Dear Cherished and Beloved Saints of the Most High,
I never like to insinuate certain dates for the rapture, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that this weekend is an extremely high watch time. For one thing, it is Israel's 74th Birthday, and since Jesus told us in Matthew 24:32-34 that the generation which saw the birth of Israel would NOT all die off before the end of the age, (which includes the 7 year Tribulation), then we know we are close. For another thing, there is a super blood moon also happening over the weekend, and we know from Scripture that Blood moons are a sign to Israel of coming judgement. (Acts 2:20)
Add to that everything that is happening in the world, and the fact, we are in the wheat harvesting season (Jesus often compared the church to wheat and the rapture as a harvest), well, it just looks highly promising. In addition THREE Godly people I highly respect have had dreams and visions of a very soon coming rapture in the next few weeks. The Scripture says in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, a matter is confirmed. ( 2 Corinthians 13:1)
Regardless of whether we are here next week or next month, we know we are so very close and Jesus is at the door waiting for His Father's nod. In the meantime, we strive to do His will, whatever that is for each of us individually. For some, it could simply be that He wants you to spend more time with Him and pray for the Lost, for others, it could mean helping those in need, to others, it could mean calling everyone you know and telling them the Gospel. Don't ever compare yourself with other people. Each of us has unique talents and God will lead you to use yours in the way He desires. For me, it's this blog, time with the Lord, prayer and fasting for the Lost.
Anyway, it was a busy week. The enemy is attacking my family. I've been sick for weeks now. I still mourn the loss of my mother, and now my brother is in the hospital with possible colon cancer. None of this distresses me because I know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I know He has me and my family in the palm of His hand. What sometimes appears as bad, God intends for good. Remember our Father is less concerned about our physical bodies (which are temporary) and more concerned with our eternal spirits and souls, and He will allow things to come our way in order to bring us to Him.
News of the week which makes me realize the Rapture is very soon
They (the Globalist, Banker, Luciferians running the planet) are purposely engineering a food and energy crises in order to starve billions of people. If it's hard to wrap your head around that fact, I'm sorry. These are Satan worshipers, and Satan hates mankind. The Scripture tells us he wants to Kill and Destroy us. So, why is it so hard to imagine that those who worship him are equally evil?
If you've read my latest novel, When Angels Battle, then you know that I slipped into the story the Social Credit System I believe is soon coming to America. It is already implemented in China and recently was started up in Italy and Germany. This can only be achieved with Digital currency, which is soon to be implemented. Basically, there will be a list of rules you must obey in order to be rewarded with "credits". These credits allow you certain freedoms to buy things, travel, go to concerts, etc. If you disobey, you lose credits and therefore lose privileges. For instance, if you post something they don't like on social media, you lose credits. If you refuse to be vaccinated, you lose credits or if you attend an unauthorized meeting...etc. But it's far more nefarious than simple privileges. They will use it to withhold food, energy, and other necessities.
From Dr. Mike Yeadon
"Since this is not an accident... there is a plan to reduce the food supply to the point that you are dependent upon the state to be fed.
So they don't need to starve you; they just need to make the number of calories available a little bit less than you would want, and since that would give rise to food riots, then they will put in place either martial law or rationing, and rationing will be driven off digital ID. So this seems to me why they're doing it because you have to eat, and they'll say, 'No compliance, no food.' "
The most alarming news this week, which you may or may not have heard, though I believe I mentioned it last week is this WHO Treaty to be signed by 194 Nations during the week of May 22-28 that will strip all nations of their soverignty. This means that the WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. It is a huge push for Global Governance. Thus far it has gone under the radar but some people are starting to wake up and realize how radical this is. From Michelle Bachmann: "Which means it won’t matter which party wins the elections in November because the global authority will already have transferred to the WHO. That’s why this is so important. It’s why we have to get the US Senate involved, the US House involved, so they stop this dead in its tracks right now, or we lose authority here in the United States.”
Saints, if we are that close to Global Government, we are super close to getting out of here. If passed, the WHO will use any pestilence as an excuse to take over all the nations.
Here Are 5 New “Pestilences” That Have Suddenly Appeared Around The Globe
1. “Unexplained Hepatitis”
2. Japanese Encephalitis
3. Ebola
4. The H3N8 Bird Flu
5. The Mystery Disease That Is Killing Horses In Colorado
....and Bill Gates warns 'we've NOT seen the worst of Covid': Microsoft billionaire says there is 'way above five percent' risk of pandemic generating more transmissive and 'even more fatal' Coronavirus variant!
I won't even mention the economy. I know we are all suffering with the high prices of food and gas. Which was all prophesied. But let's talk about war. I'm sorry to say that this war in Ukraine is only the beginning. This will spawn out into World War 3. Why? Because that's what the Globalists want. They want complete chaos in the world and as many deaths as possible, so they can swoop in with their "messiah", the Antichrist who will save the day. It's been their plan all along. Biden and his administration are pushing and pushing Russia into making the first move. We have aided in the sinking of one of their warships. We are sending weapons and money to Ukraine, despite Putin's warnings. Soon, Putin will have no choice to save face. His weapons far surpass our own outdated ones and with one push of a button he could send an EMP to America that would cripple us for years.
Short Video about how Russia has the capability to destroy the USA with one nuke/emp and thereby, initiate the Great Reset
Russia China and North Korea all threatening the world
Chinese military deploys forces to surround Taiwan as a dress rehearsal for an attack
The sky over China turns blood red!
Putin shows off nukes in Victory Day parade
China, Japan, and the US all have carrier groups in the West Pacific
China's armed forces say they conducted exercises near Taiwan
In addition, if you've been paying attention, things are heating up in Israel. Dramatically. The Israel government is in danger of collapse, and more recently the IDF begins its largest exercise in decades: "Chariots of Fire" There is constant war there now, constant battles each day over the Temple Mount. Soon we will see the Ezekiel 38 War break out which is our cue to leave! Pray for the peace of Israel. Pray for the true Jews living there. Pray that they come to know their real Messiah and that God protects them during the Tribulation. Pray for the 144,000 who are now alive. Pray they submit to the Lord and prepare themselves for their coming task. Keep your eyes on Israel. God is starting to turn His attention there as the church is getting ready to leave.
I'm copying a portion below of Albert Pike's Letter to Mazzini in 1871 which lists the Illuminati's plan for 3 World Wars. Here's how they describe the third one (soon to come). If you read the letter, you'll see how accurate they were with the first 2!
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
This, I believe, will be the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38 in which Russia, Iran and other Arab nations attack Israel. When this happens, it appears, they will unleash rioting through all the nations, race wars, left vs. right, etc..and even smaller wars. which will exhaust everyone and make them all disillusioned with religion, in particular Christianity, which leads me to think that this "Great Awakening" people are putting their faith in will, of course, fail. Then, people will turn to Lucifer. Why? Because they will tell you he is the good god and the God of the Bible is the bad guy, and many will fall for it. The Great Awakening will lead people straight to Satan and they won't even know it.
In other news, Elon Musk's Brain chip will cure ALL diseases You won't age, you'll live forever! You won't get sick. How tempting this will be for most people who don't know Jesus! And what a lie from the pit of hell.
Also, For the first time in 50 years, hearings will be on Capitol Hill to present evidence of UFOs and abductions. This comes at an interesting time, doesn't it, since it is my belief that alien abductions will be their excuse for the millions who disappear in the rapture!
Saints, I know many of you are struggling. The Lord wants you to know He has NOT forgotten you. You are securely in His heart. Soon, He is coming to take you home, just as He promised! In the meantime, be about His business and let Him find you a faithful servant over what He has entrusted you when He returns! Come, Lord Jesus Come!
Again as always sister, complete affirmation to all the same things that I am seeing and saying. I like how well you clarify it all with your writing and backup sites. I even had Pike, pop up on my screen this morning with some of the words that you wrote there, to remind me what part he played in all of this. I was doing my Bible studies this morning and one of the books I'm reading again is Genesis and I came across the part where Satan promised Eve eternal life by saying surely she wouldn't die. I highlighted it and I wrote in pencil above it this is what Satan is promising The Satanist today, with these chips and altering DNA, don't even realize that he hates them as much as he hates us and they are doomed for destruction with him in the end. I honestly believe his hope is to entirely destroy all living life on this planet, thinking he will have the last say in it all with God. He is so deceived.
ReplyDeleteI too feel there are so many reasons that this weekend is definitely high alert with everything that's going on. I pray with all my heart, as I long to go home with the saints, and worship and sing with the angels giving the glory to our Lord Jesus in the perfect kingdom of God.
Another thing to even affirm what you've written, as I was outside doing my studies, I was watching our flag, Old Glory on the flagpole and how it was hugging the flagpole and wavering out of control and I wrote a book page at that moment talking about how our country and nation was going down, because they have become so godless and are no longer a nation covered under God, like it was meant to be. I love how the Brides pray for God's wisdom through the Holy Spirit and we are in unity all around the world seeing the same things unfold. God bless you Sister and like you I haven't been feeling very well, I can guess for many reasons why, and I am so looking forward to having a healthy energized body. I'll see you soon, sis.
I'm so sorry you haven't been well either, Cillie! I'm lifting up a prayer for you now. Yes, the Bride is awake and watching and in tune with each other all over the world as the Lord is putting those finishing touches on our gown. I may have a few spots and wrinkles left that He needs to get out. LOL But soon, and very very soon! Hugs! Hugs in the clouds!
DeleteI am always anxious to read your blogs, waiting Monday, Wednesday, and mostly Friday. You seem to always be spot on with your observations of what is going on in the world. I try to keep up with it all, but find a lot of it depressing, so sometimes ignore it, wanting to stay positive and anxious for Jesus' return for us who believe in Him. Not long ago, I wanted to get closer to Christ by learning more of the Bible and His word. I downloaded a KJV version of the Bible on my phone where you could listen to it instead of trying to read it. I tried many times, but often fell asleep while listening and would miss a lot of verses. I did not feel this was doing me much good, falling asleep and also not being able to understand much of it. It was all confusing to me. And then I happened to find J.D. Farag's website and downloaded him on my phone and on my PC. I have found him to be incredibly helpful in my studies of the Bible and learning so much more about our Lord!! I first started with just his Bible Prophecy Updates, and then gradually started to listen to his book-by-book studies. He is currently in Jeremiah. I love how he reads each chapter verse by verse, and stops to explain what the Lord means when he says it!! it is so much more helpful to me than to just listen to someone read the Bible to me!! I listen to at least one chapter per day, sometimes two chapters per day, which takes quite some time, but I love listening to him and it is not hard to understand. I feel hungry for the Word now, wanting more and more to understand Jesus. I wish I had found J.D. much sooner than I have, but I find him so encouraging and loving the Lord, and speaking truth, warning about being deceived even by other pastors. He keeps me positive in a very negative world. I hope to meet him one day, right next to Jesus!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do MaryLu. If it was not for you and others like J.D., I would probably be counted among the lukewarm Christians, and possibly not counted worthy to leave in the rapture. Now I cannot hardly wait!! You are a blessing in a sad, sad world!! Stay safe.
You made me smile, Kathy. Thank you. Yes, I highly recommend J.D. Farag. I'm so glad his verse by verse is helping you understand Scripture and get closer to Jesus! That's the point. It's all about Jesus. I'm sure we will all be giving J.D a hug when we see him in heaven. I'm honored that I have helped you in some way too.. to stay close to our Lord and keep looking up! Soon!
DeleteSo sorry you have not been feeling well. I pray you are feeling better soon. Yes, soon and very soon we will get called out of here!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Barbara!! Blessings!
DeleteEverything you write here is so true! Everything! Good job MaryLu!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you've been sick so long. Have you tried Wellness Formula, Elderbery syrup and tea, also star anise tea (get it at a healthfood store), lots of vit c 500 units every 4 hours, steam, aspirin, zinc, vid d with vit k to get it into your system as well as quercetin? Of course eating non gmo, healthy foods with chicken soup and lots of garlic should help as well. Know that for some, fatigue lasts several weeks. Will be praying you get back to feeling normal soon! God loves you and knows your every hair on your head. Keep up the blog and know you are so appreciated! Maranatha!
Thank you, susan! Yes, I'm doing much of what you listed, except star anise tea and Wellness formula.. I appreciate the advice and your care and prayers! It's one of those things that hangs on for weeks.. and yes, I'm very tired. But still life goes on.. and I must get things done. Blessings!!!! Hugs!
DeleteI am going through it too Mary Lu. My father died last week. I couldn’t even go to the service. I have struggled with health issues all year. I am having cardiac symptoms, mini stroke symptoms, and digestive symptoms. The doctors are slow. I have seen several specialists and am continuing to be tested. It’s either cervical radiculopathy or a hiatal hernia most likely. I have both. The doctors are frustrating. And I have been abused by my MIL who decided I just had anxiety And was tired of flying down to help. I was being gaslighted by doctors that maybe it was just anxiety. I am a widowed mother and have no support. Finding babysitters during the days is hard. Having to go to the ER, or not going because of my son is hard. I am struggling to understand. And I am so tired of failed rapture dates. I am barely holding on. I am sorry for all that are struggling.
ReplyDeleteThis is Cheryl btw.
DeleteCheryl. My goodness, I nearly cried reading your health problems. I'm so sorry. I wish I could come over.. help, babysit.. do something. Lay hands on you for healing! I will add you to daily prayer list. Nothing is worse than health issues. I'm so sorry about your father too. The Lord is coming.. and He knows your struggles. Lean on Him.. Trust Him... Soon this will all be over.
DeleteOh this food shortage and the baby formula shortage is all planned for sure. I actually heard the Holy Spirit tell me that they WANT to kill us. Kill the babies, kill everyone. I am disgusted but not shocked because we are warned of this. At the place where I work we had picture week last week. One of the main ways to pay for your picture was the QR code. Holy Spirit again told me that this QR thing will lead to something sinister. I am looking up and asking God everyday, when are you sending Jesus? I’m ready! Much love to you all.
I believe you heard the Holy Spirit correctly, BallerinaTay. They want to kill us. they have even stated that in much of their writings. Pure Satanic. And yes.. the QR code. Why can't most Christians see these signs? Much love to you and yours! See you soon!