoms moving all over, but I am told I have no neurological deficits. My vision has changed, so I worry about blindness. I was told perhaps I have cervical radiculopathy, so I need an MRI to check. My chiropractor says hogwash, My range of motion is good. My blood pressure was so high, I had to go the emergency room. I am terrified of that as a widowed Mom. Getting a babysitter in the middle of the night isn’t happening. Satan found my weakness, fear of my son being unprotected if something happens to me. I went from zero medications to half a dozen, constantly worried about every symptom. The neurologist was a lady, and she said I was having a physiological reaction to stress and anxiety. I know in my head that God will protect us, but deep down my body knows differently. My father is dying, my mother has dementia and can’t get into a facility. Something is wrong with the way her estate was set up. My almost 15 year old pug was put to sleep a few months ago, at 777 weeks old. Tipping point. Too much. The rapture seems to be taking far too long. I need the faith deep down to match what I say. May God show himself to everyone clinging by their fingernails as I am.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of all your struggles, Cheryl. The enemy is after us because he knows we'll be gone soon. It really does sound like your physical symptoms are due to stress and anxiety. I now the cure for that but it takes work and time. (take it from someone who has suffered from anxiety my entire life) You must spend as much time as you can reading the Bible.. and in worship and praise of Jesus. The Word of God has great power and so does Praise and Worship. Demons are scattered and the power of God is released to heal you and give you peace. Jesus is coming! Don't let Him find you living in fear and despair! Live in the victory He died to give you! I'm praying for you!

    2. Thank you. That’s excellent advice.

  3. I am typically a person who loves to travel. I will book my plans for travel a year ahead of time, but since Ireland I am content with where I sit and have no desire to go anywhere. This is so different for me but I believe it's because God has brought me to Utah and put me in a beautiful home on the mountain. I believe he was preparing me to come up higher and remove me from the people who were being used to keep me from him. I still move forward with the plans I had like finishing my master's degree and signing contracts for books. I still took a job at the local Christian School in the resource room as a special ed teacher in the mornings, basically to pay for food. And the school asked me on Thursday if I plan to return in August and I said yes. I will occupy until he takes me. But each day he drops little hints that it won't be long. For example as I was doing my homework last week and doing some research, he reminded me of a quote from a CS Lewis book "Till we Have Faces."

    "The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing--to reach the Mountain, to find the place where all the beauty came from--my country, the place where I ought to have been born. Do you think it all meant nothing, all the longing? The longing for home? For indeed it now feels not like going, but like going back. All my life the god of the Mountain has been wooing me. Oh, look up once at least before the end and wish me joy. I am going to my lover."

    I felt such peace when he brought that quote to my attention. He keeps me focused everyday. It reminds me it won't be much longer. He surrounds me with peace all day. Even as my husband is now here and his tactics to keep me from God our loud and obvious, I won't be moved. God has done too much for me to let any of Satan's tactics bother me anymore.

    1. I've been praying for your time with your husband, Katy. I've been there and done that. I'm glad you are not allowing the enemy to stop you from time with the Lord! Loved the quote from Lewis. I am occupying too, until He comes, but I'm going slower than usual LOL Blessings!

  4. I definitely sense the Lord's return every day and increasingly. I ask for His protection daily and every night before I go to bed. I also feel Satan tugging at my soul, trying to distract me from the love of God before He returns. I have been woken up twice in the night now by Satan's demons harassing me; once holding my nose shut so I could not breathe, and just the other night by lifting me up off the bed and dropping me back down so that I awoke in a fright. I need to rebuke him often, but I know that he is only trying to steal me away from God's love, and when I rebuke him in the name of Jesus Christ, he does retreat (thankfully), but the closer the time comes for Jesus' return, the more often he tries. It is scary, to say the least, but I am faithful in my love of God and so should not worry.

    Over the weekend, I was searching my app store on my phone, looking for Prophesy Newswatch, a letter that I receive by email. I have not been receiving the email very much any longer, probably again Satan's influence, so I thought that I could find an app that I could follow more closely. Well, in doing my search, the very first thing that popped up was J.D. Farag's Bible Prophesy site. J.D. Farag has been recommended by you many times, and even though he is on YouTube, his site is censored, so all of the truth may not come through. I downloaded the app and have enjoyed two of his prophesy updates, with yesterday's being live. His words gave me hope and calming peacefulness, and I will continue to follow him until the end comes, which both he and I feel is so very soon!! I recommend his app to anyone, if you are looking for peace. Maybe he is one of these angels you speak of. lol. It is Keep on looking up. It won't be long now!! Blessings to everyone. Hope to see you all very soon! Thank you MaryLu for all you do! Keep being a watchman until the time is done!! Love you!!

    1. Kathy, is there an unbeliever in your house? I'm wondering why the demons are so active. You are doing the right thing.. just use the name of Jesus and they leave! Keep praying for protection and use God's Word when you do it. I love J.D.! I listen to his prophecy updates every week. I'm glad you found him! I'm glad you are feeling more peaceful. Love you too, Kathy! See you soon!

    2. Kathy, I have gone through a lot of demonic harassment, although not so obviously so now. I say obviously because I believe my mind and body are under severe attack. But I have experienced noises, knocking, footsteps on roof, things moved, and even messes. One time I awoke to find that cinnamon roll frosting was smeared all over my most expensive purse, and the frosting was thrown half opened back into my refrigerator. And they used to love to wake me up blaring the song “It’s the End of the World as we know it”. I pray daily to put on the full armor of God. I recommend the prayers on a site called Deliverance Revolution. He has lots of protection and door closing prayers. You would need to figure out what legal right the enemy has gained to harass you like that, and then pray over it aloud. I don’t agree with Nate Thompson’s theology as it is extremely works based, (although there is truth that unforgiveness is an open door), and he thinks demons are literally responsible for just about everything, but the prayers are useful. I am sure you can take the ideas and pray in your own words if you wish. I hope that helps.

    3. MaryLu, to answer your question, no, I am the only person in the house, except my cat, and I don't think she counts. Some of my family though, who live elsewhere, may possibly not believe, although they profess to be saved. I am thinking of my oldest son who seems to hate me at times. I have three sons. My youngest is a believer, although he is more post-tribulation. My middle son and I are estranged. He has not spoken to me since his father committed suicide in 2005. I have no idea what his beliefs are, but his wife does make him go to church regularly... at least I believe so. But as you say, some church people are luke-warm and do not believe as much as they should. I do not know why I am being harassed by Satan's demons, other than what Cheryl mentioned, unforgiveness. I feel I have forgiven those who have hurt me in the past, but still have a lot of difficulty with forgiving my mother, who was abusive to me as a child right up until the day she passed. I think I have forgiven her, but have a very difficult time loving her as I should. That is all that I can think of, but maybe it will become more clear after we are raptured.

      Cheryl, thank you for the information. I will definitely look into the site you suggested. It cannot hurt. I am sorry you are being targeted, as well. Hopefully it will all end soon and we will be at peace once more. Blessings. :-)

    4. Okay Kathy... thank you for the response. I was just thinking that any unbeliever in your house could be bringing in demons. I'm sorry to hear about your sons. You probably remember that I have a son who has pushed me away, called me names, and at one time refused to even associate with me. It's hard. I will pray for your sons! Unforgiveness may be causing these demonic episodes. I would get alone ask the Lord what it is.. what is happening and how can you stop it? Remember forgiveness and even love are not feelings, but actions. I'm praying for you! Blessings!

  5. Yes I can sense Jesus' coming more than I EVER have before and I have seen His loving care and Guiding Spirit throughout everything! MARANATHA!

  6. The Lord has been bringing the supernatural protection of Rahab and her household in the midst of terrible destruction literally all around her/them but UNABLE to harm them in any way to me A LOT lately. I have no fear, only His supernatural peace and understanding of His power and ability to absolutely supernaturally keep me and my household no matter what is going on around us. God is just and will make a distinction when He judges the wicked and supernaturally protects His own.

    I do have a strong sense that soon we will be snatched away from this hellhole that earth has become. Like I look at myself wondering if I will soon demateralize at any moment or whatever it's going to look like. At the same time, I try to stay balanced so I don't get complacent that I occupy until He comes.

    Praise God, He went His Word and healed us and delivered us from THEIR destructions. That we will fly before He "destroys those who destroy the earth," (Rev 11:18).

    In our own flesh, none of us deserve to fly because compared to the holiness of God, even the tiniest infraction is a great evil but glory to God our sin debt is paid in full by Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! ~ swordandspiritwriter

    1. I love the story of Rahab! Thanks for the reminder. No, none of us deserve even a glance from Almighty God!! I'm so thankful for Jesus and the blood He shed. Praise His name!!! Can't wait to meet Him face to face! Blessings!

  7. Oh, I will surely leave a comment here MaryLu. Again as always I thank God for your enlightening and encouraging words, I know brought on by none other than the Holy Spirit.
    I was given a word from the Lord about 3 years ago saying " Why are my people, who are called by may name living as though I am not coming back" ! God's heart was grieved as He spoke this. And I do believe there are many who are devoted, yet still dont seem to get this. But ever since that message, I have been more and more realizing the nearness of Christ's return. Around that time when I started bringing my exuberance about this up, I started getting some weary looks from those in authority at church. Then I heard from God again saying " Why is my Bride trying to consumate the marriage before the Bridegroom arrives". I think of the script in Matt 24 : …37As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away......... But no one seems to care. I have also had an urgency this past year or so to pray for the Lord to send His Angels for protection. I pray this over my wife and kids, my house every day. I truly believe God has brought us together MaryLu to surte each other up and spur one another on. So be spured of the Spirit Sister. Amen !

    1. Yes, indeed, Joe! We are all meeting here and other places on the internet to encourage and support each other. The Bride may not be all in one place, but we are in the "Spirit"! It saddens me as it saddens the Lord that His children (most of them) are not watching for His return. Not only not watching, but, like you said, they get annoyed when you bring it up. How heartbreaking. Would you want a bride like that? I wouldn't. God Bless! See you on the clouds!

  8. I am so sensing the labor pains and tension in the air that things are ready to pop. I pray and believe we will be going home very soon, and the tribulation will be upon this world to bring on the final battle with Satan and his evil followers. Other people I know that are the Bride are sensing it to, that we're so close to going home. Who knows maybe it will be this weekend, what a perfect weekend to go home, on Easter day! We don't know the exact day or hour, but we can discern the seasons and we are so close to this final season ending. It's amazing the peace that we have here, it's like Christ has put a glass dome of protection over us, all around is the chaos and confusion that the devil has brought to the world. But nothing can pluck us out of the hands of God, as we belong to Him. Such peace in knowing that. Awesome thought if we finally are going home. Such a perfect weekend to make a statement for the whole world to see, that our God lives and His wrath and judgment are coming upon this world to fulfill the promises of Jesus in Revelations. A to Z at last. BTW I love Pastor JD and have been listening to him for at least three years now. Last Sunday's message was just great, it shows how close we really are. All I can say is keep looking up all of us Brides because we are about to finally be with our loving Savior Jesus. Can't wait until we all meet!

    1. I knew you were sensing His return Cillie!! We seem to be on the same wavelength. :-) I would love for it to be soon.. as in this week! Yes, JD's prophecy updates have always been good and encouraging.! And such peace there is for the Bride as we await our Groom!
